
Responsibilities of the office manager. Functional and job duties of office manager and secretary

Office manager is one of the most necessary personnel in the work of any modern company. A wide range of responsibilities includes the functions of an organizational and supervisory specialist. It simultaneously combines up to three plenipotentiaries: secretary, manager, administrator. The duties of an office manager imply mainly great responsibility and high diligence.

manager office responsibilities

Specialist Requirements

The instructions for the job office manager include the necessary requirements for hiring and implementing it in the future. The first thing a candidate for this position should have is appropriate education and professional skills. The employee must have a diploma of completion of secondary specialized, incomplete higher or higher education.

The skills should have knowledge about the structure of the office and the features of its work. The zoning of the room is an important factor in functionality. If the office manager is familiar with the principles of organizing activities, it will be easy for him to control individual work positions. Personnel should be allocated according to duties so that other work is not disturbed. The office manager must know the scope of work and the degree of responsibility of each specialist.

Office Administrator Responsibilities

office manager job responsibilities

The manager is obliged to organize optimally comfortable production in the office building. In addition to zoning, the manager needs to manage employees so that all the functions of each frame are performed stably. The basics of the office are established by the administrator on the items:

  • Selection and placement of specialists.
  • Planning strategies and tactics at work.
  • Building the organizational structure of the office.

For a stable working condition in the office, it is necessary to ensure that each shot succeeds in its activities. Positive results of labor are realized by methods of motivation and management of its strategy. The development and implementation of innovative approaches to improving quality and increasing productivity are the duties of an office manager.

Business communication in the work team is based on morality and professional ethics. An office manager is an example of polite tone and respect for employees.

Internal control

office manager duties for resume

All decisions made must be controlled by the administrator. Control is carried out in the following professional areas:

  • Introduction and maintenance of the internal labor schedule.
  • Compliance with specific company communication standards.
  • Control over the culture of speech when communicating with customers and business partners.
  • Dress code is an important point in the work of the company. Employees must wear appropriate uniforms that are established by standards. business environment and the statutes of the company.

The office manager, whose job responsibilities include personnel management and activity control, should develop its own organization methodology and structure for assessing the quality of work. Each employee is subject to disciplinary liability in case of violation of the work schedule and work ethics. The manager himself bears such responsibility. The system of measures to prevent violations, methods for resolving conflicts with management and other employees, and methods of moral incentives are developed by the administrator.

Obligations of the manager

work office manager

The functions of the manager can also be performed by the office manager. In this case, he needs to provide staff and premises with the necessary supplies. Each employee must have a badge and business cards so that his personality, name, position, contact details can always be found out and correctly handled. The face of the specialist is the face of the office and the company.

Office supplies are provided regularly and are the responsibility of the office manager. Economic plans are drawn up for the provision of goods, taking into account the quantity of products delivered to the company, the cost of bulk purchases and discount systems. Constant deliveries of office material, including paper and consumable products for equipment, are carried out with the conclusion of transactions with suppliers and service companies with the direct participation of the office manager. The receipt of goods is controlled by payment and accounting records. The issue of stationery and supplies to staff is made with the appointment of responsible persons and the availability of schemes and procedures for the distribution of economic values.

All equipment is controlled by the supply manager, in this case the office manager. Responsibilities include monitoring the condition of technical equipment, communications. In the event of a breakdown of apparatuses and machines, a service company or repair technician is called up and the results of his work are checked. Such control also occurs when new equipment is delivered to the office.

An inventory of equipment and supplies is carried out by the office manager by periodically reconciling the availability and technical condition of economic property with accounting data.

Under his responsibility, the manager of economic support manages the funds allocated to the office for the purchase of goods necessary for the company and for the technical needs of the premises. The supply manager organizes the material and technical supply of deliberative events, conferences, negotiations.

Secretary and his duties

duties office manager secretary

All of the above key processes in the work of the manager and his decisions should be officially fixed, and therefore the responsibility of the office manager, secretary in one person includes documentation support for organizational activities. Each document, depending on the purpose, has its own form and structure of compilation. Only then will the decision or plan taken have a legal basis and require strict implementation of all points. This is how a clear and coherent company’s activity is built.

Collaboration and Integration

manager office

Secretary-manager organizes a meeting and reception of guests. Delegations and commissions, partners, customers are important visitors to the company. The activities of the company and its development directly depend on them. Communication takes place at a business level using a formally friendly ethics without moving to personal relationships and interaction - only work. The office manager should symbolize culture and respect not only as a leading representative, but also for the company as a whole. The receipt and transmission of contact information is carried out directly by the secretary. For cooperation and solving important issues of interaction, exchange of business cards is carried out, their analysis and storage in the department. Maintaining business correspondence with partners and branches is the responsibility of the office manager. He makes electronic and courier sending the necessary material, receiving and analyzing information, maintaining business correspondence.

Manager in the management structure

The manager in most cases is directly subordinate to the general director of the company and senior management. Responsibility and rights are prescribed by the authorities, which monitors their compliance.The duties of the office manager for the resume include a report on the conducted internal office organization, the achievement of productivity results and the difficulties encountered in the work and provision of activities. They make proposals for improving conditions, economic and economic issues regarding the purchase of equipment and materials, requests for relocation, promotion, and dismissal of workers. Disciplinary punishments and incentives for distinguished specialists are passed for consideration.

Specialist instruction

The hiring of a new manager is accompanied by the compilation and adoption of a set of duties, rights and responsibilities. The instruction of the office manager includes a complete list of all the above norms and rules for work and organization, it also includes persons or positions reporting to the administrator.

Career ladder

Manager's career is based on internal development and professional growth, which is to improve skills. The change in influence occurs along with an increase or decrease in authority in the eyes of subordinates and other employees. Vertical positive mobility of the position is fixed by successes in achieving the goals set by the company, initiative and sociable qualities, innovative abilities and effective working methods.

manager office instruction

Office manager is one of the most sought after professions. An effective specialist should pay considerable attention to human resources, this requirement is the responsibility of the office manager for the resume. Correctly matched by internal leadership qualities and a highly qualified staff will positively affect the dynamics of the development of the company.

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