
How to get a mandatory medical insurance policy. Where to get the compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Recently, many people have been interested in how to get a compulsory medical insurance policy, which is a state system of social protection of the interests of all citizens regarding health protection.

Why is this policy?

how to get an oms policy

The main goal of the compulsory medical insurance is to provide a citizen in the event of a situation in which medical assistance is required, to receive it urgently exclusively at the expense of financial resources accumulated for a certain time in the federal and territorial compulsory health insurance funds. Also, many people who are interested in how to get a compulsory medical insurance policy ask themselves questions about where the financial resources for providing this program come from. In fact, the financial resources of such a system are created from income from various insurance premiums received by employers, as well as all kinds of payments from the budget.

With this insurance, a citizen gets the right to use absolutely free medical care in basic clinics, skin and venereologic dispensaries, trauma centers, as well as dental clinics in his place of residence. In addition, he can also be examined free of charge at various diagnostic and treatment centers, hospitals or dispensaries participating in the implementation of this program, even if he only recently managed to get a new MHI policy. Thus, with this insurance, a person can feel protected from various dangers regarding his health and life.

What it is?

Where to get a new OMS policyCompulsory health insurance is a special document that is evidence of the conclusion of an insurance contract in favor of a particular citizen. This document contains absolutely all the necessary information regarding the owner, the terms and number of the insurance contract, a note that the insured person is attached to the clinic selected by him, as well as a telephone number intended to contact the insurance company in order to receive answers to any questions. If you have already found out where to get the compulsory medical insurance policy in St. Petersburg or another city convenient for you, you can visit this office also for the purpose of receiving advice from qualified specialists.

What is a territorial program?

Where to get the Oms policy in Moscow

The territorial program deserves special attention - this is a specialized document, according to which citizens are guaranteed the provision of free medical care using compulsory medical insurance. It is for this reason that many people are thinking about how to get an MHI policy, since recently it has become more and more difficult to independently provide treatment in truly responsible medical institutions.

In particular, it is worth noting several key positions of this program:

  • The provision of emergency medical care.
  • Mandatory provision of outpatient care. It is worth noting that this also includes the implementation of a full range of activities related to preliminary diagnosis and further treatment of diseases at home, in a clinic or in a day hospital.
  • Inpatient care. In this case, assistance is provided only under certain conditions.The first condition is all sorts of exacerbations of chronic diseases or acute diseases that require extremely intensive therapy, round-the-clock monitoring by qualified doctors or complete isolation in accordance with various epidemiological indications. The second condition is the pathology of childbirth, abortion or pregnancy. Also, inpatient care is provided in the process of conducting full-fledged treatment or rehabilitation of a person in case of need for professional round-the-clock monitoring in the day care ward, hospital or specialized department.

What is not included here?

Where to get a new OMS policy

Regardless of where to get the MHI policy - in Moscow or another city - this program will not include a sufficiently large number of different medical measures, and first of all this applies to the treatment of socially significant diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV and others. Such diseases can be cured exclusively at the expense of the federal and city budgets, from which emergency medical aid is also paid, for prosthetics, preferential drug provision, as well as expensive medications and types of assistance included in the approved list.

In particular, it is worth highlighting several procedures that are included in this list:

  • open heart surgery;
  • acute leukemia chemotherapy;
  • hemodialysis;
  • kidney or bone marrow transplantation;
  • radiation or chemotherapy;
  • resuscitation of newborns.

Types of medical care provided on a commercial basis

policy oms where to get

Also no matter where get a compulsory medical insurance policy - in Moscow or some other city - there is a certain list of types of medical care for which even state medical institutions may require payment from patients, as this is approved in accordance with applicable law. This list in the overwhelming majority of cases is posted in a conspicuous place in any medical institution, since its mandatory demonstration is one of the requirements of the current legislation.

