
Medical certificate for weapons: what is required to obtain and validity

A medical certificate for weapons of form 046-1 is a mandatory document for obtaining permits for the purchase of weapons, including hunting. At the first registration, a citizen must provide a passport, if the person applies again, then a valid license is also mandatory. In most cases, a medical certificate for weapons is needed for those people who are worried about their safety, are fond of hunting or for citizens working in certain areas related to security activities.

Order of receipt

A medical document (form 046-1) is a guarantee that frivolous people will not be allowed to own weapons. A medical certificate for a weapon, the validity of which is established by the law of the Russian Federation, is issued only after a full passage of the commission from specialist doctors. These include:

  • psychiatrist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • expert in narcology;
  • therapist.

Weapon medical certificate

The therapist collects all the issued expert opinions and issues the right paper. A positive result may be affected by the presence of a specific disease or health deviation. First of all, these are mental disorders. In addition, the document is not issued to persons suffering from all kinds of addictions, including drug and alcohol. Substance abuse and epilepsy are also considered the main reasons that a certificate cannot be issued. A weapons medical certificate is not required for employees of the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Defense, FSB and private security companies.

Document Requirements

The form of the document is unified, and the filling requirements are the same for everyone. On paper should be clearly visible all prints of seals, well-readable data. After the citizen has successfully passed the commission of doctors, a note on the suitability for carrying firearms and gas is put on the form. Further, together with the fully compiled package of documents, the certificate must be sent to a special department for the issuance of licenses, the authority of which includes making decisions on permission and also renewing the license.

The effect of the medical certificate on the weapon

It is worth considering that a medical certificate for weapons is issued for a fee, regardless of the region of residence. Not every medical institution can issue such a document, since permission of the Ministry of Health is required, otherwise the official paper will be invalid. The certificate of form 046-1 is not a permissive document, it can be used only for further obtaining the appropriate license.


According to the order of the Ministry of Health, the effect of a medical certificate on a weapon is six months. This is due to the fact that the reliability of medical tests is only 6 months. After the deadline, the document is reissued with the provision of a valid license. It is worth considering that after 5 years it is necessary to go through the arms commission again in order to extend the permit. 90 days before the deadline, you must contact the LRO, providing a statement of desire to obtain a license. You will need the same documents as originally, plus you don’t need to listen to the training course again, it’s enough to re-examine the specialists of the medical institution.

Weapon medical certificate

A medical certificate for hunting weapons is issued similarly. Weapon permit renewal takes one calendar month. During this time, the citizen is checked for offenses. Refusal to renew will be in case of more than 2 administrative violations.

Refusal to receive: reasons

There are a number of medical contraindications that will contribute to premature refusal to issue a certificate 046-1. In addition to identifying various kinds of addictions, as well as mental disorders and epilepsy, the document is not issued to persons with the following deviations:

  • in the presence of frequent exacerbations associated with diseases of the nervous system;
  • in the absence of vision in one of the eyes;
  • if there are no three fingers on the hands (at least one) or the index and thumb are missing;
  • if on one eye the visual acuity (correction indicator) is less than 0.5, and on the other - 0.2.

In these cases, the decision to obtain a medical certificate for a weapon will have to be abandoned.

Hunting weapons medical certificate

Actions after getting help

Having received help 046-1 and redirecting the full package of documents, decisions must be expected within 10 days. In addition, for the acquisition of hunting weapons, a special commission conclusion is required, which refers to the level of knowledge on the use and storage of weapons, about the passed safety course in a training center. The course takes about 4 months, payment - about 7,000 rubles. In the MFC of the settlement you can get hunting ticket. In addition, for one unit of weapons for hunting it is necessary to pay a state fee of 100 rubles. After completing all the required steps, it is imperative to install a safe for storing weapons at home. Otherwise, according to the conditions of safe storage, the issuance of a permit may be canceled.

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