
Inner order rules. Sample rules of the internal labor schedule of the organization

The internal labor regulations, a sample of which will be described later in the article, are a normative act drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code, as well as the charter of the enterprise. This document must be owned by any company. Familiarization with the normative act is required to pass all employees under a signature or receipt. inner order rules

General information

A sample of the internal labor regulations for an LLC or other other enterprise includes the basic requirements that ensure the normal operation of the company. This document is required for:

  1. Strengthening discipline in the team.
  2. Effective organization of activities.
  3. Rational use of time allotted for work.
  4. Ensuring high productivity and quality activities of employees.

Labor discipline is expressed in the mandatory submission of all employees of the enterprise to the rules of conduct established in accordance with the Labor Code, other laws, collective and other agreements, local acts.


What features do the internal labor regulations have? A sample document includes provisions that, to one degree or another, are reflected in job descriptions, orders, and other local documents. However, in this act they are generalizing in nature and are binding on all employees without exception. It establishes, in particular:

  • The procedure for admission to the staff and dismissal of employees.
  • The main duties, rights and responsibilities of employees.
  • Mode of activity and rest time.
  • Penalties and incentives applied to employees.
  • Other issues related to labor relations in the organization.

In Art. 189 and 190 of the Labor Code, a provision is formulated according to which work at any enterprise, regardless of its form of ownership, is regulated by a local act. The organization’s internal labor regulations apply specifically to this company. This means that the enterprise itself determines their content. internal labor regulations


Approval of internal rules is carried out by the head. In this case, the opinion of the representative body of the team is taken into account. This means that the document is signed by an authorized person, which confirms the agreement. The representative body may be:

  1. Trade union or their association.
  2. The trade unions provided for in the charters of interregional, all-Russian associations.
  3. Other representatives who are selected by employees.

Relevance of the issue

In the case of the conclusion between employees and the head of the enterprise of a collective agreement, the internal rules of the organization are usually attached to it. The absence of this document may lead to certain negative consequences for the company. For example, a manager will not be able to hold an employee accountable for non-compliance with certain requirements governing his activities, since they are simply unknown to the latter. In the event of a dispute about the legality of the dismissal, it is impossible to prove what kind of duties the employee did not fulfill.

Accordingly, when the latter applies to the inspection, it will be restored to the state, as well as compensation for the period of involuntary absenteeism, legal costs or moral damage. Moreover, the lack of rules acts as a violation of labor law.In this case, a fine under art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. For officials, a monetary penalty is established in the amount of 1 to 5 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. In case of repeated violation of the requirements of the law, a disqualification of 1-3 years is provided. approval of internal rules

LLC internal regulations: sample. General Provisions

The first section of the document gives its characteristics. The general provisions determine the scope of the normative act, the issues that are regulated by the internal rule. The sample document also includes references to legislative and other legal acts serving as the basis for its preparation.

Procedure for carrying out activities

The internal rules of the institution establish that:

  1. Management and management of the current work of the company is carried out by the General Director and his deputies.
  2. The powers of the administrative staff are determined in their job descriptions.
  3. The General Director, as well as his deputies, provide organization and control over the work of the structural divisions of the company, and receive and dismiss employees.
  4. Departments of the enterprise operate in accordance with the Regulations on them, as well as in accordance with the job descriptions of employees. These acts are approved in the prescribed manner.

Reception of employees

The internal labor regulations determine the following requirements:

  1. A decision on the admission of a citizen to a vacant post is preceded by an offer to the applicant to provide a written brief description of previously performed activities. This will provide a more complete assessment of his business and professional qualities.
  2. Labor relations arise between the employer and the applicant in accordance with the contract. It is in the manner prescribed by the TC. The signing of the document is in accordance with Ch. 11. The enrollment of a citizen in the state is executed by order of the general director on the basis of the concluded labor contract and the application submitted by the candidate. internal rules llc sample

The normative act under consideration establishes the duties of the immediate superior of the employee hired. The internal labor regulations, in particular, provide for the following:

  1. The immediate boss acquaints a citizen, enlisted in the state, with the work that is entrusted to him, the job description, considered and other normative acts that are necessary for him in the process of carrying out professional activities. Acquaintance is carried out under the signature.
  2. The direct manager of the newly hired employee explains the duties and rights, introduces the citizen to his colleagues, the heads of those departments with which he will have to interact.

Responsible persons

The internal labor regulations of the LLC may include the duties of authorized employees regarding:

  1. Providing training on safety, fire protection, industrial sanitation, etc., with a newly hired employee
  2. Familiarization of a new employee with a variety of regulatory acts, including local ones related to the labor function that he will perform.
  3. The employee’s warnings about the obligation to keep information related to commercial or other secret protected by law, as well as responsibility for their disclosure and transfer to third parties.

If necessary, an additional data confidentiality agreement may be concluded with the employee. ooo internal labor regulations


The procedure in accordance with which the termination of the contract with the employee is also included in the internal rules. Dismissal order taken by the head of the enterprise. The grounds for termination of the contract must not contradict the provisions of the law. Dismissal of an employee may be carried out by mutual agreement of the parties.The employee has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally, having previously warned the head of the enterprise at least 14 days in advance. before the expected date of departure. By agreement between the employer and the employee, dismissal may be made before the expiration of the specified period. The date of termination of the enterprise - the last day the employee stays at the enterprise, which is the final settlement. A citizen receives a work book with a corresponding dismissal note.

