
What is a tender? Types, preparation and conduct of the tender

Among representatives of various organizations and enterprises, one can increasingly hear about such a term as “tender”. However, few people know that this particular set of measures helps one company to look for other contracting firms with maximum benefit for themselves. In more detail, what is a tender and about all the nuances of its holding, we will tell in our article.

what is a tender

Brief background about the tender

The concept of “tender” was first discussed in America at the end of World War II. It was the Americans who came up with the idea to develop a system of tenders. A certain share in this was played by the fight against corruption. As it turned out, a lot of money was deposited in the pockets of dishonest officials and was not used at all for the needs of the public.

In Russia, they learned about what a tender is somewhat later, closer to the harsh 90s. However, the majority of enterprise managers did not seek to take advantage of successful innovations, since they had not yet had time to really understand everything.

In addition, at that time, the spirit of nationalization reigned in the cities and prevented them from understanding the essence of the issue. But time put everything in its place, and they started talking seriously about tenders. So what is it and what can it be used for?

"Hu from hu," or what constitutes a tender

What is a tender, you can learn from the literal interpretation of the word. From English, “tender” is translated as “bargaining” or “competition”. In other words, this concept implies a kind of conditional competition between suppliers of goods and services in order to attract the most promising customers. Moreover, this competition takes place taking into account the rules specified in the regulations of the company organizing it.

rts tender

Several features of the tender

Like any competition or event related to bidding, the tender has a number of its own characteristics. For example, all information relating to a particular financial event, as a rule, is publicly available and as transparent as possible. Only a participant who, according to the customer, has provided the most attractive services or profitable goods, can win this kind of competition.

In turn, private or state-owned companies that are interested in the tender can act as the organizer of the tender. In contrast to the commercial structure, state organizations hold the event at the expense of the budget, and not at the expense of sponsors.

To participate in the tender, you must submit an application for consideration by a special tender commission. And finally, this action has its own standard, which consists of three parts: auction, tender, and request for quotations.


Where can tenders be held?

Most trades are usually held on special virtual platforms. Moreover, their choice depends on the type of activity, needs and experience of the future participant who wants to win the tender. The electronic trading platform, in turn, serves as a starting point for organizers and suppliers of services and goods.

On the expanses of this Internet resource, which actually acts as an intermediary between the seller and the customer, specialized electronic auctions are held, online transactions are carried out and full training for beginners takes place. A striking example is the RTS platform.

tender tender

RTS site: what, where and how?

“RTS-tender” is an electronic trading platform that has existed since 2010 and allows you to make purchases for the needs of municipal and state significance. According to its regulation, the following persons are involved during the auction:

  • customers
  • site operators;
  • representatives of a specialized authorized body of authority;
  • providers of services and goods;
  • independent registrars;
  • representatives of regulatory and inspection bodies;
  • certification center staff.

“RTS-tender” (electronic platforms of this type belong to platforms of federal significance) contains separate tabs according to the rules of tendering, gives advice to beginners and provides a range of services for customers and contractors.

rts tender site

For example, buyers on the portal are offered a complete legislative framework related to tendering, they are allowed to use analytics to monitor all electronic purchases in the region.

For sellers, the RTS-Tender platform provides an opportunity to get accredited and find a suitable customer. By the way, customers themselves are provided with a free verification of the supplier immediately after they go through the registration procedure and place an application for the organization of tenders. Moreover, they have the ability to track the status of a potential counterparty throughout the tender.

tender electronic trading platform

How does tender lending work?

In addition, tender loans are available on the site, allowing the customer to participate in a large number of auctions, which increases his chances of winning tenders. For its registration, you just need to go to the page of the auction you are interested in and click on the link "Loan Application".

After that, the RTS-Tender portal will automatically redirect you to your personal account to fill out the necessary electronic form and fasten it with a virtual seal.

How are tenders held?

Before the tender itself, a number of preparatory measures take place to help secure all bidders. In particular, the client company collects an independent commission, the members of which have the necessary knowledge to analyze the subject or object participating in the tender. They help to control all stages of the auction.

Further, information on upcoming tenders, taking into account the package of documents required for participation, appears in the media and on electronic platforms. At the same time, everyone is submitting applications, each of which is considered and entered into a single list of participants and a special journal. After that, all potential applicants are registered and their proposals are considered. As a result of the bidding, the winner is announced, whose name also falls into public sources.

rts electronic tender

What documents are needed for participation?

To participate in the tender, you must provide the following documents:

  • an application and a questionnaire indicating basic information about the service provider or seller;
  • offer;
  • explanatory note (as a rule, it carries out calculations and indicates the deadlines);
  • lists of possible subcontractors necessary for the further implementation of the contract.

What documents are provided for the customer?

When participating in the tender, the customer must provide commercial and technical documentation. Moreover, in the first case, he is obliged to fulfill the following points:

  • Describe the object of bidding;
  • provide detailed information about the requirements for applicants;
  • describe the terms of the future contract;
  • provide all participants with an open information card;
  • indicate the procedure for submitting tenders.

In the second case, the customer describes the cost that suits him, the payment schedule, payment details and proposed financing options.

What types of tenders are there?

Conditionally tenders can be divided into five types:

  • open type;
  • closed type;
  • two-level;
  • tenders to request price quotations;
  • tenders involving tenders with purchases from only a single supplier of goods and services.

Opening bidding: what is it?

Open bidding assumes the participation of all interested suppliers and is distinguished by healthy competition, openness and the most transparent conditions.Details and conditions of the contest can be found in the press and the Internet. Also, detailed information about the time of the meeting, about the participants and the rules for submitting applications can be obtained from the virtual tender site (electronic platform, where tenders are held).

What is a closed type of bidding?

Closed tenders provide for the participation of a strictly limited number of participating companies holding a certain license. Such a competition, as a rule, is held when it is necessary to sell or order specific products or services. For example, a closed tender is relevant during government procurement of products necessary for the needs of the defense industry.

What is a two-stage tender and request for quotations?

Two-stage tenders involve the organization of complex procurement or the solution of specific technical issues. And, based on the name, such bidding consists of two stages: first, basic bids are submitted without indicating details made on the basis of the initial task from the customer; then, the application is re-submitted, but taking into account specific prices, terms and schedules.

When requesting quotes, the customer, as a rule, selects suppliers taking into account their identical features. For example, he can choose between several firms providing clearing services. The winner in this tender is the supplier offering its service at the lowest price.

When is it possible to purchase goods and services from one seller?

Purchasing goods and services from one supplier is possible in such situations:

  • when the seller is an exclusive representative (monopolist);
  • in case of refusal of the rest of the auction participants;
  • in case of exclusion from the auction of all bids, except one.

Unlike other types of tenders, in this case no tenders are held. If there is only one supplier, a simplified system of conclusion of the transaction occurs, ending only with the signing of the contract by both parties.

Now you know exactly what a tender is.

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