
Production instruction for the electrician: tasks and responsibilities

What is the profession of an electrician and what types is it divided into? What are the responsibilities of an electrician? Answers to these and many other questions will be given in the article.

Who is an electrician?

The light in the rooms burns only thanks to electricians. If some kind of electrical device fails, then they call for help, of course, again the electrician. Thanks to the representatives of the profession in question, constant quality control over electrical engineering is carried out. In Russia and other CIS countries, there are very few workers. The country needs high-quality, competent specialists. That is why the profession of electrician for a long time remains extremely popular in the labor market. All necessary conditions for workers are created: salaries are raised, the working environment is optimized, vocational training is improved - if only more people are entering the profession.

And what does the production instruction for the electrician prescribe about the representative of the profession in question? This document establishes that the employee is obliged, if necessary, to assemble, install, assemble, center, adjust or repair various types of electrical equipment and technical equipment. In addition, the employee needs to know the basics of electronics, the principles of operation of various mechanisms, the design of electrical appliances, etc. A complete list of disciplines that the employee should be aware of is regulated in detail by the production instructions for the electrician.

Work responsibilities of an electrician

The results of the questionnaires show that a person working as an electrician should primarily do physical work. The representative of the profession in question must have good, good health, a high level of endurance and excellent physical fitness.production instructions for the electrician

If we talk about the duties of the employee, then everything will depend only on the category and qualifications of the worker. So, the production instruction for the electrician prescribes that an employee of the 2-3rd category is obliged to wash parts and elements of various devices. Cleaning contacts of electrical equipment is also in the competence of a professional 2-3 classes. Workers with 4 or 5 category are obliged to engage in more difficult and complex work. Accordingly, the responsibility of such specialists will increase markedly. Diagnostics of various hardware circuits - both electrical and mechanical, elimination of various kinds of problems and malfunctions - all this is included in the group of job functions of the represented employee. Among other things, it is specialists of 4 and 5 categories who are obliged to draw up various production sketches, drawings and diagrams.

It is also worth noting that the professional field itself includes more than 40 different subspecies. Each of them is an independent specialty, the foundations of which contain typical production instruction for the electrician. Next, the most basic and most common subtypes of this profession will be considered.

Rights and responsibilities of the electrician

The production instruction for the electrician assigns to the representative of the profession in question a number of certain rights and a group of criteria for which the employee should be responsible.It is worth noting that the entire list presented will not change or be cut in any way depending on the working category and function groups.production instructions for electrician repair and maintenance

So, what rights does the electrician have? Like most other working professionals, the person in question has the right:

  • to a workplace secured by an employment contract and other legal and regulatory acts;
  • for timely and full wages;
  • to rest;
  • to safe work;
  • to provide him with all the information, as well as any plans, one way or another related to the labor activity of electricians;
  • to participate in enterprise management;
  • to protect their rights and much more.

Above were mentioned only the most basic professional rights of an employee. And what types of responsibility can be distinguished? Here are the most common types:

  • for conscientious and high-quality performance of their labor functions;
  • for the internal routine;
  • for labor safety;
  • for a careful attitude to the property of the enterprise and more.

Thus, the production instructions of the electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment fairly competently and clearly streamlines all types of responsibilities and rights.

Electrician 4 categories

Electrician 4 categories - this is a very important person in the workplace. That is why it is worth a little more to reveal the essence of his work. Since the general concept of the profession "electrician" has already been described, you will have to turn directly to the duties of the employee. So, what do the manufacturing instructions for an electrician of 4 category prescribe? What are the common features here? Here are the most basic ones:

  • Analysis, timely inspection and repair of equipment in operation.
  • Carrying out a full technical check upon completion of repairs.
  • Control over the alarm system - light and sound, over magnetic stations, control stations, etc. Timely elimination of various malfunctions.
  • Carrying out work at power plants - departmental, transformer, etc.
  • Full control over lighting; Timely troubleshooting of voltage lines.
  • Soldering.
  • Drawing up drawings and diagrams and performing work on them.

Electrician 5 category

Of the eight possible, an electrician of precisely the fifth category is a rather important and valuable person in production. The production instruction for the electrician of the 5th category assigns the following duties to the employee:

  • disassembly, inspection, repair, assembly and commissioning of high-voltage electric machines and electrical equipment (up to 15 kV).
  • Work with automation and telemechanics: elimination of defects and adjustment.
  • Work with lighting and power plants having particularly complex switching schemes.
  • Work with cable networks with power from 35 kV.
  • Work with installations and mercury rectifiers, which are high-frequency.
  • Work with furnaces (steelmaking, tunnel and blast furnaces), with rolling machines, with welding equipment, etc.
  • Inspection, repair and commissioning of vacuum furnaces of a particularly complex type.
  • Work to identify, eliminate and prevent the production of vibrations and noise in excess of the norm.
  • Carrying out work with in-line transport lines, with feedback on voltage and current.

