
Replacing a medical policy. Mandatory exchange (replacement) of medical policies

It's no secret that the Constitution of almost every country guarantees its citizens the right to receive quality and affordable medical care. Russia, which uses the system of insurance medicine, is no exception in this matter. In order to improve it, as early as 2011, a replacement of the medical policy with a new type of document was organized. How to make such an exchange and why is it necessary - this is the topic of today's article.

What is compulsory medical insurance?

Mandatory health insurance policy (mandatory medical insurance policy) - This is a document confirming the right of every citizen to receive timely and free medical care in the territory of the Russian Federation. You can learn more about all the rights and obligations of the policy holder by studying the laws of the Russian Federation in the field of medicine:

  • No. 323-ФЗ dated 11/21/11, “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”;
  • No. 326-ФЗ dated 11.29.10, “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation”;
  • some other laws and regulations.

medical policy MoscowHaving studied these documents, you can see that not all medical problems can be solved with the help of such a policy - for this there is a certain list of issues called the basic compulsory medical insurance program. You can apply for a policy by contacting any insurance company, while providing a minimum of documents.

Why replace policies

A logical question arises: if the health insurance program has been operating for so long, then why change something? The fact is that the old medical policy was valid only in the region where it was issued - this created considerable difficulties. If a person went on vacation or on a business trip, for example, from Magadan to Sochi, then in cases where the help of a doctor was required, he was forced to either go to a private clinic or endure before returning to his native land.

In addition, before the employer was responsible for the compulsory medical insurance policy for a working person - this also created some inconvenience. The fact is that in this case it was possible to get insurance services only in the company with which the contract was concluded with the enterprise, and this was not always profitable and convenient. Replacement medical policy completely eliminated such injustice.

old medical policy

Now a person is free to determine which insurance company to trust his health. Moreover, if the service in a specific insurance company does not suit the client, he is entitled to change the service organization once a year. But, on the other hand, duty get a mandatory health insurance policy Now it is the responsibility of the citizen himself, and if at the right time it turns out that such a document was not drawn up, there will be no one to blame.

Who needs to change the policy

Until mid-2014, old insurance was quite relevant, and citizens were in no hurry to change it to newer ones. Today, the replacement of a medical policy is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation without fail. Obtaining a new document is certainly required in such cases:

  • the old document has lost its readable appearance as a result of damage or physical deterioration;
  • the policyholder changed his last name, first name and patronymic or other personal data;
  • the previous document has been lost;
  • the insurance company has been replaced;
  • The policy was issued before 01.07.2014.

"High tech

Today, everyone is offered a choice of a new medical policy of two types: conventional and electronic. The first option can be obtained both on paper and in the form of a small plastic card.As a second, a universal citizen electronic card (UEC) is proposed. On it, among other information, the number of the policy itself will be registered, which can be presented when visiting a medical institution, as well as a small chip that contains information about the compulsory medical insurance.

new medical policy

It is assumed that soon the UEC will generally replace all the documents a person needs for life, because such a card provides a citizen with access to a huge list of services. It contains not only the personal data of a person, but also all information about him:

  • availability and number of pension certificate;
  • the right to receive benefits and their list;
  • information about the MHI policy;
  • another.

For pensioners, UEC will be replaced by a social card, and for the younger generation, an ordinary bank (settlement) card. According to the owner’s statement, you can transfer wages, a pension or allowance there and use it to pay for anything: utility bills, metro travel, and so on. In addition, with the help of UEC, you can even make an appointment with a doctor, I use Sberbank's ATM for this.

Where to apply for a new document

Replacing a medical policy is very simple - for this you need to contact any insurance organization of your choice and submit the appropriate application. Which policy you want to receive - paper, plastic or electronic - decide on your own, it does not matter much.

medical insurance replacement

If you decide to draw up a universal card, you can do this also in some branches of Sberbank. An application for receiving such a document (UEC) must be referred to special reception points, the addresses of which can be found, for example, on the website www.uecard.ru. After 20 days, you will receive the coveted card, which will already be “sewn” and the new MHI policy.

Remember: until you receive a new document, you must provide medical care on the basis of the old policy!

We will prepare the documents

In order to get a new medical policy, you must provide the following documents:

  • adolescents and children under 14 years of age - the original birth certificate, pension certificate (if the child has one) and the passport of one of the parents, adoptive parents or guardians;
  • adults and adolescents who already have the basic citizen document - passport and SNILS;
  • for foreigners - a passport or other equivalent document, SNILS and residence permit (if any);
  • stateless persons - any document confirming identity, the same applies to persons without a passport;
  • refugees - any document confirming the assigned status, passport.

get a new medical policy

As you can see, if you have at least some identity document, you will receive a new medical policy. If you get medical insurance certificate not for the first time, but replace it, then, in addition to the above documents, you need to bring the old medical center.

How long can the procedure take?

Replacing compulsory health insurance is not too long. Usually the procedure takes from 10 to 20 days, but in any case can not last more than a month. For this period, the insurance company is obliged to issue a temporary document, equal in strength to the basic policy of compulsory medical insurance.

Be sure to replace your medical policy. Moscow, Rostov, Tyumen - who knows where you will be tomorrow? And the new medical insurance policy guarantees you high-quality medical care in any corner of vast Russia.

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