
Business. Sample letter of thanks for cooperation

In the world there are not only various letters of complaints and complaints that express dissatisfaction with the work of an employee or an entire organization, but also very pleasant messages of thanks.

Having received them, you will not only smile, but also begin to be proud of yourself, your work. After all, to learn that you really helped someone and did something useful in life is a feeling that causes great pleasure for every respectable person.

sample letter of thanks for cooperation

And in modern gray everyday life, such things are not common. Such letters are called thank you.

Who do they write such letters to?

These messages can be of the following types depending on the recipient:

  • to an individual;
  • legal entity as a whole;
  • employee or department of a legal entity.

A state of appreciation can be marked out by either the state in the person of individual officials or enterprises, or other legal or natural persons for certain cases. For example, it can be charitable assistance or participation in social events.

Want to officially say thanks? Write the appropriate letter!

In warm words, its clients often want to thank a legal entity for good work. Such a sample letter of thanks for cooperation is given below.

It happens that customers want to note the good fulfillment of obligations by a specific employee of the enterprise. Also, the management of legal entities prefer to mark the employees who have achieved the greatest success. In this case, a sample letter of thanks for the cooperation to the employee indicated in the article is useful.

Also, often the company management in such cases writes a letter on behalf of the team and indicates the amount of employee remuneration. Thus, pleasant words and material confirmation of the employee’s value are combined.

how to write thank you notes

In a world where rudeness, corruption, prejudice reigns, sometimes it is very important to note those people or organizations who at a high level and conscientiously fulfill their duties.

Quite often, these letters are written by pensioners, who are well served. After all, very often old people are hostile, and conscientious work is immediately felt by an elderly person. And taking into account a large amount of free time, pensioners find it possible to write such a letter to the management of the service organization to mark the work of a particular employee.

Types of thank you notes

Depending on the message that is contained there, letters of thanks are:

  • for certain achievements;
  • for his contribution to the common cause;
  • for the flawless fulfillment of their obligations, etc.

Next, we will analyze how to correctly compose such letters.

How to write thanks?

So, you are faced with the need to write such a letter and mark someone for achievements in work or quality service. If you still don’t know how to write thank you notes, then the following information will come in handy.

Any letter begins with a heading, but in the case of such a message this is optional. Basically, the cap is filled in when they want the marked person to know from whom the gratitude was received.

For example, this often happens when the director or manager of a legal entity notes in such a letter to his employees for the quality of work performed.

There are no special requirements for the content of this business document. The main thing is to indicate who, for what and how to thank.

Thanksgiving letters

You can sign below, or you can leave a letter of thanks without a signature. How to arrange such a paper, you can learn from the examples below.

Design Examples

Below are two samples that can be used in different cases. Choose the one that suits you best and tailor it to your needs.

Example 1. A sample of a letter of thanks for the cooperation of the employee from the team.

The staff of JSC “AB“ Pervyi ”thanks Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich for his great contribution to the development of the bank and notes the achievement of thirty years of labor activity with a one-time increase of 50% of salary.

 how to write thanks

The team of JSC “AB“ First ”.

As you can see, to thank and reward an employee is quite easy. It’s no more difficult to express gratitude to the whole company.

Example 2. A sample letter of thanks for cooperation to a legal entity.


Petrova P.P.

I want to thank you for the excellent products that you supply to the Russian children's goods market. The quality is always at the highest level and the price is decent. We wish you good luck in the development and new professional achievements.

No clear form or restrictions

Write such a letter is not difficult. Indeed, despite the fact that the letter of thanks is a business paper, it does not contain certain criteria by which it must be compiled.

letter of thanks how to issue

Therefore, even if you don’t know how to write thank you notes to anyone, just use the examples above. By slightly correcting them, you can compose any letter of thanks and note the efforts or hard work of an employee of the company or the whole organization.

And in any case, do not worry about the fact that you may incorrectly compile it. Indeed, a letter of thanks is an expression of positive feelings in relation to the work done by another person in a free form.

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