
Documents for employment (full list). Necessary documents for hiring foreign citizens

Changing a place of work or arranging an additional one is always an important and exciting step in a person’s working life. These are new responsibilities, acquaintances, difficulties, a source of income, and much more. But where does it all start: from dismissal, lack of money, search for new opportunities, interviews or job applications ...

From job search to first paycheck

Finding a good job that will be fun and having decent pay has always been a challenge. And in the context of the economic crisis, finding any job is becoming increasingly difficult. Employers today significantly change working conditions not in favor of employees: increase labor standards, reduce salaries and bonuses, and reduce staffing. The reason for all, according to managers, is the crisis. But he also affected workers to no lesser extent. Rising prices for goods and services of housing and communal services force people to look for another job or part-time job.

In the distant Soviet times, the state provided the work of citizens: distribution after universities, many factories, factories, collective farms and other stable jobs. It was impossible not to work, parasitism was eradicated by the authorities. Now the situation is much more complicated. A modern person has to independently take care of his employment and, accordingly, the budget.

7 simple tips for getting a new place and first salary

  1. Decide on the goals: what do you want to do, what position to occupy, what salary to receive, what company to work in.
  2. Evaluate your capabilities, take additional courses, engage in self-training, learn more about the desired position.
  3. Make a competent resume and arm yourself with the characteristics. Before you begin your search, you need to know what you want and what you are. Think about these questions to give an intelligible answer.
  4. To search, use: advertisements in newspapers and on television, the Internet (look for vacancies on exchange websites, directly companies or place your own search advertisement), contacts of friends and acquaintances, recruitment agencies, labor exchanges.
  5. Prepare for the interview: learn about the company, think over your appearance and questions you are interested in.
  6. Documents for hiring must be provided, even if you have to go through a probationary period.
  7. Be polite, recommend yourself as a responsible performer, try to establish contacts with the team, look more closely at the situation and the informal atmosphere.
  8. Remember, labor legislation does not regulate the way salaries are paid: in cash or by transfer to a bank card. But in the employment contract its size and terms of payments are indicated.

The most important advice: it’s better to look for a new job before leaving. If the search process drags on, it will significantly affect your budget.

You are hired, what's next

You were told the coveted phrase "You suit us." Now you can collect documents for employment and go to the human resources department. Any employer who respects himself and his employees acts in accordance with the law. If the company is small, and there is no human resources department, you will be sent to the person responsible for the documents of the employees (most likely, to the accounting department).hiring what documents

An established list of documents must be presented.Employment is a standard procedure, the main issues of which are indicated in the labor legislation. There are several nuances on which it depends which documents will be required of you. But the following documents for hiring the Labor Code of the Russian Federation require requesting from everyone:

  1. Passport.
  2. Labor book.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Documents of military registration (for persons liable for military service).
  5. Documents confirming the level of education.

Three days are given to the employer to prepare an employment contract. Meanwhile, the newcomer will have to familiarize himself with other regulatory documents: internal regulations and safety precautions, collective agreement.

What is required from the employer when applying for a new employee

It is convenient for both the employer and employees when there is a person in the organization responsible for personnel. Labor legislation contains clear instructions for working with personnel documents, but following it to a person whose duties include a host of other cases is not easy.

One of the first procedures that a new employee in the company goes through is hiring. What documents he should bring, what to sign, what responsibilities he will have, and many other issues a beginner can solve in the personnel department, together with his immediate supervisor.hiring necessary documents

The personnel officer draws up a job application. The necessary documents and the main features that a specialist in the personnel department should know:

  • The employee presents the originals of the documents listed earlier. If he does not have a work book or SNILS, the employer must make them.
  • An employee writes a job application personally.
  • In addition to the above documents, depending on the type of company’s activities, you can request a certificate of criminal record and medical examination.
  • The personnel department is preparing an employment contract and a job order. Under signature, a new employee is presented with a job description and other regulatory documents.
  • The employee’s personal card is supplemented with copies of documents.

