
Job description of an economist of a budget institution

An economist is a specialist who participates in the organization in developing a financial system, monitoring its implementation, forming, analyzing management and periodic reporting. The tasks of this employee include research, forecasting and support of budgetary and economic operations at the enterprise. All these responsibilities include the job description of the economist of the planning department. We consider it further in more detail. job description economist


The job description of an economist provides for certain requirements for the training of a specialist. Depending on this, the appropriate categories are established:

  1. 2 cat. involves higher professional education. The second requirement is the presence of work experience as an economist or in another engineering and technical position, replaced by a specialist with a high school, for at least 3 years.
  2. 1 cat. also provided for persons with a / education (in this specialty). The experience of such an employee is at least 3 years as an economist 2 cat.

A person with a higher education institution (by profession) without experience is appointed as a specialist without a category. A citizen with secondary vocational education and experience as a technician 1 cat. May also be appointed to the post of economist. not less than 3 years or in other positions that are replaced by specialists from cf. vocational education, not less than 5 years. The appointment or dismissal of an employee is carried out by the head of the organization on the proposal of the head of the unit, in whose submission he acts.

Required knowledge

The job description of the economist of the planning and economic department establishes certain professional tasks for the employee. To fulfill them, he should have knowledge of:

  1. Legislative acts, orders, orders, teaching materials for analysis and accounting of the enterprise, other regulatory acts.
  2. Organization of planned work.
  3. The procedure for developing promising and annual projects of financial, economic and industrial activities of the company.
  4. Methods of analysis and accounting of performance indicators of the enterprise and its individual divisions.
  5. The procedure for developing business projects.
  6. The accounting records.
  7. Determination methods economic effect from the introduction of new technologies and equipment, inventions and rationalization proposals. job description economist budgetary institution
  8. Production basics.
  9. Russian and foreign experience in the rational organization of the company in market conditions.
  10. OT Rules.
  11. The internal routine of the enterprise.


Depending on the specifics of his professional activity, the employee must understand the organization of work and management, production technologies. This knowledge is used in his work by an economist at work. The job description of such a specialist provides tasks for the development and optimization of personnel and production management systems.

For their implementation, the specialist should know the basics of TC, production technology, methods of management. Organization of statistical and operational accounting, computational work, reporting is carried out by an accountant-economist at the enterprise. The job description of such a specialist involves his work with materials for signing contracts. In this regard, he should know the rules for the preparation of relevant documentation. In addition, he must understand the manner and timing of reporting. job description economist planning economic department

Main responsibilities

The job description of the economist of the planning and economic department provides for the following tasks:

  1. Performance of work aimed at improving the profitability and efficiency of the enterprise’s production activities, the quality of products, achieving high final results subject to the optimal use of financial, working and material resources.
  2. Preparation of baseline information for the development of projects to increase sales volume and increase profitability.
  3. Settlement of financial, labor and material costs necessary for the production and marketing of manufactured products, the development of a new assortment, advanced technologies and equipment.
  4. Determining the economic efficiency of the organization of work and production processes, the introduction of machines and operations, inventions and rationalization proposals.
  5. Performing an economic analysis of the business activities of the company and structural units.
  6. Development of measures to increase the profitability, productivity, competitiveness of products, reduce the cost of production and marketing of goods, eliminate losses, identify opportunities for additional production of products. job description of a leading economist

The processes

The job description of the leading economist includes tasks in the implementation of which the specialist is involved in:

  1. Consideration of the developed projects of industrial and economic activities.
  2. Resource-saving work.
  3. Improvement and implementation of on-farm settlements.
  4. Improving progressive management methods and organization of work.
  5. Improving accounting and planning documentation.
  6. Formation of tasks or individual stages that are solved using computer technology.
  7. Performing marketing research and forecasting production development.

Control activity

It is provided by the job description of the chief economist. The duties of this specialist include the performance of work related to ad hoc calculations and monitoring the correctness of the implementation of the relevant settlement operations. The employee keeps records of production performance indicators, contracts concluded with other enterprises. The job description of the chief economist contains the obligation to prepare periodic reports on time. The employee controls the execution of tasks for departments and the enterprise as a whole, the use of on-farm resources. The employee must monitor compliance with the terms of the contract concluded by the company. job economist job description

The rights

This section includes the job description of an economist. budgetary institution commercial enterprise or other organization. The rights of a specialist are interrelated with his duties. When implementing the first, he carries out the tasks assigned to him by management. The job description of the economist of a budget institution or other enterprise provides for the possibility of an employee:

  1. To get acquainted with the projects of all decisions of the administration of the organization relating to his professional activities.
  2. To offer management measures to improve the work that is associated with the duties of a specialist.
  3. To inform, within the scope of his competence, the administration of the enterprise of all the shortcomings that he identified in the course of his activities, to propose options for their elimination.
  4. Involve employees of individual or all departments of the enterprise in solving tasks that are entrusted to a specialist. The exercise of this right is carried out with the permission of the head or in accordance with local acts of the company.
  5. To request, on behalf of the administration of the enterprise or personally, documents and information from the heads of departments that the employee needs to fulfill his duties.
  6. Demand assistance from the management of the organization in the implementation of tasks and existing rights. job description economist planning department

A responsibility

The job description of the economist includes a section in which the specialist is warned about the likelihood of applying sanctions to him for certain violations. In particular, it provides for prosecution for unlawful acts committed by an employee in the course of his professional activities. In this case, according to the current legislation, a specialist may be punished by the Civil and Administrative, and in some cases by the Criminal Code. An employee may be held liable for the improper performance of his duties, which includes the job description of an economist. The punishment in this case is established in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code. The specialist is also responsible for causing property damage resulting from his activities. The punishment for such acts is established in the framework of the current legislation. accountant economist job description


The job description of the economist is provided for review under the personal signature of the employee. The development and approval of its content can be carried out both individually by the head of the enterprise or an authorized person, or together with a specialist. Compliance with the provisions of the document acts as the responsibility of the economist.

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