
The main duties of the forwarder

Forwarder - a specialist who provides transportation services and is responsible for its safety. Representatives of this profession belong to the category of technical performers. Such a specialist is obliged to control all stages of work with the cargo that is transported: loading, transportation and unloading. The duties of the forwarder include checking the quality and quantity of transported objects, which must strictly comply with the documentation indicated by the shipper. Important aspects of the forwarder's work are the organization of a well-thought-out route chosen by the client, as well as the provision of transportation by an appropriate vehicle. It should also be taken into account that the payment of a variety of contributions (customs, transportation costs) is also part of the obligations fulfilled and should be taken into account. All financial details must be accurately recorded.

Who can become a forwarder

A person who has a primary vocational education or higher may be appointed to such a position. There are no requirements for work experience. A person who claims to be a freight forwarder must have knowledge about the organization of loading and unloading operations and the features of transportation of goods. He should familiarize himself with a wealth of data relating to documentation, conditions of cargo transportation, route features of transportation, legislative bases and labor protection.

Forwarder deals with documentation

freight forwarder agreementOfficial freight forwarder duties involve the preparation of all necessary documents that will accompany the import and export of goods. Other minor formalities may arise, as shipping is a complex process of providing services.

The main goal, which the driver-forwarder must fully fulfill, is to ensure the process of sending and receiving cargo in full. At the time of transfer of the goods by the client, the forwarder is obliged to issue a special document that demonstrates the subsequent services and provide the entire package of contracts related to the transportation of goods. A forwarder contract is drawn up. Such a document can be concluded if there is an agreement with the client, a document about which he must draw up. It is very important to timely verify the authenticity of documents that are provided by the client. It is especially worth paying attention to the accuracy of information about the cargo and its transportation. And the forwarder should be familiar with labor laws and labor protection standards.

Forwarder service document

In the contract document, the freight forwarder and the customer stipulate the terms by which the first will receive his remuneration and possible compensation for expenses incurred by the transportation of goods. The freight forwarding services agreement is concluded for a period of up to twelve months. It should indicate those rights and obligations that will be assigned to both parties. If there are several shipments, the contract will include additional applications. They should indicate the time, features of the transported goods and the route.

driver forwarder

Forwarder interaction with customer services

A client who wants to send the goods must present all the necessary documents and information in a timely manner. This is necessary to pass customs, sanitary and other inspections without delay. The forwarding contract should be filled in with the data provided by the client and indicate the procedure for their provision.

Third party forwarding by a forwarder

freight forwarder dutiesIf third parties are involved in the performance of services, this should be provided for in an agreement with the client, but in this case, the forwarding driver assumes all responsibility for their actions.

The forwarder cannot conclude a contract for cargo insurance on behalf of the client. There are times when the forwarder's job responsibilities make it possible to avoid following the customer’s instructions, but only if this helps the customer’s interests. This is possible with insufficient accuracy of these data, which could not be changed due to the lack of discussion for 24 hours.

Possible difficulties

Forwarder's duties allow delaying transported
cargo if the client does not pay a cash reward. Customer must reimburse all shipping costs. If something happens to the load during this delay, the responsibility will fall on the client.

If there are difficulties in choosing a route or transport by the client, the freight forwarder himself can offer a solution that will meet the main interests of the client. This route can be slightly adjusted if necessary.

freight forwarder

Thus, we can distinguish several basic duties of a freight forwarder:

  • Acceptance of cargo in accordance with the necessary documentation.
  • Fulfillment of all conditions of the client.
  • Choice of a route, necessary vehicles and devices.
  • Professional transportation.
  • Placement and packing of goods with clearance.

A professional freight forwarder will help you safely deliver the goods wherever you need, because he not only possesses the necessary skills and knowledge, but also responsibly fulfills his duties.

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