
Woodworking business plan. How to open a woodworking workshop: necessary equipment and costing for starting

Almost every person dreams of starting his own business, generating income. However, a wide selection confuses the novice businessman. To open a profitable enterprise requires the presence of equity. And in order for investments to pay off soon, development is necessary marketing strategy.

Right choice

The woodworking business is a profitable and promising business. In the market, the material you produce will always be in demand. Wood is used in the construction of houses, the manufacture of furniture, as well as in the performance of finishing work.

woodworking business plan

Before organizing your own enterprise, you will need to draw up a business plan for the woodworking business. This document will determine the necessary costs and establish a development strategy for the enterprise. Marketing research will also be required.

Woodworking business plan can be composed independently. However, it is advisable to entrust this matter to qualified specialists.

The business plan of the woodworking business is based on marketing research. In the course of their conduct, they determine the name of products existing on the market, a list of main competitors and other factors. All of them can affect the business.

Where should the production be located?

After the assortment list of products is determined, you will need a room in which the woodworking workshop will be located. A business plan should address this need.

do-it-yourself woodworking

The workshop in which the wood will be processed must be large. And this is important. The entire room will be divided into zones for the location of the workshop, warehouse for storage of raw materials and finished products. It will need utility rooms, a dining room, toilets and an office for the boss.

All this will require preliminary planning. If the premises of the workshop are leased or purchased, then a small repair will be necessary. Surely the building will require redevelopment. It is unlikely that you will be able to find just such a room that would have all the areas necessary for your business.

Staff recruitment

The business plan of the woodworking business should contain a section on the state necessary for the production and marketing of products. The productivity of all activities, and, consequently, your income, depends on the personnel working at the enterprise.

wood drying

All employees of the workshop must have insurance, because various unforeseen situations can occur at the woodworking enterprises. Only people with a technical background should be hired. Ideally, they should have experience in the profession. Random people aren’t worth it.

The hope that they will learn in a short time is very illusory. It is worth remembering that you are responsible for the life of your employees. Special requirements should be presented to those who wish to take the place of an engineer or manager. To implement the production process, you will need machine tools and fitters, auxiliary workers and a watchman, as well as a forklift driver.

Harvesting of raw materials

So, you have decided to open your own business.Woodworking is an area of ​​activity in which it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to the purchase of raw materials. It is worth remembering that the quality of your products will affect the popularity of the company. In addition, it depends on the raw materials what your woodworking production will be like. A business plan should also address this issue.

woodworking business plan

As a rule, such enterprises purchase already dried edged board as materials. Get it from coniferous trees, as well as from aspen. Significantly cheaper to buy a board unedged, uncooked. However, in this case, the purchase of additional equipment will be required. This list includes a two-saw machine, a drying chamber, as well as a chipper.

Material preparation

An important step in the production process is wood drying. As a result, excess moisture is removed from the raw materials. What is it for? Dry wood is a more durable material. It is easier to glue. Dry wood warps less and does not undergo cracking or decay. Finished products from such material are easy to decorate. Moreover, they are highly reliable. That is why for the production of high quality products to dry raw wood is required.

You can use the natural method. This process should take place in a dry and well-ventilated area. If you leave the material in the sun, then only the outer surface will be heated. The inside will remain wet. This situation will provoke the appearance of various defects. Raw materials are stacked on piles. At the same time, gaps should be left between the blanks. A big disadvantage of this method is the drying time. It is two to three years.

A more expensive option is drying in special chambers. This process is highly efficient. It allows you to control the course of drying and obtain raw materials of the necessary moisture. At your discretion in drying plants, you can change the modes of the process of evaporation of the liquid.


The woodworking business is not a new area of ​​activity in the existing product market. That is why many foreign firms produce modern high-quality equipment. But at the same time, it is worth remembering about domestic companies. Among them, many are working on the release of quality products.

As a rule, four-sided machines are the equipment for the woodworking workshop. There may be several. In the event that you plan to produce full processing or multi-threaded output of finished products, the machines must be installed in series. It is also recommended that there are walk-through or dead-end buffer stores between adjacent equipment. They will prevent the production process from stopping if one of the systems fails.

Types of Products

Your business may be associated with any particular industry. For example, wooden furniture is currently in great demand. It helps to create a certain style that is popular among buyers. In addition, wood is a guarantee of quality. It should be borne in mind that the competition in this business is quite large, and you will have to make a lot of efforts to generate income. But as a result, your efforts will pay off with interest. Business will start to make a profit.

Particleboard sheets can be produced in the woodworking workshop. They are in demand in the building materials market. Chipboard sheets are used for wall cladding, they are placed on the floor. In order to produce such material, you need to purchase a format-cut machine.

woodworking business

Work Scheme

As a rule, the woodworking process begins with the unloading of raw materials. After that, it is processed. Further, the finished product is sent to the warehouse, after which it is shipped to customers.The whole set of operations is not complicated. Therefore, even with a small room and a small number of employees, business will certainly bring income.

Sales markets

There are a huge number of buyers who want to purchase products from the woodworking industry. You can confine yourself to small enterprises and sell your products according to the internal supply scheme. On a large scale, it is possible to enter the international level. It is worth saying that most of the large states are interested in Russian forest. This material is most in demand in Finland.

This country purchases Russian wood for the production of various products for the domestic market, the manufacture of furniture, as well as for resale to Europe.

Popular craft

Skilled craftsmen make woodwork with their own hands. This is an ancient craft that has a long history. Wood carving has not yet lost its appeal. It realizes the creative potential of a person, arouses imagination.

wood carving

Own small business, the activity of which is woodcarving, contributes to a stable high income. The author can be beautifully decorated with chess and caskets, picture frames and doors, backgammon and many other products. These goods are in great demand abroad. If you find an intermediary company that will implement your work, then the business will bring good income.

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