
Who exercises state power in the Russian Federation in accordance with the Constitution?

Before answering the question of who exercises political power in the Russian Federation, you need to understand what power is in general.

Concept of power

Firstly, it manifests itself in any community of people, in any human collective. And existed at all stages of human history. This is due to the complexity of a society that constantly needs to be managed.

Secondly, it is carried out through certain institutions of power and institutions.

Thirdly, power is inextricably linked with binding instructions and orders.who exercises state power in the Russian Federation

Power sources

Many scholars consider the emergence and existence of power based on coercive power. For example, physical - the stronger subordinates the weak. An example can be seen in animals when a strong leader rules a pack. But not only physical strength is a source of power. It can be intelligence, authority, beliefs, knowledge, etc. An example is the submission to the will of an elderly hunter in a forest of young and more physically strong tribesmen. In this case, power is based on experience, knowledge, wisdom. Indeed, today physical strength rarely plays a significant role as a source of power, but institutions of power and coercion do exist. These are the armed forces, state security agencies.federal state power in the Russian Federation is exercised

Features of state power

To answer the question of who exercises state power in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to understand the features of state power.

They are as follows:

Power is manifested only through such a social institution as the state. It should be noted that only it has a control apparatus. This means that only the state has the right to use force within society.

Publicity. In the theory of law, this concept refers to the management of a professional apparatus, which is controlled by the whole society.

Sovereignty. By this concept is meant that state power is no longer subordinate to anyone within society. Her orders, on the contrary, are binding on all members of society.

Versatility. It applies to the entire territory of the country and to all people inside it.State power in the Russian Federation is entitled to exercise

Power system

Now we have come close to the question of who exercises state power in the Russian Federation. Russia, according to the Constitution, is federal state. This means that the system of state power is two-level. There are federal authorities and local - regional. The features of the first is that their peremptory norms (decrees, orders, regulatory legal acts) are generally binding throughout the state. Regional subjects of power extend their influence only within the boundaries of a specific administrative subject of the Russian Federation.

All this complex structure is included in a single management system, according to the Basic Law of the country.

In addition to territorial division, the Constitution determines the types of power by competence. So, there is a division into legislative, executive and judicial. All of them are independent from each other, but are closely related. But in addition to the traditional three branches, the Russian Constitution provides for a fourth - presidential power. Legally, of course, it has not been singled out, but the norms of the Basic Law separate the President from all branches of government and give him special powers.State power in the Russian Federation is exercised

President in the system of state power

State power in the Russian Federation is entitled to exercise the President. According to the Constitution, he is the head of state. But it is a mistake to believe that presidential power is superior to the other three branches. This is not the absolute will of the emperor. The system of Russian law in the field of public administration is designed in such a way that there is a whole system of balances. The head of state of Russia is not an eastern despot, whose will everyone and everyone submits to. His power is limited by the Constitution, on the basis of which his powers are exercised. In addition to it, there are also federal laws and regulations.

The President is limited in time by his reign and is elected by direct popular vote. Today it is a six-year term instead of the initial four-year term. In addition, it is impossible to be in power for more than two consecutive terms. Most recently, many believed that President V.V. Putin would change this rule and stay for a third term in a row. But they were mistaken. 4 years after his presidency, he stayed in the chair of the Prime Minister and won the election again. The main task of the President of the Russian Federation is to defend the Constitution, as well as the rights and freedom of citizens.State power in the subjects of the Russian Federation is exercised

Leverage of the head of state

They are as follows:

• The right to veto.

• The right to appeal to the Constitutional Court.

• The right to dissolve Parliament and call new elections.

• Right of resignation of the Government.who exercises state power in the Russian Federation constitution


State power in the Russian Federation is also exercised by legislative bodies. The highest of them is the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The peculiarity of the legislative bodies is that they are formed by voting. Election systems vary all the time. At first there was a mixed system of recruiting candidates for Parliament, then they made a proportional one according to party lists. There is also a majority - in territorial districts. But in our country it is not applied. Whatever system is used, there is only one conclusion: the legislative power depends on the will of the people. Every adult capable citizen has the right to vote. The peculiarity of the legislative power is that it is the highest power in the country. This is due to the fact that its decisions adopt the status of laws that are binding on absolutely everyone, including those who hold other forms of power.

Legislative state power in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is exercised by local legislative assemblies. They are also formed by voting of citizens in the corresponding territorial subject of the Russian Federation.

Executive branch

The federal state authority in the Russian Federation also exercises executive bodies authorities. The highest executive body is the Government. It exercises control of the state, in accordance with the Constitution, Federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the legislative power, as well as decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation.

This body is headed by the Chairman of the Government, which is approved by the President with the approval of the State Duma. The latter, of course, may not approve the candidacy proposed by the Head of State. But after two attempts, the President can dissolve the State Duma and call new elections.

Thus, to summarize the one who exercises state power in the Russian Federation. The constitution gives this right to the above entities.

Judicial branch

As for the judicial system, it is built on the principle of accessibility and justice. It is designed to monitor compliance with the law in the country. Its difference is that this government applies sanctions for violation of the law. The decision of the judiciary is binding on those to whom it is directed, and is based on existing regulations and laws.

We hope that we answered the question of who exercises state power in the Russian Federation.

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