Part-time job. Registration

Most people want to use their time and energy in order to get the most out of it. Therefore, often, in addition to the main job, people are looking for more. A person can have an unlimited number of combined places of employment. Combine the main work and additional allowed in the same company or in another.

list of documents hiring

Documents for hiring part-time do not differ from those provided by the employee at the main place of work. Only a work book is not provided, since it must be in the personnel department at the main place of employment until the employee is dismissed (then issued to him in his arms). Therefore, if an employee wants to make an entry in the book, a certificate is issued to him, he passes it to the main place of work.

It is important to note that the contract with the part-time holder must confirm that the working time will not exceed four hours.

New employee - driver

The driver in our country is one of the most common posts. The labor market is full of open vacancies and offers in this area. Neither the search nor the hiring of the driver are particularly difficult. Documents are required standard with some additions:

hiring driver documents

  1. Must have a driver’s license with the appropriate categories.
  2. A medical examination and the availability of a certificate confirming the suitability for the performance of work related to driving a car must also be presented by the driver.
  3. If driving requires additional knowledge, the relevant documents should be (tram, trolley).
  4. If the employee will combine, you need a certificate from the main place of work that there a person performs another function. Or a signed refusal to provide a certificate.
  5. If an employee’s personal car is used to carry out the work, it will be useful to take copies of documents: registration certificate, insurance and certificate of inspection.

New employee - minor citizen

The law does not prohibit the employment of minors. But there are some requirements and additional documents for hiring people under the age of eighteen:

  • It is only allowed to provide minors with light work that is not harmful and does not interfere with their studies;
  • You can not take a minor employee part-time;
  • For workers of this age category is not allowed probation and reduced working hours are established.
  • The annual paid leave for minors is 31 calendar days. Business trips, night shifts and overtime work are unacceptable. Remember, if an employee is to be hired, the documents that a minor applicant must provide should be as follows:
  • The main list provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if he has one. If not, the employer should deal with his documents.
  • Certificate of medical examination. If expenses are required, the employer compensates them.
  • Consent of parents or guardianship authorities to perform light work in their spare time from school.

    Substitution: is it worth it somehow to draw up

Often in enterprises faced with the phenomenon of substitution. Vacation, illness of the employee and other situations requiring the absence of the employee, bring a lot of problems to the management and the personnel department. It’s not enough to find an employee who will replace the “truant”, you still need to correctly execute this work.

Usually colleagues of one enterprise substitute each other, therefore re-registration and submission of documents are not required. But if the employment contract of the employee appointed to replace the absent does not specify the terms of replacement, it is necessary to prepare an additional agreement. The head of the organization signs an order to appoint an employee. An agreement is also signed in duplicate, in which the conditions, terms and payment for this work will be spelled out.

New Employee - Foreign Citizen

If a foreign citizen is hired by a Russian company, the personnel department should be mindful of the intricacies of applying for such employees. documents for hiring foreign citizens

Documents for hiring foreign citizens:

  • Passport, refugee certificate or certificate of temporary asylum.
  • Only a workbook of the standard established in Russia is accepted, making entries in foreign counterparts is prohibited. If a foreigner does not yet have a labor, she is drawn up on general terms.
  • If a citizen is subject to compulsory pension insurance, he provides SNILS, or the employer helps him to issue this certificate. Not all foreign nationals fit into this category.
  • Documents of education with consular legalization and translation.
  • Foreign citizens cannot be drafted into the ranks of the Russian army, therefore military registration documents are not required from them.

    What else should the employer know when engaging a foreigner

    To avoid problems with the law when hiring foreign citizens, you must:

  • request originals of documents confirming the legality of stay; These include: residence permit, visa, migrant card, RVP;
  • make sure the legality of the work of a new employee; the document confirming it is called "Work Permit for Temporary Residents";
  • request documents required for certain positions: medical book, driver’s license, etc.
  • conclude an employment contract.

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