
Job description of secretary of the head, secretary-clerk, secretary-typist

What kind of document is the job description? Available in each and every institution, it determines the functions, rights and measure of responsibility of the employee holding a specific position. The instruction is necessary for the correct distribution of duties, the timely completion of a labor task, the definition of working contacts of employees and their relationships, the organization of a uniform load.

Where do the instructions come from

When developing this document, they rely on the existing structure of the organization, a classification guide, and management standards.

Consider the example of the profession of office manager, how the job description of the secretary is made. A sample of it (as a rule, typical) has several sections.

The first is general provisions. The first section provides information about the person being hired: who exactly can apply for this position, whom the secretary submits to and what he will be guided by in the work, describes his knowledge and skills, and who will replace him during his absence. The second section is about functional responsibilities. What does the job description require for the secretary?

He controls the execution by other employees of the orders and orders of the head, organizes meetings and meetings, telephone calls of his immediate boss, receives visitors, registers correspondence.

Secretary's job description

These are common functions - they are performed by any secretary. They can expand depending on the specifics of the enterprise, which we will discuss below.

Other items and sections

The section "Responsibilities" describes in detail all the details of the activity. Its content follows from the previous one.

In paragraph "Rights" the job description of the secretary explains what he can apply for. These are: optimization of the labor process, the ability to use the necessary documents or information for work, raising the professional level.

The last paragraph “Responsibility” describes what the secretary is responsible for to the employer. This section, like the previous one, is usually standard for most of these instructions.

And more?

What exactly is this employee doing? Consider what functionality contains a typical job description of the secretary of the head.

He organizes and provides from a technical point of view the managerial activities of the head. Accepts incoming correspondence, transfers to specific employees or to structural units.

Carries out paperwork, performs various operations on the computer to collect and process the information necessary for making decisions.

The job description of the secretary-referent assumes many diverse responsibilities. He accepts applications and prepares documents for signature to the head, selects the materials required for this work. It controls the correctness of execution and makes editing of draft documents, organizes telephone calls of the chief, fixes information in his absence, transmits and receives it by fax, copies documents on a photocopier, receives and sends telephone messages.

job description of the secretary of the referent

The job description of the secretary-referent implies the status of a competent and competent assistant who prepares requests and letters on behalf of the head, draws up answers to them.

And that's not it...

The secretary also plans and organizes meetings and meetings held by the authorities, for which he collects the necessary materials, notifies the participants about the agenda of the event, its date, and also draws up minutes.

He supervises the fulfillment by employees of orders and orders precisely and on time, and keeps a registration card file. The job description of the secretary, among other things, makes him obligated to provide the head of the workplace with office equipment and stationery.

He prints office materials, maintains a databank of current information. Manages the reception of visitors, helps in the operational consideration of requests and other issues. Executes cases, submits to the archive, controls their safety.

Its operating mode is established in accordance with the rules of the organization’s labor schedule. The job description of the secretary of the head charges him with official duties and business trips in case of industrial need.

Talk about rights and responsibilities

The rights of the secretary in the organization imply the possibility of demanding normal working conditions from the management, assistance in the performance of official duties, information support - he can request any documents he needs in his work.

He has the right to improve his own qualifications, to know about upcoming management decisions regarding his activities, to put forward proposals and ask questions.

job description secretary clerk

The secretary is granted the right to sign reference and information documents within his competence.

Like any employee, he is responsible for his own non-fulfillment of labor duties according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for offenses committed during the period of activity, for causing material damage.

If the rights and liability measures taken for this position in different institutions are quite similar, then the functional of secretaries, as already mentioned, can vary significantly. Consider these differences as an example of the responsibilities of other representatives of the post.

Job description of the secretary of the training unit

This specialist is considered a technical contractor. To be appointed to the post, he needs a higher professional or secondary specialized education. What exactly should the secretary of the training department do?

Like any secretary, he is obliged to competently conduct paperwork, be familiar with the leadership of all departments of the institution, be able to use voice recorders, reception and communication devices, tape recorders. Comply with the standards of the business documentation system and labor regulations, as well as labor protection and safety.

job description of the secretary of the head

Secretary's Responsibilities training part

The job description of the secretary in an educational institution has its own specifics. He keeps minutes of meetings of the selection committee, draws up the personal files of pupils (students). Issues and enters the necessary information in student ID cards and academic records, fills out books on the issuance of diplomas and their duplicates, certificates, student registers in alphabetical order.

