
Replacing the MHI policy. How to get a new MHI policy. Documents required to replace the compulsory medical insurance policy

We all, unfortunately, sometimes need medical attention, and any of us, of course, knows that “pleasure” is not cheap. However, regardless of their financial capabilities, each person has the right guaranteed by the Constitution to receive timely and qualified medical care. replacement Oms policyThat is why Russia has created a system of medical insurance for the population. It has existed for a long time, and by today such a need has ripened as the mandatory replacement of compulsory medical insurance policies. Why this is needed and how to do it - consider below.

What is compulsory medical insurance?

The medical insurance policy is precisely the document confirming the citizen’s right to receive qualified and, importantly, free medical care. For any hospital and clinic, the patient’s presence of this document is very important, since it is the basis for invoicing the insurance company, which will compensate for the cost of treatment. Therefore, the need to have a compulsory medical insurance policy is not a whim, but an obligation stipulated by law. However, due to new laws in this area, some insurance issued earlier may become invalid. Replacing such a nuisance will help replace the compulsory medical insurance policy. Moreover, to do this is quite simple.

Why do I need to change my health insurance policy?

Needless to say, replacing old compulsory medical insurance policies gives citizens some inconvenience. Is it really necessary? The fact is that before the enactment of the new legislation, each insurance company put its own forms into circulation and entered there the information that it considered necessary. Such a policy was valid only in the territory served by a specific insurance company, therefore, if a person had to seek medical help outside his region, it was problematic to prove the right to free medical care. The replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy is designed to eliminate such misunderstandings, because the new document has a single form throughout the Russian Federation and entitles its holder to seek help from any medical institution of his choice.replacement of the Oms policy in Moscow

How and where to get a document

It is very simple to issue an MHI policy - for this you only need to choose any insurance company and provide the necessary documents there. It is worth noting that if earlier the need to insure their employees was forcibly assigned to employers, then under the new legislation they are deprived of this "honorable" duty. Now the design, as well as the replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy, is entirely your concern. However, there are some advantages to this: for example, you are not obliged to contact the organization with which your employer has a contract, but you can choose an insurance company at your discretion.

If for some reason you are not working, then apply insurance policy You can in the institution that serves your area (you can obtain information about this by contacting the city health insurance fund).

Or maybe via the Internet?

Another innovation is the replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy via the Internet - many insurance companies allegedly provide this opportunity today. However, in reality, you cannot remotely take out insurance - you still have to personally visit the organization’s office (at least to get a document in your hands).Therefore, although the replacement of the MHI policy via the Internet is offered on the sites of many insurance companies, in reality this is only a kind of advertising move designed to attract as many customers as possible.

In practice, you can only submit an application and some scanned copies of documents via the Internet (unless, of course, you are afraid that they will be sent to the wrong address). The maximum result that you can get is to save 5-10 minutes of personal time, that is how much an insurance company specialist will spend, entering the necessary information about you in your presence.

Where to change the policy

As already mentioned, now you can independently choose the organization in which the replacement of the MHI policy will be carried out. Addresses and telephones can be found in the territorial health insurance fund. Of course, it is best to choose a large insurance company with a good reputation, a sufficient number of positive reviews, and most importantly, licensed. For example, the replacement of the MHI policy in Moscow is carried out by organizations such as:

  • "F-policy."
  • Vicks Policy.
  • "Direct policy."
  • "Solidarity for life."
  • "Max m."
  • Uralsib.
  • "Insurance group" Spassky Gate - M ".
  • "Reso guarantee."
  • "12 policies."
  • "Icarus" and others.

The replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow, Ryazan, Saratov and any other city of the Russian Federation occurs in exactly the same way, and the insurance company is entitled to demand from you only those documents that are prescribed by law. Also, in any region of Russia, the same deadlines for issuing a form, as well as the procedure for its execution.replacement of the OMS policy via the Internet

Documents for replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy: what to prepare

Oddly enough, but each insurance company requires its list of documents for registration and replacement of the policy, however, a specific list is enshrined in the legislation.

Citizens of the Russian Federation must provide the following papers:

  • Children under 14 years of age - a passport of any of the parents or a document confirming the right to custody; birth certificate, in which there is a note on the citizenship of the Russian Federation; SNILS, if any.
  • For children from 14 years old and adults - an internal passport of the Russian Federation or a certificate that is issued for the period of issuing a permanent passport, as well as SNILS (if any).