First of all, such procedures include:

  • expert advice, expertise or medical examination which is carried out at the personal initiative of citizens, that is, if they have not previously been provided with a referral from the clinic, the procedure is not paid for by the compulsory medical insurance policy (where it does not play a role);
  • all kinds of diagnostic or therapeutic measures that are carried out in an anonymous format (the only exception in this case are all kinds of AIDS tests);
  • carrying out manipulations, consultations, as well as diagnostic tests at home (as an exception, the free conduct of such procedures is carried out for those people who cannot visit medical institutions in accordance with their health status or individual characteristics of the disease);
  • monitoring by hospital doctors of patients at their home after they were discharged from the hospital;
  • introduction of preventive vaccinations in accordance with the initiative of citizens (exception - vaccinations carried out in accordance with state programs);
  • providing sanatorium-resort treatment, if it is not provided to children, does not pay for the compulsory medical insurance policy (where to get it does not play any role);
  • homeopathic treatment;
  • cosmetology services;
  • dental prosthetics, if it is not provided in accordance with applicable law;
  • treatment of logoneurosis if the patient is over 18 years old;
  • treatment of sexological pathology;
  • in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination;
  • medical and psychological assistance;
  • all sorts of additional service and household services, as well as being in a superior room or providing personalized care.

Professional advice

In order to get advice from a professional specialist, you should contact the experts of the insurance company that serves you, or contact the territorial fund. Also, operators of the round-the-clock help desk of medical and social assistance can tell you where to get the MHI policy in St. Petersburg or another city. If necessary, you can ask the operator about the various nuances of providing this insurance.

Where to get the Oms policy in St. Petersburg

How to get such a policy?

Depending on the choice of your insurance company, you may have several ways to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • Fill out the application online on the official website of the insurance company.
  • Use a delivery service, if provided by your insurer. Some companies provide free shipping, but only under certain conditions.
  • Fill out an application for a choice or replacement of a policy. The application form is printed from the official website or obtained directly at the office of the insurer company.
  • The application is filled in personally by the insured person or his representative.
  • All relevant documents or their certified copies are attached to the application.
  • The application is submitted at any office of the company.

Be sure to pay attention to what kind of documentation is needed in your particular case. Depending on benefits, age, citizenship, and many other nuances, the list of necessary documentation changes significantly, and therefore it is better to initially look at your company’s website what documents are needed to arrange such insurance.

Where do policies get and change?

get a new Oms policy

If a citizen works for a certain company, then in this case he does not need to think about where to get a new MHI policy, since it can be obtained from the employer or from a specialized insurance organization. In the event that the citizen does not consider the services of the company that the employer offers him satisfactory, he has the legal right to choose any other one that has the appropriate license.

In the event that the employer has not concluded an insurance contract, the employee will be insured by the district administration at his place of residence, but at the same time he has the right to demand from his employer the mandatory conclusion of the relevant contract.

A non-working citizen can get insurance from the relevant organization that provides services to their area. In the same way, you need to get an MHI policy for a child.

Where to get such a policy in Moscow?

As you know, to obtain a policy you need to contact one of the insurance companies. In Moscow, you can contact the following addresses:

  • Veshnyakovskaya, 23 ("Solidarity for Life");
  • Gastello, 39 (MAX-M);
  • 2nd Vladimirskaya, 31A (ROSNO-MS);
  • Mitinskaya, 19 (Ingosstrakh-M);
  • Zoological, 15 (SOGAZ-Med).

Where to get such a policy in St. Petersburg?

For St. Petersburg, the current addresses are as follows:

  • Moskovsky Prospekt 22 (Capital Policy Med);
  • Zheleznovodskaya, 64 (ROSNO-MS);
  • Yesenina, 5 ("RGS-Medicine");
  • Kronshtadtskaya 13 (OJSC “GSMK”);
  • Sredneohtinsky Prospekt 39 (MAKS-M).

More exact addresses can be specified in each separate company. There are a lot of such addresses, therefore, it is likely that you will be able to find the best option.

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