
What is an extract from the House Book for? Features of the procedure for obtaining a document

An extract from the House Book is an important document that is required for most transactions related to this property. It contains all the necessary information that may be required to confirm the purity of the transaction.

Description of the document

The house book, as you know, starts up immediately after checking in at home. Subsequently, information on all changes regarding this dwelling is entered into it. In fact, it contains the whole history of the house. But there are times when this or that information needs to be confirmed officially. Then extract from the House Book may be required. What is it and how is it able to influence the solution of various housing issues?

Real estate transactions, as a rule, require extreme accuracy and full compliance with the data. And what can provide more reliable information than a magazine that has been maintained continuously for many years? This is the same House Book. It contains information about everyone who was once registered in this premises or was its owner. Extract from the Home Book is needed for a variety of reasons. Depending on this, it can be made in the usual or expanded form. In the first case, the document is a form that contains complete information about the direct owner of the dwelling, as well as the people who are currently registered in it. In the second case, such information is selected for a certain period of time. Moreover, not only permanent residents are indicated, but also those who were registered here earlier, indicating the date of discharge.term of extract from the house book

What is an extract for?

When preparing documents related to real estate, a specialist is required to have complete information about a particular room. He must know his entire history in order to correctly resolve a particular issue. In what cases may an extract from the House Book be required? In all that are related to housing. This mainly includes:

  • sale or purchase (houses, apartments);
  • registration of various types of alienation type of gift;
  • resolving issues related to inheritance;
  • privatization
  • registration of allowances and benefits;
  • restoration of a passport as a result of its loss;
  • support of any legal transaction relating to this residential property.

All these situations periodically take place in everyday life. Sooner or later, a need arises, and people decide to perform this or that operation with their living space. At this moment, they want to be sure of its cleanliness, so as not to take undue risks. An extract in this case is a kind of verification and a kind of guarantor.

extract from the house book

Rules for compiling a document

In order to use this document, you need to know what the extract from the House Book looks like. A sample can be considered with a specific example. Suppose a citizen who owns a particular apartment (house) decides to sell it (him). To do this, he needs to collect a certain package of documents, among which must be mentioned extract. As a rule, it includes complete information about all citizens registered in this room. This also includes those who do not currently live here, but who are legally entitled to do so. In a simplified version of the document, the address of a particular residential building is first indicated. Next is a table in which information about all tenants is gradually entered:

  • FULL NAME.and date of birth;
  • attitude to the owner or tenant;
  • registration information;
  • data on deregistration (statement).

A detailed version contains more complete information about all residents.extract from house book sample

In addition to all of the above, the table indicates:

  • passport data;
  • citizenship;
  • nationality;
  • military registration information;
  • information about the previous registration (where it came from).

Such a document allows specialists to make informed decisions, while maintaining complete confidence in their actions.

Where to get an extract?

As a rule, House Books are kept by the direct owners of the property. This may be the HOA, some housing departments, as well as other management companies. If we are talking about a private house, then a similar document is in the hands of the owner. What should a citizen do if he needs an extract from the Home Book? Where to get such a document? Typically, such certificates are issued by service companies (housing department, housing and recreation center, housing cooperative, housing cooperative and others). Their name can be found in the utility bill. This is where a citizen should apply if necessary.

extract from the house book where to get

He will be asked to fill out an application of the appropriate form and submit the necessary documents. Depending on who is submitting the request, you may need:

  1. To the owner (owner) - passport, certificate of ownership.
  2. To the authorized representative - personal passport, notarized power of attorney, passport (or copy) of the principal.
  3. For registered tenant - a passport and a document confirming the need to provide this information.
  4. Notary public - a formal written request.

Typically, such statements are given to strangers reluctantly. But with the appropriate papers, the issue can be resolved.

Terms of issue

It takes time to draw up any document. It takes to select the necessary data, and then give it a certain look. In accordance with the instructions, each paper has its own term. Extract from the Home Book is usually prepared during the day. Sometimes, with heavy workload, a specialist may need a little more time. As a last resort, he can reschedule the meeting with the applicant for the evening or plan his visit the next day. If the matter concerns an extended version of the statement, then it may take at least three days to compile it. The reason for the delay is that the help of archive workers is needed to select such information. Everything here will depend on the interaction of two different structures. But when executing transactions, one should not forget that any document has its own validity period.

As for the extract we are considering, the law does not limit the period of its validity, but in practice after three days it can be considered obsolete and unsuitable for further use. During this time, a new tenant can be registered in the apartment, and the received document will lose its relevance. That is why it is better to draw it up in the very least.

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