
Job description of a car mechanic: whether you need to pay attention to why you need and what it contains

Before starting a conversation about the job description of a car mechanic, its importance should be mentioned. For most managers of organizations hiring certain workers, it seems that the job description is a simple document that does not require time. In fact, everything is completely wrong. Labor relations are a complex institution that requires attention to all the details. But, unfortunately, most workers and employers believe that this is a thing that does not matter much. Among them there are two diametrically opposed opinions: either the job description is a formality, or it must take into account absolutely all the nuances: all the “body movements” of the employee, up to how many cups of coffee he can drink per working day.

job description car mechanic

See it right

Both points of view are incorrect. Job description should be understood as an appendix to the employment contract, which indicates the conditions not provided for by the latter. In addition, this document allows both the customer and the employer to understand what they require from each other.

The job description executed in accordance with the first principle (“for show”), in fact, does not allow the employer to demand that the employee fulfill his duties, just as the employee cannot prove his rights because they are not clarified.

In the second case, when the employer tries to foresee everything, a confusing document comes out, which is almost impossible to understand, the document becomes dead, everyone just forgets about it. Let's figure out what should be collected in the job description.

What does the job description of a car mechanic contain

The first is the general provisions, which describe the following:

  • who is a car repairman;
  • its main functions;
  • in whose submission is he;
  • by whom and how is he appointed;
  • general information for hiring, education, etc. (for hiring a car mechanic, it is enough that the future worker has completed secondary education, everything else depends on the skills that he possesses);
  • who replaces him in case of absence.

Responsibilities of a car mechanic

job description car auto mechanic

The job description of a car mechanic always contains the following duties:

  • ensuring trouble-free operation of vehicles at the enterprise;
  • the implementation of scheduled repairs of car components;
  • performing preventive examinations;
  • applying all necessary measures to troubleshoot;
  • participation in the installation and verification of the status of new auto parts;
  • work on continuing education;
  • compliance with safety regulations and labor regulations when performing work;
  • reporting information in full to the immediate supervisor about equipment problems;
  • implementation of metalwork processing of parts using specialized equipment;
  • balancing parts and assemblies of complex structures;
  • compliance with the rules of the collective agreement.

Information and skills a car mechanic should have

job description car mechanic 4 categories

The job description of a car mechanic may include the skills that an employee must possess in order to be hired. So, he should be able and aware of the following:

  • technical characteristics of vehicles with which he will work;
  • rules for the operation and repair of vehicles;
  • vehicle maintenance and monitoring technology;
  • signs that indicate a malfunction;
  • use all the necessary tools for repair work;
  • fundamentals of mechanics;
  • proper cleaning methods.

The rights

The job description of a car mechanic must necessarily contain his rights as an employee:

  • inform your supervisor of any malfunctions identified during the inspection of the vehicle or deficiencies in the performed repair work;
  • make suggestions for consideration by management, which will improve the work of the enterprise;
  • require management to provide all the necessary funds and complete all necessary documentation for the performance of his duties.

Rights and obligations of car mechanics by category

car mechanic 2 category job description

Rights and obligations with an increase in the rank of a specialist can vary significantly. What should a car mechanic of 2 categories know and be able to do? The job description for him is not much different from a similar document of a regular car mechanic, he remains an ordinary worker and retains the same rights and obligations. But the job description of a car mechanic of 4 category already contains some information that differs from that of an ordinary ordinary worker.

So, his duties include only work with certain components and assemblies, in addition, he also performs some managerial powers, that is, a certain staff of people passes to him under his authority. The job description of a car mechanic of the 5th category includes both managerial powers and the performance of specific tasks that require advanced training and skills.

Examples of work that a car mechanic is required to perform

job description car mechanic 5 category

The job description of a car service auto fitter may include a listing of examples of work. They include:

  • installation in the camshaft block;
  • test of the functionality of the lifting capacity;
  • replacement of loose leaves in radical bearings;
  • other work.

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