
About where to get a medical examination for rights and which experts conduct it

The medical commission in order to obtain confirmation of the absence of contraindications to driving automobiles is one of the most common. Various health care facilities can conduct it, but first of all, polyclinics.

where to get a medical examination for rights

About where to get a medical examination for rights

Currently, many clinics provide such a service. The medical commission for a driver’s license here can be passed in the shortest possible time. This is because:

  • the staff of polyclinics has all the necessary specialists;
  • all tests can be taken here;
  • a medical commission for a driver’s license in a clinic is relatively inexpensive;
  • there is a special time for receiving commissions.

So everyone who does not know where to get a medical examination for rights should turn their attention primarily to ordinary clinics. All the necessary conditions are created here.

How much is the medical board for rights today?

Currently, the price of this service can range from 600 to 2000 rubles. The exact cost depends on the medical institution in which the commission is held. In ordinary clinics, the price will be lower, but you will have to spend more time here. As for private centers with a license to conduct commissions, then you will have to leave up to 2,000 rubles, but a certificate will be received within a few hours. So where to get a medical examination for rights, everyone chooses for himself.

Which specialists will have to go through?

Currently, you will have to visit several doctors at once in order to have a medical examination for rights. A narcologist, psychiatrist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, gynecologist (for women) and therapist - here is a complete list of them. It may well be necessary to consult narrow specialists if the above doctors suspect serious diseases that are a contraindication to driving vehicles of one or another category (depending on which one the person is applying for).


As for this specialist, his task is to establish the ability of a person to drive a vehicle from the technical side of the issue. The point is that in the future, the driver was able to freely turn the steering wheel, get to the pedals. For this reason, from a surgical point of view, contraindications for driving are shortening of limbs, their absence, as well as significant restrictions on movements.


This specialist determines the presence or absence of pathology from the nervous system. Moreover, even relatively small violations here may become an obstacle to obtaining a driving permit. In addition to conducting a direct examination, a neuropathologist carefully studies the medical documentation, since the same epilepsy during a routine examination cannot be established.

medical commission for a driver’s license

Psychiatrist and narcologist

If a person is registered with these specialists, then it is unlikely that a medical commission will give him a positive conclusion. The psychiatrist determines the presence of diseases that directly affect human behavior. In the event that the subject has mental illnesses, then in the vast majority of cases it is contraindicated to drive a car.

As for the narcologist, this specialist usually simply checks the patient lists of the corresponding profile.If the candidate for drivers did not have previously unpleasant conversations with such a doctor, then he has nothing to worry about. In this case, of course, one should not come to such a specialist after a large amount of alcohol was drunk the day before.

Most often, the same specialist occupies the posts of a psychiatrist and narcologist in polyclinics, which speeds up the process of passing a medical commission.


Going through this doctor is very important for every driver. The fact is that serious visual impairment is extremely dangerous for those who drive. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that in the presence of eye ailments, a person will be prohibited from driving. The ophthalmologist will help him choose the technical means for vision correction. As a result, safety while driving will increase significantly.

medical board for the rights of a psychiatrist


The greatest number of contraindications for driving a car are diseases of a therapeutic profile. In this case, the first thing the doctor draws attention to is the level of blood pressure. The fact is that even the second degree of hypertensive disease may already be a contraindication for driving. We are talking about those cases when a person has already established the second degree of the disease, and at the same time during the last year he has had 6 episodes of hypertensive crises. In those situations where the increase in pressure was first established, the person will have to undergo a series of additional examinations and visit a cardiologist.

In addition to arterial hypertension, contraindications for driving a car are any decompensated diseases of the internal organs, be it cirrhosis of the liver or severe bronchial asthma, accompanied by severe respiratory failure.

In addition, it is impossible to undergo a medical commission for rights in the presence of acute diseases, including colds. A contraindication is also the oncological process in the progression stage.

After the candidate candidate has passed all the experts, he is sent to the secretary of the commission. It is he who makes the final conclusion. In this case, the list of contraindications in all centers is the same. It is established by law. So it doesn’t matter where to get a medical examination for rights. In any of the centers, specialists will be guided by the same list of diseases when determining the degree of fitness for driving.

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