
Profession watchman. The duty officer of the watchman

How much do people know about the profession of a janitor? After all, despite the low selection criteria, still not everyone will be able to get this position. Not to mention working on it for a long time. Want to know why?

In fact, there are many reasons. But often they are all associated with those responsibilities that dictate the job description of a guard. And therefore, let's figure out what is still necessary to do in this position.

watchman job description

Who is a janitor?

For some reason, many do not see much of a difference between the watchman and the watchman. But despite some similarities in their responsibilities, there is still a clear line separating one profession from the second.

So, unlike the watchman, the job description of the watchman first of all requires him to carefully monitor the movement of people in the territory controlled by him. Simply put, a janitor is a person who manages a checkpoint. In the morning, he lets all the workers into production, and in the evening he releases them back.

Otherwise, the two professions are very similar. For example, like a watchman, a watchman must ensure that no one enters the building he guards, check the locks and doors, ensure the integrity of the property, and so on.

Caretaker caretaker job description

The responsibilities of this person can vary significantly, depending on what object he works on. For example, the protection of industrial production is primarily aimed at maintaining the integrity of the goods and raw materials. But the duty at school obliges him to keep track of who and when came or left the school.

In this regard, each object has its own job description as a caretaker. It is precisely in it that all the rights and obligations of this worker are precisely stated, up to the number of shifts or the procedure for checking documents with people.

watchman job description

In general, the job description of the watchman has the following points:

  1. General information. It is here that the main criteria for selecting people for a position as a guard are indicated: availability of work experience, medical certificate, education, and so on. Although it should be noted that often for employment in this position it is enough to have a certificate of secondary school completion.
  2. Duties. The most detailed paragraph, which contains all those rules and regulations that the watchman will have to fulfill.
  3. The rights. Like any worker in the production, the watchman should be able to eat, relax, be provided with the necessary tools, and so on.
  4. A responsibility. The job description of a watchman clearly indicates in which particular situations an administrative penalty or a fine may be applied to a given worker.

Work in factories and factories

The main feature of the work of the watchman in production is that he will need to constantly monitor the safety of the goods or raw materials. Moreover, not only external factors, but also internal, in particular dishonest workers, will be a potential threat.

Therefore, the watchman should regularly check warehouses, workshops and workshops. In addition to this, he must also ensure that no one takes anything out of production through his checkpoint.

job description of a watchman at school

The job description of the watchman at school

There is a guard on any school, since such an institution simply cannot do without it. It is easy to guess that the main difficulty will be working with children. After all, given the peculiarities of their behavior, he will often have to contact them.

Therefore, he needs to ensure that schoolchildren do not spoil property, and also behave approximately and do not put themselves and others at risk.Quite often, it is the watchman who has to give calls for a lesson and a break. Otherwise, his work is not much different from that of a simple watchman.

dormitory watchman job description

Difficulties working in a dormitory

In a special category, you need to separate those watchmen who are on duty in dormitories. This is due to the fact that they constantly have to make sure that there is order on their territory. And often the job description of a hostel guardian gives a clear definition of how this order should be.

For example, it indicates the exact time during which pass residents. Or, clear guidelines regarding who has the right to go inside the hostel and what documents he must present. In this regard, a guard may sometimes have conflicts with residents or their guests, which will certainly affect the psychological state of this worker. And this should always be remembered.

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