
Job description of a repairman: features

There are professions that are involved in almost any sector of the national economy. Without a certain kind of specialists, it is impossible to imagine the normal work of industrial enterprises, the food sector, pharmacology and other spheres of human life. Therefore, it is logical that such a document as the job description of a repairman, developed and approved for a long time. After all, an employee with such specialization can be involved wherever various technological equipment is located. Therefore, it is worth getting to know this official business paper more closely in order to have an idea of ​​what a locksmith can do, what his rights and obligations are.

repairman job description


The job description of a repairman was developed and approved in accordance with all the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as other regulatory legal acts. All these documents directly regulate labor relations throughout the Russian Federation.

General Provisions

The standard job description of a repairman fully determines his duties, degree of responsibility, rights, working conditions, job relations (relationships). Also, the document allows you to evaluate the business qualities of the employee, to study the results of his work on the basis of tasks in the specialty. The repairman is subordinate to the head managing the corresponding service at the enterprise. For example, the mechanical sector of a metallurgical plant.job description locksmith repairman

Required knowledge

The employee must study and know:

  • Labor protection rules.
  • Norms of sanitation in the workplace.
  • Fundamentals of fire safety.
  • Rules for the use of personal protective equipment.
  • All the requirements that are put forward to the quality of the work carried out by him.
  • Varieties of marriage, methods for its elimination and prevention.
  • Production alarm.
  • Methods of rationalization of labor in their workplace.

Bit Based Requirements

The job description of a fitter of the 3rd category obliges him:

  1. Clearly know the device serviced equipment.
  2. Own the skills of repair, disassembly, assembly of machines, assemblies, mechanisms in the established technological sequence.
  3. Know the principle of interaction and the purpose of conjugated mechanisms and nodes.
  4. Be familiar with the technical conditions of testing, adjusting and accepting equipment.
  5. Know the properties of the materials subjected to their processing.
  6. To be able to use universal devices and the applied control and measuring devices.
  7. Know the accuracy qualifications, the parameters of the roughness indicated on the drawings, the landing system and tolerances.
  8. Own the rules of slinging and moving goods.
  9. Properly operate lifting equipment and machines that are controlled from the floor.

In turn, the job description of a fitter 4 category states that the employee should:

  • Know the repaired equipment, units and machines in terms of technical device.
  • Be able to adjust the nodes and mechanisms.
  • Own methods of eliminating defects during repair, assembly, testing of fixed equipment.
  • Be familiar with the device, the purpose and rules of use of instrumentation.
  • Know the features and design nuances of special and universal devices.
  • Know the parameters of tolerances, landings, accuracy, roughness qualifications.
  • Properties of various alloys.
  • The main positions of preventive maintenance of equipment.

job description locksmith repairman 5 category

The job description of a fitter of the 5th category states that the employee must have knowledge in the field of:

  1. Design features of equipment, hydraulic and kinetic schemes of repaired complex machines.
  2. Methods of diagnostics, assembly / disassembly, repair and installation, testing and testing for the strength of equipment that has gone out of repair.
  3. Permissible loads on working units, parts, mechanisms.
  4. Preventive measures for the timely prevention of various malfunctions.
  5. Technological processes of repair, testing and commissioning of technically sophisticated equipment.

The job description of the 6th category repairman requires from the worker:

  • To possess knowledge in the field of design features of equipment.
  • Orient in the kinematic and hydraulic circuits of machines and assemblies.
  • Know the assembly, installation, repair, accuracy check of machines and the testing process of repaired units.

job description fitter repairman 4 category


The job description of the repairman obliges to carry out the shift, clean the workplace, keep the tools in good condition, and keep the established technical documentation. For example, a magazine of reports of duty officers. Depending on the category, the employee must perform:

  1. Repair equipment, machinery, components, assemblies, carry out assembly and disassembly.
  2. Conduct strength tests.
  3. Carry out bench work to the required accuracy level.
  4. To make devices of different difficulty levels for repair and installation.
  5. Compile defect sheets for scheduled repairs.
  6. Carry out rigging work.
  7. Monitor the operation of the equipment, timely identify and eliminate detected defects.
  8. Customize the operation of the equipment to the specified parameters.

job description fitter repairman 6 category

The rights

Repairman has the right to count on:

  • The presence of work, which is due to his employment contract.
  • Compliance of the workplace with all state requirements for labor protection and the collective agreement.
  • Timely payment of wages in full. At the same time, the salary should correspond to the assigned qualifications, labor complexity, quantity and quality of work performed.
  • Rest in accordance with the law (days off, vacation, sick leave).
  • Passing vocational training, continuing education courses in the manner prescribed by law.
  • Joining a trade union in order to protect their legitimate interests, rights and freedoms.
  • Obtaining information on the performance of a collective agreement.
  • Settlement of individual and collective labor disputes on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other laws of the country.
  • Compensation for harm and damage resulting from the performance of their professional duties.
  • Obtaining compulsory social insurance provided for by federal law.
  • The opportunity to familiarize yourself with documents and materials that are directly related to its activities.

job description fitter repairman 3 category


At the workplace, the job description for the repairman is provided for a detailed study by his immediate supervisor. He subsequently takes the exam and allows the employee to work independently.

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