
What are the details of the documents? Requirements for document details

Russian companies, government agencies, entrepreneurs and other legal entities in the process of communication with each other regularly use official documents. The most important aspect of the correct interaction of organizations and individuals is the use of details. Their list is determined by Russian law. Requisites of documents - this is the most important attribute of official sources published by enterprises, authorities or compiled by individuals when contacting any structure. What are the features of working with them?


Requisites of documents are mandatory elements of visual design of various sources of information, approved, as a rule, in hard copy, on paper, approved at the level of state, industry or corporate standards.

Details of documents are

Those types of documentation that belong to the category of organizational and administrative are drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003. This source of standards includes unified criteria that are mandatory for use during the exchange of documents with the participation of Russian enterprises, authorities and other institutions with official status.

Consider the most important details of the documents defined by the specified state standard.

Basic details according to GOST: coat of arms of the Russian Federation

Many official documents must include the coat of arms of Russia. This state symbol can be represented in three varieties: as multi-color on the heraldic shield, as one-color - with or without a similar element. The multi-colored coat of arms of the Russian Federation should be placed on documents containing the provisions of federal constitutional laws and federal laws, regulations issued by the President, the Government, and the Federal Assembly.

The single-color coat of arms of the Russian Federation without a heraldic shield should be placed on documents that are published:

  • Interdepartmental Commission on State Secret;
  • federal courts;
  • the prosecutor's office;
  • The Investigative Committee and other bodies of a similar profile.

The emblem of the Russian Federation is used as an element in letters and other documents.

Coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation and municipalities

The details of documents adopted in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation include their own emblem of the region. The rules for its placement are regulated by normative acts adopted in a particular subject. Also, at the regional level, the rules for placing the coat of arms of the Russian Federation on certain papers may be approved. Details of documents issued at the level of municipal territories, in turn, may contain the emblem of the city and other settlement or municipality. The rules for the placement of this attribute are established by regulatory acts adopted by local authorities.


Registration of details of documents in organizations may involve the use of an emblem or trademark. Such elements are placed in accordance with the provisions of the charter of companies. Moreover, the emblem is not placed on documents at the same time as the emblem of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipality. Trademarks may include words and images. The color of the corresponding props can be any.

Organization Code

In accordance with the All-Russian classifier of enterprises, the document code can also be an organization code. This information usually serves as a reference function. The main document, in the structure of which there is an organization code, is a letter.

Details of documents


In most cases, the details of the primary documents of the organization require inclusion in its structure OGRN. In letters, this element is indicated as part of the background information about the organization. PSRN is also used when issuing company letterheads. For entrepreneurs, there is a similar attribute - OGRN IP. It is used mainly for the same purposes as the corresponding element in the document flow with the participation of legal entities.


These details, along with the PSRN, are most often used in the primary documentation, as well as in letterheads drawn up by the organization’s employees. PPC - an element inherent in legal entities. Individual entrepreneurs do not use such a props.

Document Form Code

In accordance with the All-Russian classifier of management documentation, the form code must be present in the details structure of various sources. This element is mainly used to optimize the rate of file transfer over electronic channels.

The composition of the details of the documents

Company name

Mandatory details of the document include such an element as the name of the organization. It is important that it is consistent with what is indicated in the constituent documents of the company. The forms must include the full name of the company. The abbreviation can be placed side by side (under it or behind it).

Reference Information

The next element of the details of documents - reference information about the company. Their structure involves the inclusion of a mailing address, phone numbers and other information that the company considers necessary to place. Also, as a rule, the organization code, PSRN, TIN and KPP are affixed.

Document Type Name

The document must be correctly classified by type. The corresponding name of the species is recorded in the charter of the company. It must also meet the criteria included in the OKUD. Usually the item in question is fixed on the forms. For letters, this attribute (name of the document) is not typical. It is written in capital letters.

Details of primary documents

Document Date

The next important attribute is the date of the document. It should reflect the time of creation of the corresponding source or, for example, signing it. The date is stamped by the person who has the authority to sign the document, or the internal service of the organization responsible for the exchange of relevant sources. In some cases, the date may be stamped by the originator of the document.

Registration number

Registration number (index) is a requisite, which is fixed to facilitate the classification of the source in the internal registers and archives of the organization, as well as an identifier during the workflow with other companies. The rules for affixing the requisite are reflected in administrative sources approved by the company.