Documents for replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy for foreign citizens include:

  • Passport or any document recognized in accordance with an international agreement with an identity card.
  • A residence permit or a document permitting temporary residence in the Russian Federation, with a note on registration.
  • SNILS (when it is).

The same papers are also provided by stateless persons temporarily or permanently residing in Russia. But people who have the status of a migrant or refugee must additionally provide documents confirming this fact.documents for replacement of the OMS policy

If you do not have the opportunity to personally come to the office of the insurance company, you can entrust this procedure to any relative or acquaintance of your choice. In this case, it will be necessary to additionally provide the passport of the person receiving the policy in your name, and a notarized power of attorney confirming his right to do so.

What is a temporary certificate and to whom it is issued

Replacing a mandatory medical insurance policy with a new one is a fairly quick procedure and takes approximately 30 business days. For this period you will be issued a so-called temporary certificate confirming your right to free medical care. Typically, the following information is entered into it:

  • personal information about the insured - name, gender, date and place of birth and residence, passport details, etc .;
  • name and details of the insurance organization that draws up the policy;
  • number and date of issue of the certificate, its validity;
  • signatures of the parties.

The provisional certificate has the same powers as the main document, therefore, all medical institutions, without exception, are required to accept it, as well as the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Do I have to rush

Despite the fact that the period for replacing the MHI policy is not well defined, you should not delay it, especially if your old document has a note that it is valid until 01/01/2011. Such a policy is considered to be expired and must be replaced immediately - if this is not done, then in the provision of medical care, with the exception of emergency cases, you may be denied. Moreover, only the case in which there is a direct threat to the patient’s life is recognized as emergency. Any other disease, even the most serious one, does not fall under this definition and will require you to either immediately issue a compulsory medical insurance policy or treat yourself at your own expense.compulsory replacement of OMS policies

All insurances issued after this date are considered valid until the time of replacement, and you are not entitled to refuse medical care on the grounds that you have an old-style document. If this happens - feel free to contact the head of the medical institution (the head doctor or his deputy), the territorial health insurance fund or the insurance organization that issued the policy.

If the policy form goes bad

It is worth knowing that there are cases when the replacement of the mandatory medical insurance policy is mandatory. In accordance with Russian law, the current MHI policy can be either paper or plastic with an integrated chip. The validity of such a card is five years, after which it is subject to mandatory replacement. A paper policy can be replaced due to deterioration (decay, scuffing, illegibility as a result of getting wet and so on). In case of loss of a policy of any kind, a duplicate will be issued to you.

You will also have to contact the insurance company to replace the form in the event of a change in personal information: surname, name, patronymic and other data entered into it.replacement of the OMS policy with a new one

Benefits of having a new document

  1. The MHI policy of a new sample does not have an expiration date, is valid indefinitely and does not require an extension.
  2. When changing the place of work and residence, re-issuance of the document is also not required.
  3. Also, you won’t have to change the policy if you decide to use the help of another company that provides insurance services - data about it is simply entered into an existing form. Such a replacement can be made up to 10 times, but not more than 1 time per year. It is worth knowing that you need to apply for a change in the insurance company before November 1 of the current year, after this date such a statement may not be accepted.
  4. MHI policy replacement points are located in each city and village, in the immediate vicinity of your place of residence.
  5. The new policy is valid throughout the country and gives the right to choose not only a medical institution, but also a specific doctor.
  6. Treatment and consultation should be presented not only in the state, but also in a private clinic, if it is included in the compulsory medical insurance system.
  7. The policy allows you to conduct electronic recording to the right specialist, and also helps to create a unified information database throughout the Russian Federation.
  8. When a new sample document is issued, each citizen is assigned a unique 16-digit number, knowing which, you can remotely view your medical record, test results, etc., of course, when your clinic has its own website and allows its patients to use "My account".

Change the policy to UEC

In conclusion, it is worth noting one more important point - you can get a new model policy not only on paper or plastic, but also in the form of a universal electronic card, which is a multifunctional tool for its holder. With the help of UEC, it is possible to make payments, pay for travel by metro and public transport, it also replaces SNILS and some other documents. For some time, UEC registration in the Russian Federation has been recommendatory in nature.

replacement of an address policy

Even if you are sure that you will not need medical assistance in the near future, do not delay the replacement of the MHI policy, because in the future this may turn into unpleasant moments.

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