
Where to change a medical policy? How to change an old health insurance policy?

Policy abbreviated as Compulsory medical insurance (compulsory medical insurance) It is issued to every adult citizen of Russia who receives in return the help of specialized personnel absolutely free of charge.

where to change health insurance policy

Having applied for the service in an institution, a person showing a document, thereby showing which company pays. Where to change the medical policy, how to do it, how much time and money will take - this will be discussed in the article.

Past or present

Three years ago, the state completely replaced the old model, so the question of where to change the medical insurance policy became more acute. It is worth noting that the first type of document has still not gone out of circulation, being valid along with an updated version. At the moment, no expiration date has been announced, which means that you can make a replacement quickly and without tiring queues.

The main differences

The main advantage of the insurance policy is the ability to make an independent choice in favor of any company, organization or group that provides its services in this field. The second positive point is the use of the modern version anywhere in the country, regardless of the specific registration of an individual. The reference to the regional indicator has also disappeared. Now you can take a course of treatment from a specialist selected by the consumer. This approach eliminated complaints about the proposed district police officer and forced institutions to get rid of unclaimed personnel.

where can I change my medical policy

At the moment, wondering where to change the medical policy, a citizen must first decide on an insurance company. Many of them cooperate with paid clinics, and if a document is available, the consumer will be offered a full range of services. In addition, thanks to the development of technology and the advent of personal computers, the work of nurses has become easier, accelerated and increased efficiency.

The process of issuing a new policy option

After deciding in favor of one of the insurance groups, you can go to the office or branch of a local clinic. If choosing an organization is difficult, you can explore the entire list of companies with a detailed description of functions and capabilities. So there is an answer to the question of where to change medical policy Yekaterinburg is Moscow or a city on the periphery.

Where to change the medical policy of Yekaterinburg

Upon direct contact at the location of the insurer, the consumer will need to present a certificate (SNILS) and a passport. A filling form is provided on site. The preparation of a document usually takes thirty calendar days, but as an alternative for this period, an individual receives a temporary sample. After the end of the month of waiting, there are several options for events:

  1. The organization communicates with the citizen in one of the ways agreed upon during the direct execution of the document.
  2. After waiting for the deadline, a person can independently return to the office to receive a new sample.

Currently, the most relevant and sought-after option is considered to be a plastic document with compact and convenient sizes. It is the attractiveness of this version that makes people wonder: "Where can I change my medical insurance policy?"

General points of important nuances of getting an updated mandatory medical insurance

The most important details of both the old and the new policies are considered to be the opportunity at any time to take advantage of the free help of doctors and the availability of a single document from one citizen. The execution, issuance and signing of the contract also occurs free of charge, without paying taxes or lump sums. You can pick it up from the office or clinic (where it is better to change the medical policy) in person or by sending a representative.

where to change the medical policy

The sample should always be with the owner. It must be presented only at the medical facility at the request of the registry officer or doctor. People in the following categories can get a policy:

  • Residents of the Russian Federation.
  • Citizens of other countries living in the Russian Federation on a permanent basis.
  • Persons without citizenship but living in Russia most of the time.

A document with a fixed validity period is issued in the same place where you can change the medical policy, and to people belonging to such segments of the population:

  • temporary residents of Russia who do not have citizenship of the Russian Federation or other countries;
  • refugees.

Forced document change

Mandatory re-issuance of the policy, as well as a complete replacement of the old model with an updated version, takes place:

  • if an error, typo or any other inaccuracy is found in it that refutes the real information;
  • if the insured person has changed gender or initials.

A duplicate is handed over to a citizen upon loss of a previously issued document or upon unsuitability and decay of the old model. You can use the certificate anywhere in Russia, but only upon receipt in the country, and not outside it. It is worth noting the increase in offices where changing the medical policy of Rosno, Gosstrakh, Concord, VSK and other companies is not difficult. They defend the interests of customers with low-quality assistance.

Is it necessary to exchange the old version for a new sample

You can leave the policy and get a new version of a single document of Russia at any time, and the main difference between them is the services included in the list of the organization selected by the individual as the main institution.

where to change the medical insurance policy

Before you wonder where to change your health insurance policy, you need to find out what opportunities the company has. A program based on basic functionality is as follows:

  1. Mandatory preventive care.
  2. First aid provided by qualified medical staff.
  3. The provision of services by specialists during the treatment of common diseases, including: chromosomal change, artificial interruption of child bearing, help for children of different ages, including during pregnancy. Also, the birth, illness of the internal organs and circulatory systems, parasitic and infectious diseases (excluding tuberculosis, STDs, AIDS and HIV), metabolic disorders, the period of postpartum rehabilitation, pregnancy, swelling, eating disorders.

Exchange period

If desired, the citizen can choose another insurance group, where you can change the insurance policy once per calendar year from January 1 to October 31 inclusive. where to change the medical policyFrom November 1 to December 31 go maintenance work and reporting for the past ten months. If a person is officially employed, then all functions for changing a document can be transferred to the personnel department of the enterprise.

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