
What is an inventory of investments in a valuable letter? Description of the form and the rules for filling it out.

In Russia, in order to send a valuable letter, you need to draw up some additional documents. This is a common practice. One of these papers is inventory of investments in a valuable letter. Why is it needed and what is such paper in general? It is better to talk about this in detail.

Mandatory Warranty

People have long been accustomed to using mail to send each other anything. It is not only a personal message or a greeting card. Liaison offices receive from the public and organizations for the delivery of parcels or parcels. For the proper design of each of these 3 types of items, you must first make a list of what is inside them. And what if it comes to a valuable letter? The procedure in this case should be similar. On the spot, the sender must draw up an inventory of the investment in the valuable letter.

list of investments in a valuable letter

This document has two functions. Firstly, it fully describes the contents of the envelope being sent. On it, the addressee can always check whether the message has reached him in full. Secondly, the inventory of investments in a valuable letter allows you to determine the monetary equivalent of the content. This is useful if suddenly the transmitted documents or other papers do not reach the addressee and are lost along the route.

Shipping procedure

Sending a valuable letter is carried out according to the approved instructions. For such work, you will definitely need: transmitted documents, an envelope, a pen and additional forms. The procedure includes several simple steps:

  1. First, the citizen must collect all the papers that he will need to send.
  2. After that, they need to be folded into an envelope, and then fill it on the front side according to all the rules.
  3. Then you need to make an inventory of the investment in a valuable letter in two copies, and put a personal signature on each of them.
  4. After this, the prepared papers must be handed over to the mail employee for further processing. First of all, he must carefully check both copies of the inventory with each other so that there are no discrepancies between them. Then one form should be enclosed in an envelope. It will be sent to the recipient along with the content. The second remains in the hands of the sender.

If the envelope is opened upon receipt, then using the inventory it will be possible to verify that all the papers being transferred are in place.

Document form

Order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post” No. 114-p dated 05.17.2012 approved the appearance, which should have an inventory of investments in a valuable letter. The form is indicated in it as form 107.

list of investments in a valuable letter

It consists of several parts:

  • name of the document (“List”),
  • three lines (“attachment to”, “where”, “in name”),
  • a table consisting of four columns (n ​​/ a, name and number of items, as well as their value),
  • the line "total value",
  • signature of the sender
  • Signature of the liaison officer who checked the form.

A citizen must fill out each line by hand, and then carefully check that there are no errors or discrepancies between the copies. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better not to admit grammatical or other errors. Any inaccuracies can lead to conflicts at the time of receipt of such a letter. At the bottom of the document, after the main text, there should be a seal of the post office that accepted the correspondence.

Filling Rules

If the sender does not know how to correctly fill in the list of investments in the valuable letter, the sample can be taken from the employees of the department or look at the stand. In principle, such work should not cause any particular difficulties.

list of investments in a valuable letter

You just need to add information to each line in turn:

  1. In the first column, it should be noted that “an attachment to a valuable letter” is drawn up.
  2. The next line is the full postal address. Moreover, it should coincide with what is indicated on the envelope.
  3. Next, you need to indicate the name of the recipient, as it is precisely in his name that the letter will come.
  4. After that, enter data on all documents sent to each row of the table, indicating their name, quantity and approximate value. You need to understand that it is this money that will be paid in case of loss. If, according to the sender, the document has no value, then a dash should be put in the corresponding column.
  5. Having calculated the total amount, it is necessary to sign and transfer the form to the employee of the department.

It will take a little time, but the sender will have some confidence.

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