Of course, representatives of the profession in question with the fifth rank can be endowed with many other functions. However, everything will depend on the enterprise and place of work. The electrician’s production instructions for repairing electrical equipment involve a wide variety of functions and responsibilities.

About a winding repair electrician

What is the work performed by the employee of the type in question? production instructions for the electricianThe production instructions of the electrician for the repair of the winding prescribe that the representative of this profession is obliged to identify defects, determine the volume and production of labor activity,associated with the repair of windings of the type "monolith" of any voltage with cooling - indirect or direct. This also includes integral winding and work on connecting parts of electric machines, checking the windings for strength.

Above was a brief description of the work performed. However, what examples of labor activities of the workers in question can be given? Here are the most common ones:

  • The old one is dismantled and a new winding is laid on the rotors of the turbogenerators and on large electric machines.
  • Carrying out similar work with generators having water, hydrogen or oil cooling.
  • Work with centering and retaining rings on the rotors of generators.
  • Detection, repair and prevention of leakage of moisture from the winding.

Of course, the representative of the profession in question is also endowed with many other functions. However, all of them are fully described in the job description.

About electrician repairing electric meters

The production instruction of the electrician for the repair and maintenance of electric meters secures the employee a number of rights, duties and types of responsibility. Only the basic functions of the presented employee will be described below, since they will help to reveal the image of this specialist as widely as possible. So what can be distinguished here?production instruction for electrician 5 category

In short, the employee is obliged to timely and efficiently change the electricity meters. However, in addition to replacement, the specialist is also required to deal with finances. It is about ensuring a high-quality cash flow for the use of electricity from ordinary consumers. It is worth mentioning the documentation - practically no profession can do without it nowadays. So, the considered electrician is obliged to compile, draw up and submit to the management all the necessary papers on time to repair the meters or to replace them.

In general, the work of the specialist in question is not much different from other types of wiring: eliminating defects, monitoring equipment, timely replacement of equipment, and much more - all this makes up the presented profession.

Who is the PMM maintenance electrician?

To begin with, it is worth understanding what GPM is and how it is deciphered. Everything is quite simple here: these are hoisting machines. production instructions electrician gpmHowever, the question may arise: “What does the electrician have to do with it? What does it have to do with cranes?” The thing is that lifting equipment that is directly connected to the network, many years ago went into oblivion. Today, driving this kind of machine will be very difficult. Needless to say, an important person here will be a person who is able to diagnose the device, repair and service it. But the representative of the profession in question is just such a person. Without exaggeration, it can be stated that an electrician of this kind is probably the most prestigious specialist in his professional environment.

The production instruction of the GPM electrician assigns a number of duties to the employee. What are they? This will be described later.

Responsibilities of the electrician for the repair of oil and gas

The duties of the employee in question are regulated by the special production instructions of the electrician. According to this document, almost all facilities are subject to GPM maintenance. production instructions for the repairmanThe specialist himself must:

  • Keep all the gas and oil products available at the factory in optimal and operational condition.
  • Periodically conduct inspections and checks of existing equipment.
  • Keep a journal of periodic inspection (typical for specialists with a certain category).
  • Troubleshoot problems in a short or fixed time.
  • Carry out work with experimental schemes of those. equipment of a particularly complex nature (commissioning, inspection, repair, commissioning, etc.)
  • Work with measuring transformers (checking the available accuracy classes).
  • Work with special pipelines, systems filled with various liquids (oil, gas, etc.)
  • Studying the working conditions of certain types of oil and gas products; "practice development" - the search for wear, elimination of defects and more.
  • Briefing workers involved in one way or another at the GPM.

Thus, the duties of a representative of the profession in question are no different. The production instructions for the electrician to repair the gasoline engine install the most common range of functions. The transfer of duties on Wednesday with the GPM, of course, seems many times more difficult. However, this complexity is easily offset by prestige.

Safety requirements during the work of electricians

The safety clauses are contained in the production instructions of the electrician. Electrical equipment maintenance is given a lot of attention in this document. But much more important here is the safety of the employee. typical production instruction for an electricianSo, the instruction prescribes the following about the safety of specialists:

  • If an injured person is found, an ambulance should be called as soon as possible. At the same time, it is necessary to inform the management of the administration.
  • Equipment troubleshooting should only be carried out if the power is turned off.
  • Workers must keep their jobs tidy and clean.
  • The available documentation must be in full order at all times.
  • All information about the state of a particular item of equipment must be recorded in the journal.

Compliance with all of the above requirements will help to avoid accidents at work.

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