
Is an emigrant willing to leave or forced to do so?

The words "immigrant" and "emigrant" are quite easy to confuse. Probably because they designate the same person, but located on different sides of the state border. The best option in this case is to call all migrants. This will eliminate the error.

The concept and causes of emigration

The very first area of ​​use of the term “migration” is the science of ornithology. Then they began to use it to indicate the movement of people and their change of place of residence. Migrants are people who, for certain reasons, leave their country. And also it can be those who are in constant moving. In this case, emigration is a trip abroad, and immigration is, accordingly, entry.

Based on this, an emigrant is a person who independently decided to move. Moreover, the important point is that deported people do not belong to this category. The fact is that they change their location forcibly.

Emigrant is

The main reasons for emigration:

  • martial law and pre-war situation in the country;
  • hunger or poverty in the state;
  • the presence of ethnic conflicts or political repression;
  • environmental and natural disasters;
  • any kind of discrimination;
  • training, work;
  • family reunion.

Emigration and citizenship

The opinion of people who consider emigration a kind of shift or acquisition of citizenship of another country, mistakenly. This is far from the case. The conditions of many states are not favorable for emigration. And not everyone who moves manages to obtain citizenship without hindrance. In some countries, for this it is necessary to pay large amounts of contributions to the treasury or make a purchase of real estate. In general, everything is connected with large financial injections into the country's economy. And not everyone can afford it.

Most often, an emigrant is someone who is forced to go to another state in order to earn money. For this type of people, citizenship does not matter. For example, in the USA, in order to fully enjoy all the privileges of local citizens, you just need to be the owner of the Green Card. It provides legal residence and official earnings. Emigrants in Russia can also live and earn money in the absence of citizenship.

Double citizenship

A special place is occupied by those countries in which it is permissible to have dual citizenship. Moreover, emigrants do not have to abandon the previous one, because the law provides for the equivalent use of two or more passports. So, after applying for a residence permit, emigrants in Russia can officially find work and temporarily register.

Emigrants in Russia

The Federal Migration Service of the country only asks for a notification of the presence of several passport documents. But abandoning them is optional.

Definition of the word “emigrant” in different countries of the world

The definition of the word “emigrant” in each individual state depends on the characteristics of migration policy. For example, in Denmark it is practically no different from the standard. But a high level of development of the country contributes to a minimum level of migration.

In Japan, an expat is a person who travels to another country for justification and employment. The illegal appearance of this phenomenon is practically absent there.

For the French, an expat is, for example, an Algerian who decided to return to his homeland. And when emigrating, the Germans officially lose their right to reside in the country.This is a kind of deliberate renunciation of a person’s citizenship.

Emigrant stories

In the United States, emigration is virtually absent. But illegal immigration is a big problem for the government, which throws all its forces into solving it. Therefore, the registration of citizens who left the country is not maintained.

Almost no emigrants from Korea. There is no such concept in this country. The reason lies in the militaristic mood of her government. The laws of this country resemble the laws of the USSR during the Cold War. Emigrating to Korea means betraying your people and country.

The reasons for the prosperity of emigration

The stories of emigrants suggest that the main reason for the change of residence for most people is poor living conditions and total unemployment. An emigrant is a person who hopes to gain a foothold in the territory of another state and begin his life there from the beginning.

Emigrants today

The biggest problem of the modern world is illegal border crossing, which provokes illegal location in another country, work without paying tax contributions. This phenomenon is widespread in Russia, the USA and Canada.

Emigrants today affect some of the demographic indicators of countries related to issues of ethnic, age, gender composition of the population. Therefore, emigration as an external factor needs tight control.

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