
Job description technician: general position and job responsibilities

Who is a technician and what are his job responsibilities? In this article you can find the answer to this question.

General provisions for the job description

What basic information does the job description of a technician reflect? The first is that the employee represented is a specialist group. It is also worth noting that, according to the document under consideration, only a person with a vocational secondary education in technical areas can receive the profession of a technician. Work experience should not be presented, but everything may depend on the level and level of qualification. So, an employee of the second category must have relevant labor experience for at least 2 years, and an employee of the first category with the same experience, but in category No. 2.

It is also necessary to highlight the fact that an employee can be appointed to the position in question only by direct order of the director of the organization. The specialist must obey the head of the structural unit.

All of the above points are prescribed by the special job description of the technician. Next, it is worth highlighting all those points that the employee must know and understand qualitatively.

What should a technician know?

The job description of the technician fixes a certain knowledge system that the employee must possess. It is worth highlighting the main points that are recorded in the document. These include:

  • basic reference and methodological materials on labor activity;
  • information on commissioning and methods of their conduct;
  • special technical terminology;
  • professional standards and technical documentation;
  • information about equipment and apparatus;
  • fundamentals of production technologies;
  • basic technical data and characteristics of objects, device features, methods for detecting defects and much more.

job description technician

Thus, a fairly large amount of knowledge should be possessed by a production technician. The job description, however, does not fix information about where you can get the appropriate education. This will be discussed later.

About education

What should be noted right away is that the profession of a technician is considered to be very popular today. People who are able to work qualitatively with apparatus and equipment are needed today in almost every production facility. So, where can one get the appropriate education and master the profession of a technician? job description labor protection and safety

As already mentioned, higher education is considered completely optional for the acquisition of the profession in question. You can get a document confirming the opportunity to work in college or at special courses. There are many different specialties in which you can get the profession of a technician. These include:

  • Acustic systems;
  • relay protection;
  • technical operation of machinery;
  • equipment construction and some other areas.

Thus, there are many opportunities to get a profession presented.

Technical Responsibilities

It is immediately worth noting that such a specialist as a technician has a very extensive range of different responsibilities. In order to avoid confusion, the functions of the technician must be divided into three main groups. job description and safetyThe job description of the specialist assigns the following duties to the employee:

  • Adjustment, adjustment, tuning or pilot testing of equipment or items of equipment at all necessary facilities.
  • Registration and documentation of all necessary data from devices and equipment. Participation in the development of tests and experiments.
  • Search for malfunctions or defects on the equipment.
  • Work on the verification of equipment.

What else fixes the job description of the technician? More on this later.

Experimental research duties of a specialist

Almost any production has its own small laboratory where research and experiments are conducted. job technician job descriptionTo a certain extent, all specialists involved in production belong to laboratory work. What are the responsibilities of the technician in research and experimentation? Here are some highlights:

  • Taking part in the development of various kinds of instructions, programs, documents, etc. This also includes working with mock-ups during research and experimentation.
  • Performance of work on the processing, collection or accumulation of technical or scientific information data, preparation of a detailed description of the research process.
  • Development of charts, tables, graphs and other technical specifications.
  • Development of simple schemes and projects, making calculations, processing information and performing other labor functions in accordance with all necessary norms and standards (under the supervision of specialists with higher qualifications).
  • The study of all the necessary reference or methodological literature.
  • Work in the group to substantiate the effectiveness of the implementation of a particular action in the workplace

These are far from all the duties that the job description fixes. A technical engineer must perform many other functions. They will be described later.

Responsibilities of a Document Management Specialist

Today, almost any specialist is working with documentation. Let even the minimal, but nevertheless obligatory contribution to the work with documents should be made by the technician.job description engineer technician It is also worth noting that the higher a rank or skill level a specialist possesses, the more extensive the employee’s functions related to the documentation become:

  • Fulfillment of all necessary paperwork.
  • Verification and correction of documents after the copying process.
  • Making all necessary changes to the documentation.
  • Systematization and selection of documents.

Thus, these are all the basic duties that a labor technician must perform. Job description also establishes provisions on the rights and obligations of the employee. What does this relate to?

Technology Rights

Documents such as job description, labor protection and safety precautions prescribe the basic provisions on the rights and elements of employee liability. What exactly can be told about the rights of a technician?job description safety engineer

Like any other employee, a technician is able to interact with management by submitting suggestions and ideas to superiors. In addition, the employee can report to his immediate supervisor about what violations in the course of work have been identified. It is also worth noting the possibility of obtaining all the necessary documentation, as well as the right to timely payment of wages and receiving social guarantees.

And what do job descriptions and safety precautions about employee responsibility prescribe? More on this later.

Responsibility Technician

For what and how is the represented specialist responsible? Any job description (safety engineer, repair and maintenance specialist, technician or even deputy director) prescribes exactly the same provisions on liability. Such a specialist as a technician is practically no different from other workers in everything related to professional responsibility. So, the employee is obliged to bear responsibility for the improper performance of his functions, for offenses or for causing material harm.More detailed information on all criteria of responsibility can be found in the job description.

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