
What is power? Political power. Power in Russia

Political power appeared many centuries after relations between people began to grow stronger. The larger settlements and cities became, the more the need for a single center endowed with increased authority grew.

Power in a general sense

Powerful actions mean raising one’s will within the framework of the law, this right or opportunity to influence how people around behave. This process occurs either voluntarily or through coercion.

what is powerThis can be both democracy and authoritarianism, obtained by honest or criminal means. The main thing here is the result, expressed by the fact that the bulk of the population follows the subject of power.

People tend to highlight in their midst a leader who can lead the rest. Thus, they organize production, in which a plan is drawn up and there are people who monitor its implementation by performers, as well as the relations of individuals in society.

Political power

One person or group of people has a situation in which they have more management responsibilities than other citizens. They can engage in monitoring and regulating the life of society, based on the tasks assigned to the whole country.

There are bodies with power in an institutional, behavioristic, dualistic, sociological environment. There are quite a few power concepts. Such as: teleological, psychoanalytic, structural-functional, biological, mythological, conflictological.

There is a subject and a control object, often power is divided, bills are issued, different departments are assigned their powers, for the execution of which they are responsible to the ruling center.

political power

The political system in Russia

What is power in the Russian Federation can be understood if we consider the scheme according to which a mixed republic with a presidential-parliamentary administration functions. However, there are many speculations about this. For example, during his reign, Dmitry Medvedev expressed the idea that only the presidential government is possible in the state.

According to the text of the 10th article of the Constitution, power in Russia is divided into three types. There are judicial, legislative and executive branches. They are independent of each other and each has a specific functionality for which only she is responsible.

The next article of the bill focuses on those individuals and organizations that govern political power: the president, the government, the Federal Assembly and the courts.

Each has its own range of responsibilities. Under the federal system, there is a different idea of ​​what power is for local and central authorities. There is a division into governing bodies proclaimed at the level of subjects and the whole country. The Constitution spells out all the details of this distinction and distribution of responsibility.

Federal and other agreements on this subject are also valid. Local authorities they are not part of the structure that governs the whole country, however, their work on their territory is independent.

local authorities

The ruling person in the state

Despite the large number of local organizations, there is a single elite from which fundamental guidelines and laws come. What is power at the level of the whole country in Russia and in whose hands is it located?

The dominant person is the president. If we return to the history of the 1991-1993-ies, we can recall the position of vice-president of the country that existed at that time.However, later she disappeared according to the order of 1993.

What is power and what duties does it impose on its carrier? The President is the person who ensures the enforcement of constitutional rights and laws. He is a defender of the freedoms of citizens. He protects the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, integrity and independence. It is thanks to him that all governing bodies should interact appropriately.

The Constitution is the document that spells out the mechanism, according to which the federal government can proclaim its laws, and it also covers the concept that the central government should follow, implementing the external and domestic policy. It also contains the algorithm of actions of the head of the country in the international arena, a range of goals and objectives to which to strive is spelled out.

For the election of the president, direct and equal voting is held. The procedure must be a secret. The chosen one may be at his post no longer than two terms, which are consecutive.

In 1991, the procedure for electing the president for a five-year term was in place, however, with the introduction of the new Constitution in 1993, the head of state was given powers for 4 years. In 2008, another amendment was introduced, according to which, a person elected to this post in 2012 will rule for six years.

power in Russia

The procedure for creating laws

The role of the parliamentary body in Russia is the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, which operates continuously. It includes the upper house, personified by the Federation Council, and the lower house, represented by the State Duma,.

Thus, the local government interacts with the central government. These two bodies can come together in order to receive instructions from the president and the Constitutional Court, as well as to conduct negotiations with foreign states. Article 94-109 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation contains information regarding the powers vested in the chambers in the Russian parliament. Federal laws establish the procedure for the election of persons sitting in the State Duma, and the Federation Council. They are periodically changed depending on the need.

federal authority

The algorithm by which the Federation Council and the State Duma are formed

Each member of the federation has the right to send to the board two of his representatives from the legislative and executive branches of government on his territory. Over the history of the country's existence, the composition of its constituent entities has changed, so a different number of persons included in the Council had to be appointed.

For the 1994-1995-ies, the functioning of the elected governing body is typical, and for 1996-2002 - the inclusion in the governing structures of the heads of parliament of local government and the first officials on whose shoulders the executive power was vested. In 2000, a reform was passed, according to which the delegated representatives became permanent. The rotation was carried out in 2001 and 2002. Members of the Council are empowered for the same period as the bodies that elected them.

This authority includes 450 persons who are all citizens of the Russian Federation over the age of 21. The deputy must have the right to participate in the elected. You cannot sit at the same time both in the Duma and in the Council. In the first convocation may participate persons in the Government of the Russian Federation.

2007 is the moment when it was introduced proportional system election of deputies to the Duma. Prior to this, the use of a mixed election system was typical. Half of the ruling parties were elected using the majority system.

After the election process, this power cell has been functioning for 5 years. In 2012, changes occurred, according to which the mixed election system was returned to use. It is in accordance with it that the selection will be carried out in the Duma of 2016.

local authority

Legislative order

Federal laws must be approved by the central government, as well as by the president. The Federation Council imposes a veto, but the Duma has the right to overcome it.For this, the bill is adopted again if two-thirds of those entitled to choose vote in favor. A ban may also be imposed by the president. To overcome his authority, you need 2/3 positive reviews from both houses.

In order for the law to be adopted, it is necessary that it be approved by more than three-quarters of all persons sitting on the Federation Council, as well as 2/3 of the central authorities. Within two weeks after adoption, the legislative act must be signed by the president and promulgated.

Thanks to the federal system established in Russia, it is possible to control such a large territory, quickly resolve emerging issues on the ground and manage the work of regions from the center of the state. To guide such a great power requires a truly well-constructed system of government and responsible officials.

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