
How can I express gratitude for the work: options

Everyone is pleased when they thank him. Especially if there is a reason for this. That is why now I want to talk about how management can express gratitude for the work.

thanks for the work

A bit about people and rewards

No one will argue with the fact that promotion always has a positive effect on a person. So, if the authorities praise the employee, then this is an incentive to work even better and reach new heights. That is why the management of the organization should not forget that their employees need to be thanked. However, it is important to consider all workers, even the simplest professions. So, gratitude for the work needs to be expressed not only to the heads of departments or leading managers, but also to ordinary employees, up to those people who make offices or offices clean.

Company Features

How can I express gratitude for the work? So, it may be something special that is inherent in the organization. An example is Hewlett-Packard, where the best employees are awarded a golden banana. By the way, this award was chosen by chance. So, once upon a time the bosses wanted to reward the employee, and at hand was just a banana. From here came this interesting and unusual tradition of rewarding - to present a golden banana.

thanks for the work sample


You can express gratitude for the work in the form of a letter. Well, of course, if a material gift is attached to it. However, even such a simple encouragement is already perceived by many very positively. To do this, you just need to have a ready-made letterhead, which is signed by the director or director of the company.

Text Thanks

Thanks may be expressed for working in verse. To do this, you can gather all the employees in one office or assembly hall of the enterprise, where this small enterprise will be held. By the way, the promotion can be timed to coincide with some holiday. Read the verse can either the head of the department, or the director of the enterprise. The poem itself can be both very serious and playful.

Option 1

Today is such a beautiful day

And let the calendar is not red,

We want you from the heart

Give thanks.

Thank you for your hard work,

Thank you and your character

With all our hearts we wish you

And then everything will be the same.

Option 2. Looking for gratitude for the work in verse, you can thank the employee with a very fervent and cheerful rhyme.

Who works like a horse? Who works day after day?

Who almost never goes home? Ivan Ivanovich Kovalev!

We thank hard, for your work and your work

However, remember, dear, the horse never led!

thanks for working in verse

Material incentive

You can express gratitude for the work and in monetary terms. This can be either the most ordinary award, or a precious gift that the leader presents. If everything is clear with money, then a thank-you inscription can be engraved on the present (if it is, for example, a clock, pen or figurine). So the employee will have a memory of this event for a long time.

To let everyone know

In many companies, especially in fast food establishments, the best employees are thanked for their work, posting their photos in a prominent place. So visitors know who works well. And the employee himself is pleased that his work is appreciated.

Tasty thanks

Gratitude for a good job can also be delicious.For this, the manager can prepare special chocolates or sweets, the covers of which will be made to order and they will have the company logo and words of thanks. Chocolate may be intended for an individual employee; the cover may contain a photo of the employee. This is a very original and unusual thank you gift that many will like. If you want to thank all the employees of the department for a good job, you can simply set the table for them or present a basket of fruits.

On a business trip as a thank you

As a thank you, an employee can be sent on a business trip abroad. So, in addition to work, a person will be able to see a new country, visit beautiful places. If this is not possible, you can order an employee as a thank you to a tour of the homeland.

thanks for the good work


Well, of course, you can make thank you note to the best employee. This practice is often used today. How can you make a thank you for your work? Sample:

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Let me thank you for your work, your contribution to the development of the enterprise, for your dedication to Romashka for over 25 years. We admire your professionalism, the level of your culture, your knowledge and skills. It is thanks to you that our company is so actively developing and moving forward.

We highly appreciate your work and your contribution to the development of Romashka, your responsibility and the high-quality fulfillment of your tasks, your understanding of the strategic priorities of the company and the characteristics of the enterprise. We sincerely thank you for your work! We wish you good luck in your work, as well as happiness and health in your personal life!

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