
Photo on documents as a business. Where to start the opening of a photo salon: a list of equipment and costing

photo on documents as a business

Today, almost all existing documents require a photograph. This means that photo salons are in constant demand. That is why a photo on documents as a business is especially important. It is not necessary to be a professional to be able to take photos on documents.

Everyone can do it. The only thing, it will be necessary once a month to simply invite a specialist who will set up the equipment and correctly set the light. Thanks to modern digital technology, opening a business is very easy.

The first steps

A business plan is necessary only after a thorough study of the market. Do a little research to determine how many photo shops are in the area where you want to open your point.

Find out how passable and accessible this place is. It is desirable that large shops and institutions issuing documents are located nearby.

A plan for organizing your business should consist of some key questions:

- salon operation mode;

- salaries of employees;

- job descriptions.

If you plan to open a small salon, then it will be enough to hire one employee who will take pictures and take pictures of clients. The operator must be able to do this, using the necessary program on the computer.

Basic formalities

You got excited about the idea, there is the necessary finances, and you thought about how to open a photo salon, where to start your business. First of all, all the same, with the execution of the necessary documents. The legal framework will enable you to work peacefully. Salon “Photo on documents” as a business involves paperwork and compliance with certain formalities when it is opened:

1. Registration of LLC or IE.

2. Determine and indicate in the tax codes (74.81, 74.8, 52.4, 22.22).

3. Registration in pension and other extrabudgetary funds.

4. Purchase of a cash register (other forms of strict reporting are possible).

5. Paperwork in accordance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and State Surveillance.

6. The study of regulatory documents (requirements for certain types of photographs - for a passport of Russian citizens and a passport).

equipment for photo on documents


The Salon "Photo for Documents" as a business, although relevant, but also requires advertising. First of all, you need to invest in a beautiful and large sign. This will be the main and main advertisement of the opened photo salon.

Do not rely on local television and newspapers. As it turned out in practice, it is ineffective.

But the small colorful flyers will do their job much faster. They can be lowered into mailboxes and pasted in specially designated places.

Interior decoration and equipment

How to open a photo salon? Where to start equipping a room? They say that the theater begins with a hanger. So it is in our situation. It is imperative to install several comfortable chairs, a waiting table, a hanger and a large mirror.

It will not be superfluous to purchase an additional set of clothes: a jacket, tie. Arrange a kind of rental of things. Such a service will be appreciated by those customers who need to take a digital photo urgently, and they are, so to speak, not in shape.

Equipment for photo on documents

To begin to provide the promised photo services to the population, you need to purchase some special equipment:

- a computer with the necessary programs for processing photos (18,000 rubles);

- a digital camera for photos on documents (15,000 rubles);

- lighting equipment (10,000 rubles);

- color printer, better inkjet (10,000 rubles);

- tripods (9000 rubles);

- outbreaks (12,000 rubles);

- consumables: cartridges, paint, photo paper (2000 rubles).

The main expenses should be reflected in the financial part of the business plan.


The financial plan includes the main costs for the implementation of the desired project and performance evaluation. All expenses are conditionally divided into starting and regular. Starting costs include the purchase of basic equipment, furniture, and the design of the room. In total, this will be about 100,000 rubles.

Regular expenses include:

- rental of premises (15,000 rubles);

- salary (20,000 rubles);

- purchase of consumables (2000 rubles);

- other unforeseen expenses (5000 rubles).

Monthly expenses are about 42,000 rubles.

Business profitability

When the Photo for Documents showroom, how will the business start to make a profit? With an average point attendance of 10 people per day and a service cost of 300 rubles, revenue per month is estimated to be 75,000 rubles. If you subtract the monthly expenses, the net profit will be 33,000 rubles. In this situation, very soon the opening of the salon will pay off.

This calculation is only approximate. The payback of the salon directly depends on the preliminary work done, which includes both advertising and its location. The more activity you show, the more you can get as a result. Much depends on the seriousness of the enterprise.

how to open a business photo on documents

Seasonality of business

The activity of the “Photo for Documents” salon as a business also depends on the time of year. At the end and beginning of the year, attendance at the photo salon is noticeably reduced. Therefore, it is very good if your point provides any additional services.

The hot season for this kind of business begins in early summer, when applicants are preparing to enter universities.

Additional photo studio services

Perhaps you are a creative person and seriously interested in photography, you have professional skills in this area, then you need to use your capabilities and open a photo studio. In this case, you need to think about a larger area of ​​the premises, the purchase of expensive equipment, which will already allow for studio shooting.

Given the seasonality of the business, it is advisable to offer additional services to the public:

- listing of photos from electronic media;

- creating retro photos;

- restoration of old photos;

- printing of wall posters and photographs;

- manufacture of custom vignettes;

- scanning and photocopying;

- sale of photographic equipment and accessories and much more.


Now you know how to open a “Photo for Documents” business. Given all the nuances, pitfalls, you can easily make a business profitable.

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