
Own business: parquet production. Technology and equipment for the production of flooring. Parquet production cost

parquet production

Today there is reason to argue that parquet production is one of those types of businesses that are developing more successfully not in the center, but in the Russian regions.

Russian market of parquet

Evidence of this is two Russian leaders in parquet production - Obninsky plant and the factory "Dawn", located in the Kaluga region. The existence of numerous Russian brands of parquet reflects the growing trend of the commercial attractiveness of this business, we will present an incomplete list of them: Alloro, Junglewood, “Adygea-parquet”, “Amber strand” artpark, “Bond”, “Maykopsky parquet”, “Romanovsky parquet ”,“ Old Master ”,“ Traditions of Russian Parquet ”.

The main consumer of parquet is the construction industry. It is also important to cooperate with hardware stores, and especially with supermarkets. A survey conducted by the magazine "House and Life" showed that 75% of Russian construction companies feel a shortage of supply of high-quality flooring. The technology of parquet production is progressing, which just demonstrates the above-presented bouquet of various brands.

Where and how to open a business?

Before entering the parquet business, an entrepreneur must simultaneously take into account and link several important factors to each other.

“Technical” issues are extremely important. Logging enterprises or sawmills should function nearby and, naturally, the wood used for parquet production should grow in industrial volumes.

An uninterrupted transmission of electricity should be provided (ideally, from two alternative power lines). Important preliminary agreements on the purchase of products with developers (SMU, etc.).

To minimize possible risks in the production process, renting a small woodworking factory on the outskirts of the city looks like the best step. There, in a specially equipped production room, equipment is installed for the production of parquet boards. (In this case, initially, the business project itself provided for the organizational and technical requirements of regulatory bodies.)

Production site planning

The location of production must comply with the order of the production process. The convenient access road to the sawmill is important. An area of ​​50-100 m is allocated for the sawmill2, a canopy is equipped over it. The rough board - sawmill products - is stored nearby the preparatory site, under which the production area of ​​about 90 m is allocated2. For the final stage - “finishing”, carried out using the parquet line, it will take 60 m2. Thus, the total estimated area for parquet production is about 200 m2.

Which parquet do you like?

According to statistics, parquet production is on the rise. A kind of psychological stimulus for further development, as experts say, is the predominance of low-quality goods on the Russian market (as well as other CIS countries). Entrepreneurs, opening a parquet business, strive to demonstrate higher quality of their products. Therefore, the prospect of commercial success may have even a small production, which established the production of goods in demand.

art parquet production

What kind of parquet production should be developed? We will follow from the most demanded, then at first piece will be positioned, then mosaic, then parquet board (multi-layer) and, finally, panel board. Laminate flooring requires additional investment in adhesive production. Of course, it is preferable to use imported machines for the production of parquet for these purposes.

And yet, most Russian entrepreneurs produce piece parquet. It is a standard technological textured planks, usually manufactured in the range of thicknesses 1.5-2.2 cm, widths 3-15 cm, lengths 9.5-50 cm. How is it classified? Everyone knows the classic, familiar to us “Soviet” format - 15 x 45 x 250 mm, the rest is considered a European market. Parquet floors are rigidly fixed to each other by connecting two side dowels with two grooves.

Different wood - different parquet

Each entrepreneur making parquet is guided by a specific market and, accordingly, selects production raw materials for his needs. It is well known that the texture of any parquet flooring and its pattern depend on the type of wood. A creative approach to the selection of varieties of wood requires the production of art flooring.

Here is an example of some types of flooring (depending on the raw materials used). Oak flooring is probably the most popular in Europe, possibly due to historical tradition. Since ancient times, oak has been considered the embodiment of strength and strength, which is probably why products from it are traditionally in special demand. Among wood products of moderate latitudes, he is one of the most durable. Color can be different: from light brown to dark noble shades of bog oak (the most expensive).parquet machines

Beech parquet is weakly textured, but has a gentle warm light pattern: from whitish with a yellowish tint to a rich golden brown. Nevertheless, its timber is appreciated along with oak by the real connoisseurs of parquet - the British.

It is noteworthy that with additional steam treatment this wood acquires a reddish color. (Parquet production sometimes uses this method.) Remarkable is also the ash parquet. Besides the fact that it is no less durable than oak, it has a fine textured pattern. Variegated, with a reddish tinge, walnut wood is able, when turned into parquet, to create really fantastic panels on the floor, thanks to its bright pattern. Light birch parquet is also popular.