It takes into account the hours of teaching and student attendance, prepares training journals, orders for the movement of the contingent. It receives accounting and reporting documentation on applications, processes students' personal files and submits to the archive.

His activities take place in close contact with the heads of departments, teachers, and accounting departments of an educational institution.

And what does the school secretary do?

The job description of the school secretary states that this employee is accepted and dismissed directly by the director, the education must have secondary vocational education or general education with special training for the required program.

job description to the secretary

In his activity he is guided by normative documents on paperwork, labor legislation, instructions for maintaining labor books, labor protection standards, the charter of the school and his own instruction.

He speaks competent written speech, knows how to work on office equipment.

The main directions of work

The job description of the secretary-clerk of the school lists them in sufficient detail. He serves the activities of the school principal and deputies, conducts paperwork, collects information about school workers and students. Organizes telephone calls for the director, receives and transmits faxes, telephone messages, records messages in the absence of the director.

The secretary organizes meetings of the school council, general meetings of staff, guardianship and pedagogical councils, conducted by the director of the meetings. To do this, he collects and prepares the necessary materials, notifies invitees about the event, registers participants. Draws up final protocols.

Additional Tasks

Like any secretary, he provides the director with office supplies and office equipment, creates the conditions for the boss to work effectively. Transmits and receives information, prints documents and materials.

Forms cases according to the approved nomenclature, submits to the archive in due time. Accepts correspondence, systematizes in the manner accepted at the school, transfers from the director to the appointed performers, monitors the implementation, sends correspondence.

job description of the school secretary

Accepts applications and documents of employees, students, parents. Organizes the reception, the optimal sequence of requests and suggestions.

The job description of the secretary-clerk at school, as a rule, assumes an irregular work schedule, tied to the work schedule, but proceeding from a working week of 40 hours. In the process, he interacts with the administration, teaching and service staff.

Job description of the court clerk

It also has its own specific features. The court clerk in his work proceeds from the task of ensuring the smooth functioning of the judicial apparatus. He has to carry out a large amount of the necessary routine work related to receiving citizens, preparing letters, inquiries, extracts and summons, calling witnesses and participants in the process.

He draws up and places for review lists of cases that will be considered at the meeting, checks the notification of the notice, gives copies of the conclusions, checks the attendance of the persons summoned to the meeting, notes the time of their presence in court on subpoenas.

In addition, the secretary draws up documents for summoned victims and witnesses to pay for travel, at the request of the participants brings the content of the judicial record, draws up cases at the end of the review (administrative, criminal and civil), keeps a record book.

Difficult profession

His duty is also to prepare copies of court documents, execute and transfer writ of execution, other materials in connection with the execution of the sentence, as well as in a separate judicial order.

job description secretary typist

The job description of the clerk of the court requires a sufficient level of qualification to perform duties. He has to comply with certain prohibitions and restrictions specific to the civil service, the norms of official behavior of employees.

What knowledge and skills are required by the court clerk?

First of all, legal. The official job description for the court clerk puts forward the requirement to know a lot of laws, ranging from the Constitution and the Labor Code to the clerical instructions approved in his constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Most of them relate to judicial proceedings and the activities of authorities.In addition to them, you need to know the basics of interaction with management structures and various organizations, office work, grammar norms of the Russian language, the subtleties of business style in written and spoken language, the rules of proofreading and editing.

This also includes the basic level of qualification requirements in the field of information technology, knowledge of workflow and information security issues.

And many many others...

The secretary needs skills in planning a working day, analyzing and systematizing incoming information, preparing analytical materials and conducting a constructive dialogue.

In his activity, he needs to be able to work with peripheral computer devices and the Internet, use e-mail, spreadsheets and text editors, prepare presentations, etc.

As we can see, the job description of the secretary-typist over the past decades has undergone radical changes and today includes many new technical and informational requirements. The modern secretary must be not only an attentive and executive employee, but also keep up with the age, using the latest developments in his professional field.

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