
How to disconnect from the clinic and attach to another? Clinic at the place of residence

How to detach from the clinic, and then attach to another? This question is of interest to many citizens. Indeed, according to the law, we in Russia are invited to choose where exactly to be observed. So, you can choose any budget medical institution at your discretion. But how to detach? What features of the process should be considered? Can you refuse to detach, as well as attach for one reason or another? All this will be discussed now.how to disconnect from the clinic

At the place of residence

Before you disconnect from the clinic, which you are currently seeing, you need to find out what options for subsequent attachment are possible. Each of them is accompanied by certain features of paperwork, which should be taken into account.

The first case is a clinic at the place of residence. Initially, all citizens are “attached” by registration. But often people are registered in one place, but live at a different address. And going to a medical institution by registration is inconvenient. Or you are not happy with the service. In such cases, it is worth considering how to disconnect from the clinic, and then register at another place.

In general, this process has no features. It is enough to refuse service in your medical institution. And then write a statement that you want to change the clinic. This paper is written in a new hospital, for example at your place of residence. More details about the documents attached to the application, a little later.

Another city

You can also register in another city. Nobody can take this right from you. Thus, each citizen is completely free to choose a medical institution, where he will receive free medical care. However, if you are thinking about how to attach to a clinic in another city, you will have to pre-coordinate this process with the selected institution.

What for? The thing is that employees have the right to refuse to apply for you. But only if there are good reasons. And she is only one - this is the overcrowding of the medical organization. A very rare occurrence, so do not worry. If everything is in order with this, then you can prepare a certain list of documents, and then decide how to disconnect from the clinic and get registered in another place. This is not so difficult.how to attach to the clinic

The policy is all over the head

Only at first you should know the prerequisite that must be met if you want to attach to a particular clinic. Which one? You must have the so-called compulsory health insurance policy. He is also called MHI policy abbreviated.

Detachment from the clinic, as well as attachment to a new medical institution occurs only if this document is available. So keep that in mind. If you need to extend the policy, first implement this idea. And only then do the detachment-attachment.

Old-fashioned detachment

The first option, which will help you figure out how to disconnect from the clinic, is the old fashioned way. In order to bring the idea to life, you just need to come to your medical institution. Next, contact the registry and inform that you would like to disconnect from the clinic. You will either be referred to the head physician, or they will immediately give you a form to fill out the relevant application. There is nothing complicated about it, everywhere there are rules.

As soon as the application is written (in it you indicate your intentions, as well as personal data), it will need to be attributed to the head physician or back to the registry. It is also advisable to find out in advance. You can wait for an answer from the administration. Soon you will be given the go-ahead. And after that, you can think about how to attach to the clinic at the place of actual residence.outpatient clinic


Now some medical facilities offer their patients more convenient and modern methods of interaction. So, for example, sometimes you can disconnect from the clinic via the Internet. But this is not so easy. Especially if you do not have the so-called digital signature.

What to do if you decide to disconnect from the hospital using the Internet? You can go to the site of your medical institution, write a statement, put your digital signature on it, and then send it to the name of the head doctor. Sometimes there is a special feedback form for such services. Please note that not every clinic allows you to carry out the procedure using the World Wide Web.

By phone

Is there any way to disconnect with the phone? After all, it’s not always convenient for everyone to contact a medical institution. In addition, not all hospitals allow the procedure to be carried out using the Internet. This is a very rare occurrence.detachment from the clinic

Unfortunately, using a phone call once and for all to solve the question of how to disconnect from the clinic will not work. Unless you can clarify the time of the chief doctor, as well as what documents you need to bring with you.

By the way, if you decide to attach to a particular medical institution, keep in mind: you won’t be able to realize your idea through the phone. So the mobile phone in our today's question is a thing almost useless. Relying on her is clearly not worth it.


It does not matter which place was chosen to replace the medical institution where you will be observed. Whether it is a clinic at the place of residence or nonresident. The list of documents is the same for these cases. What is useful?

To begin with your medical policy. Without it, you should not contact the clinic for attachment. In some organizations, for example, they additionally request SNILS, this is a normal phenomenon. Just take this document with you. And make copies in advance.disconnect from the clinic via the Internet

Next is an identity card. Usually require a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. A copy of this is also desirable to remove. There is no need to certify anything. In the end, just attach to the aforementioned list of documents also an application for attachment to a particular clinic. It's all. With this package, you can contact the registry of the medical institution. Now we are waiting for approval - and that’s it, the problem has been solved once and for all.

Private hospitals

How to attach to a clinic that is private? This topic is of interest to some citizens. But can this be done at all? I guess, yes. It is only necessary to observe one small condition - the organization must be a participant in the mandatory medical insurance program. That is, to provide free services on a medical policy.

If this is the case, you can attach to a private medical facility. What does that require? The same documents as in the previous case. So it doesn’t matter which clinic you are attaching to. Unpinning occurs by writing a statement, and attachment - with similar documents. In fact, there is nothing difficult or special in these processes.change the clinic

By the way, some are interested in how often you can change the clinic. Generally infinitely many times. But according to the law - once a month. Just try not to "indulge" in this process and immediately choose your own clinic for observation.

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Tell me, if I changed my name, is it necessary to disconnect from polyclinics about marriage?


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