Complete parquet production cycle

The manufacture of full-cycle parquet involves several stages.

First, primary forest processing is carried out using a sawmill (Russian cost - $ 50 thousand) and a dryer (respectively - $ 15–20 thousand).

Then - the preparatory stage. In its framework - using a multi-saw machine ($ 5-15 thousand), the thickness of the products is set. The main processing is performed on a four-sided planing machine ($ 12-15 thousand) and miter ($ 2-4 thousand), cutting a profiled board into standard “pieces”.

parquet board manufacturing equipment

And, finally, the parquet line itself, equipped with a four-sided planing machine combined with a tenon cutter ($ 60 thousand (from a Russian manufacturer), up to $ 220 thousand - imported).

If the entrepreneur seeks to organize the production of parquet, competitive in the foreign market, then he should be guided by the standards of ISO9001 and DIN. It will take at least at the final stage of the production process imported equipment. At the same time, investments in production will amount to $ 500 thousand. Is it worth mentioning that improving the quality of products should stimulate the remuneration of workers?

Full-cycle production, serviced by Russian-made machines, will cost less - $ 250 thousand. It will comply with Russian GOSTs and will be oriented to the Russian market.

Art parquet

The production of art flooring in Russia began in the XVIII century, when the St. Petersburg palaces were erected. Masters of that time used more than 50 types of wood. Modern industrial manufacturing is based on gluing colored strips onto the base (the so-called marquetry technique).

In the manufacture of such parquet, the layers of wood lie on the base perpendicular to each other. In this combination, the texture of their fibers looks most advantageous. The front layer is made of high-grade wood with a thickness of 5-6 mm. Such a product is varnished thoroughly, usually in 5 layers.

Economy version of parquet production

The entrepreneur, "trying on" any business, proceeds from the required amount of investment in it. The cost of producing piece parquet for the purchase of prepared raw materials may be $ 50 thousand.

At the same time, an entrepreneur selectively buys machines for parquet: a Russian-made parquet line worth $ 20 thousand, and also prepares a preparatory site, which will also cost $ 20 thousand at a minimum. The purchase, installation, commissioning of equipment, as well as the costs of the purchase of raw materials will amount to just the above $ 50 thousand.

However, the entrepreneur-producer does not stop at such an acquisition. Having paid for this economical option of "starting up" a business, he continues to invest in production, trying to organize its full cycle.

Parquet business and the human factor

We must not forget the old truth - "cadres decide everything." Initially, you should hire yourself reliable assistants: a competent accountant-economist, technologist and marketing-driver.

A production accountant is also indispensable. Indeed, in addition to production issues, it will be necessary to draw up a lot of documents: employment contracts, work schedule, staffing, personal cards, records of work books, registration of orders.

A “strong” technologist is also the key to business success. After all, production should be established respectively by DSTU 3819-98 and GOST 862.1-85 and DSTU 3819-98, which regulate production tolerances, curvature and cleanliness of processing, the allowed level of defects.

The field of activity of a marketing driver is market research, conclusion of contracts with suppliers, delivery of raw materials and sending finished products, marketing.

Priorities in the selection of workers is their ability to work on equipment, and if necessary, they should be able to repair and configure the machine for the manufacture of flooring. The general level of workers' health is also important, because they, in addition to the main work, have to carry out loading, unloading, storage.

Parquet business profitability

parquet making machine

In percentage terms, the costs of parquet production are as follows: 60% - the cost of raw materials, 15% - payment of electricity and other energy carriers, 20% - wages to staff. The rhythmic work of production, its full load, the absence of downtime and overstocking is important. Equipment for the manufacture of flooring should work without downtime. Subject to these conditions, the profitability of the parquet production business is 15%.

However, entrepreneurs do not stop there, further increasing profitability through the implementation of a full production cycle: from forest fence to laying parquet. Indeed, the sale of parquet, combined with its installation, increases its retail price by 2.2 times. The correct laying of the parquet requires qualifications. Developed in this area, manufacturing enterprises also include a team of builders laying parquet.


Parquet production is a living, creative process.

It links together many factors. Production process and accounting, rhythmic work with suppliers and buyers of products, labor productivity, product quality.

The achieved level of production is directly proportional to the profitability of the business. So, a square meter of high-quality imported flooring costs $ 100, and the Hermitage class, which demonstrates the production of art flooring, costs $ 300.

Well, and, of course, the ideal way for production entrepreneurs to optimize demand is cooperation with chain building stores.

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