Also, in some cases, the element in question can be supplemented with a link that includes, in fact, the registration number, as well as the date of the document requiring a response. That is, this attribute is often used in letters that are drawn up in response to appeals to the company.

Details of payment documents

Place of compilation

In some cases, the place of compilation of a document may be indicated. For example, if you determine it on the basis of other details is difficult. But if the place of compilation is already indicated in other elements of the document, then it is not necessary to include the corresponding props in the source structure.


The next significant attribute is the addressee. It is indicated if there is a need to send a document to a specific structural subdivision Corresponding company. Also, the addressee can be an official or a citizen in the status of an individual.


A source approval stamp may be required. This attribute may give the document a normative character.For example, a director of a company may use the “I affirm” type stamp, after which the provisions in the source will become binding on the company's employees.


Another interesting attribute is resolution. It is activated if an official, such as the director of the company, wants to make a decision, taken on the merits of the information in the document. This requisite also contains a full name, the contents of the order, the deadline by which it must be completed, a signature, a date. Executors of the assignment may be indicated.


Some documents use a heading. Its purpose is to present a brief summary of the information present in the source. In meaning, it should correlate with the name of the document. Example heading: “Order on the formation of a certification committee”.

Control Mark

In some cases, the document requires such props as a control mark. This element indicates that the source is accepted by the competent structure in the company and work is underway on it. Usually, this attribute looks like a stamp with the word "control".

Document text

Probably the key requisite of the document. It reflects the essence of information transmitted through paper media. In general, it is compiled in Russian or one that has official status in the subject of the Russian Federation. The text may include tables, various formatting elements.

The structure of the text is usually presented in two parts: the first reflects the reasons and goals of sending the document, the second reflects the main idea of ​​the appeal, request, recommendation, etc. In some cases, it is permissible to use only the second part of the structure of the corresponding attribute.

Application Mark

It so happens that in the text of the document it is problematic to display all the necessary data. In this case, the source may be supplemented by applications. This fact should be displayed on the document through the appropriate props. How can the mark in question be included in the source structure? As a rule, they write: “Application on such and such number of sheets in such and such volume of copies”. In some cases, it may be necessary to indicate the name of the document containing the application.


The most important types of document details include such an element as a signature. It is put by an official, thereby recording the accuracy of the information contained in the source. And this is not just an autograph - a signature as an independent attribute should contain the name of the position of the person who signs the document, as well as a transcript.


Requirements for the details of documents established in some organizations require the presence of a signature stamp. It is used in cases where it is necessary to fix the fact that the information in the source is approved by a competent person or structure in the company.

Property name of the document

The stamp should include the word "agreed", as well as information about the position of the person who approves the relevant information, its signature and decryption. A key feature of the approval stamp is the use in document management involving several organizations.

Visa approval

An element close enough to the fingerboard can be called a visa of approval. Its key feature is used only within the organization. At the same time, a visa can be affixed several times as the document is sequentially checked by various departments.


Almost always, the details of payment documents, as well as other types of primary sources, require organizations to affix a seal. In Russia, it is usually ink. The structure of the press usually contains information about the company - name, PSRN, TIN and other details.

Paperwork: nuances

We have determined that the details of the documents are the most important criterion for organizing the correct procedures for the interaction of the company with partners, government agencies, as well as for internal communications. What nuances characteristic of the practical implementation of workflow in Russian firms can be noted?

It can be noted that putting down all the details required by GOST is a rare occurrence. Each document requires the use of an appropriate set of elements. For example, with regard to official letters, they most often use such details as the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, the subject of the federation, city or company logo, company code, PSRN, TIN, KPP, as well as the name of the organization.

Prop date document

The name of the type of document in letters is usually not put. While, for example, such types of sources as an order, an act, memorandum or a decision must contain in its structure the corresponding element. In letters it is necessary to indicate the full name of the company to which the document is sent, and if there is an abbreviated name provided for by official sources, it should also be indicated (write in brackets after the full name).

There are several correct methods for reducing the names of organizations: by the first letters (that is, an abbreviation like a research institute is obtained), by the initial syllables (for example, Uralmash can be obtained), or by another method approved in the official documents of the addressee company.

Other important details of the documents are the mailing address, as well as telephone and fax numbers. Also in official letters are usually indicated Bank details organization. Another important element of the relevant document is the date, which reflects the moment of its signing. Then the official paper is signed, the company stamp is placed on it.

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