Working hours

The internal rules of the LLC, as well as other other enterprises, establish the duration of the week, determine the weekend. The last are Saturday and Sunday, as well as holidays. In accordance with the Labor Code, employees of all enterprises of the Russian Federation have a 40-hour week. The company can begin its work at 9:00, end - at 18:00. The internal rules may establish a lunch break for employees from 13:00 to 14:00. The duration of a shift or working day preceding a holiday is reduced by 1 hour. As a general rule, weekend activity is not allowed. However, the law provides for a specific procedure for attracting employees to work overtime if they have written consent to do so.

Special cases

For some categories of employees, internal regulations establish a shift form of employment, a flexible schedule. The document may also provide for the division of working time into several parts. For workers engaged in shift activities, the start and end times of a working day are determined by schedules. They are signed by the head of the enterprise and communicated to the staff no later than 1 month. until the date of their entry into force. In the production of continuous work, it is not allowed to leave a place until the arrival of a replacement employee. If the latter did not appear at the enterprise, the employee shall notify his immediate superior about this. The latter, in turn, is obliged to immediately take measures to replace the substitute with another employee. sample internal labor regulations for llc

Additional points

At the initiative of the enterprise administration, under Art. 99 TC, employees may be involved in overtime work. They should not exceed 4 hours per day for each employee for 2 consecutive days and 120 hours / year. Changing the general operating mode established at the enterprise is permitted for individual structural divisions in accordance with the orders of the general director.


The internal regulations establish the duration of the annual paid principal from the launch in accordance with the law. Its duration on the TC is 28 days (calendar). Duration of leave may be increased in cases provided by law. The sequence of periods is set annually on a schedule. The latter is approved by the head of the enterprise no later than 2 weeks before the start of the year (calendar).


The internal regulations in accordance with the TC establish their following types:

  1. Acknowledgment.
  2. Prizes.
  3. Awarding a valuable gift.

Incentives are provided for the conscientious fulfillment of duties, the manifestation of enterprise and initiative. The decision on this is made by the head of the enterprise on the proposal of the immediate superior of the distinguished employee. Incentives are issued by order, recorded in the workbook, brought to the attention of employees.

Salary and social security

Employees are set salaries in accordance with the staffing table. The rules usually define two payroll dates: the 25th of the current month and the 10th of the month following the past. In the first case, an advance is issued, in the second, the final payment is made.All company employees are subject to state social insurance. In the presence of conditions from the FSS funds, workers are paid compensation and benefits (in connection with motherhood, temporary disability, and so on). internal labor regulations sample


The organization’s internal labor regulations establish the following requirements:

  1. All employees must report to the manager and his representatives, who have the appropriate administrative authority. Employees are required to comply with instructions regarding work activities, directives and directives of the director.
  2. Employees must maintain confidentiality of information that relates to technical, trade, financial, production and other information and which became known to them in connection with the performance of their duties.


For violation of discipline, internal regulations, failure to perform or improper performance by employees of the duties entrusted to him, the head of the enterprise may apply the measures established by law. In particular, a penalty may be expressed in:

  1. Remarks.
  2. Reprimand.
  3. Dismissal (if there are grounds).

Before applying any of these penalties, the management of the enterprise must require a written explanation from the employee of the misconduct committed. If the employee refuses to give appropriate explanations, an act is drawn up. However, these actions of the employee do not act as an obstacle to the application of disciplinary sanction against him. The order of the general director is announced to the employee against receipt no later than 3 days (workers) from the date of its publication. If the employee refuses to sign, the manager draws up an act. By Art. 66 TC in the workbook does not make entries about the penalties applied, except when dismissal acts as it. Throughout the entire period of validity of sanctions, incentives to employees are not relied on.

Final provisions

The Rules in the last section usually establish the following requirements:

  1. All employees must comply with access mode carry the appropriate document (pass) and present it at the first request of employees of the security department.
  2. Smoking is not allowed in places where, according to fire safety requirements, such a ban is provided.
  3. It is not allowed to bring alcohol to work and drink at enterprises, enter the territory and be intoxicated (including toxic, narcotic).

Providing access to the document

The rules of procedure should be stored in the personnel department and posted in the structural units of the enterprise. As mentioned above, familiarization with this document is carried out when hiring employees. The company management is obliged to notify of all changes made to the local act. The document should be available for review at any time.

Features of the compilation

In the development process, it is advisable to determine the employee who will be responsible for this process. They may be a lawyer, head of the personnel department, chief accountant or other employee. If the responsibilities for drafting the rules are absent in the job description of the employee, the manager should invite him to take them on himself. If the employee agrees, the relevant items should be added to the specified document or to the contract. Subsequently, you should identify the employees:

  1. Which are required to assist in the drafting of the rules. They may be heads of departments, accounting, etc.
  2. With which the rules will be agreed. These employees can be: a lawyer, also department heads or accountants.

The definition of responsible employees is carried out in the order of the head of the enterprise.The director general also sets the terms and stages of the development of the document, its approval and signing. In the absence of a representative body of employees at the enterprise, approval is carried out solely by the head. If the document is accepted for the first time, this entails changes in the working conditions of the company. Accordingly, it is necessary to adjust the contracts with employees. If necessary, changes are made to job descriptions.

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