
Job description of a cleaning lady (sample)

The job description of a cleaning lady classifies this position as a maintenance staff. Regarding qualifications and education, no special requirements are presented, except that the cleaning lady must have certain skills and knowledge that are common to all and related to the specifics of the enterprise where she works.

General provisions, requirements

The cleaner of any room should know the hygiene standards of those places where she has to clean. She must familiarize herself with the principles of operation of equipment located in cleaned rooms. This requires safety equipment, as often the premises are cleaned in the absence of workers.

The cleaning rules for each individual enterprise are provided for by the job description of the cleaning lady, and they must be strictly adhered to. One of the main rules that the job description of a cleaning lady presents is the knowledge of cleaning, washing, disinfecting, deodorizing agents, the places where they are used and where they can not be used categorically, for example, due to the acid content. It is necessary to know the working concentration of one or another means used in cleaning the premises. job description of a cleaning ladyBe sure to adhere to the mode of operation of the enterprise, its structure as a whole, to study the cleaning area (all rooms, offices, bathrooms, if there are a lot of them). Awareness in the field of fire safety and safety is generally mandatory for everyone, but since the cleaning lady can work in different places in one enterprise, this concerns her more than anyone else.

The rights

The reception of a cleaner as well as her dismissal is carried out by order of the head of the enterprise. The job description of the cleaner on the basis of the Charter of the enterprise prescribes that the cleaner has the right to familiarize herself with the documents that govern her job duties and rights. She has the right to demand any information related to her work. If there are suggestions for optimizing your work, you need to offer them. She has the right to require management to provide the conditions and materials necessary in sufficient quantities to fulfill its duties. Has the right to rest, regulated by the schedule of the enterprise.job description of a cleaning lady


The job description of the cleaning lady at the school prescribes that, first of all, the duties include cleaning up the territory assigned to it. It can be part of the room with adjacent stairs, bathrooms, windows, walls. If thorough cleaning can be carried out twice a day, then it is necessary to maintain cleanliness throughout the day. In the absence of special machines or cleaning equipment, the floors must be swept and washed manually.

Windows, walls, radiators, stairs in the fixed area should be in order. Cleaning is not limited to floor cleaning. Care must be taken to ensure that there is no dust on furniture, dirt and debris on carpeting. In certain places, litter bins or baskets for collecting garbage should be installed, which must be taken out to garbage bins in the yard or other specially designated places as they fill up. job description of a cleaning lady at school

If the job description of a cleaning lady provides for cleaning, disinfecting, cleaning up common areas such as a toilet, shower, dressing room, then this also falls on the cleaning lady, including sinks and toilet bowls. Make sure that in these places there are always available disinfectants, detergents, gels, soap and toilet paper in the required quantity.A cleaning lady should keep order and cleanliness in these places throughout the day.

A responsibility

The cleaner is responsible for the quality of the work performed. For work performed qualitatively, taking into account norms and requirements, incentives are either oral or form of bonuses. For improper attitude to their duties, liability is stipulated by the employment contract and applicable law.

In the case of offenses, depending on the degree of responsibility can vary from administrative to criminal. Material comes when it is spelled out in the “Employment contract”. The measure of any responsibility is determined and carried by the employee solely within the framework of the current legislation.job description of a cafe cleaner

Responsibilities of the cleaning lady premises depending on the specifics of the enterprise

There are enterprises whose specificity leaves its mark on job duties of a cleaning lady. The job description of the cafe cleaner, in addition to the general requirements, takes into account that this is work both in the kitchen and in the hall with tables where visitors are located. The cafe cleaner reports directly to the manager. She must, like all catering workers, must have a health record. The working day of a cafe cleaner begins with cleaning the entrance area: doors, all signs and billboards, floors, guest bathrooms, including sinks, toilets should be in perfect order. Liquid soap, towels, air fresheners, mirrors should also be ready to receive visitors. During cafe operation, every half hour it is necessary to check the state of the cafe's guest services and restore order. sample job description of a cleaning ladyAlso, cleaning is done in the kitchen and office premises: washing tables, stoves, floors. It is necessary to ensure that there is no dust and fat deposits anywhere. Dressing rooms, changing rooms (male and female), showers, stairs - all these rooms are washed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. During the day, order is maintained, garbage is regularly taken out.

The job description of the school cleaner is drawn up taking into account the fact that this work is carried out in an institution with children. Like a cafe, the school requires availability sanitary book. The cleaning lady at the school reports directly to the principal or the head teacher in the absence of the principal. In addition to the main points for cleaning, bathrooms should be washed after each break. Mandatory daily disinfection. Sweep and mop the floor regularly in a fixed area. At the end of the lessons, wash the rooms in a fixed area with a disinfectant. Be sure to wipe the dust in the corridor on the windowsills, wash the doors, steps.

What is forbidden by a cleaning lady

First of all, the cleaner is forbidden to violate the terms of the “Employment Contract”, the Charter of the company where she works, and to perform actions whose resolution is already under the jurisdiction of the Civil or Criminal Code. The cleaner, like any employee of the enterprise, is obliged in her work to be guided by the rules of the “Employment Contract” and the instructions adopted at this enterprise.

At any enterprise, there should be a sample of the job description of a cleaner, so that each candidate for this position has the opportunity to get acquainted with their duties and features of work in a particular team.

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