
STSI: replacement of rights upon expiration

Today we have to find out how in the STSI the replacement of rights occurs after the expiration of their validity. Two options are possible here: either you change your last name, or it's just time to change your ID. It doesn’t matter what kind of situation. Indeed, in the traffic police, the replacement of rights will still occur approximately the same. What documents do we need? What you should pay attention to? Let's try to answer these questions.


But first, what is a driver’s license? Why is it needed? It is easy to guess that a driver’s license (or a license, it’s the same thing) is necessary for all drivers. This document confirms driving permits.traffic police replacement rights

As a rule, information about the owner is displayed in it, there is a photograph, and information is also recorded on which transport a particular citizen can drive. That is, here you can see the category of driving. Without this certificate it is forbidden to drive. Often in the STSI, a replacement of rights is required for women. The most common cases are divorce or marriage. In any case, men also have to change their driver’s license from time to time. Let's try to understand what is required for this.


In the STSI, the replacement of rights when changing a surname does not only imply that there is a statement from a citizen to complete a transaction. Without it, you may receive a request for consideration, but then you will have to write this paper.

Typically, a statement is written by hand. You can look at a sample of writing in the traffic police department at the place of registration. Or ask an employee of the appropriate authority. Usually you just have to express your desire for a replacement, indicate the reason for this action, put the date of the request and your signature. There is nothing difficult or special about this. But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance.


Well, let's think further that it will be required that the traffic police replace the rights upon expiration. Moscow (VAO, Southern Administrative Okrug or any other region - it doesn’t matter), St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Syktyvkar - no matter what city they are talking about. The same rules for replacing a driver’s license are common throughout Russia.traffic police replacement of rights when changing a surname

In addition to the application, you must present the original and a copy of the identity document. Practice shows that this is often a passport. It will save you from problems and excess paperwork. If you will not show a passport, but a different document, take care of confirming your residence in the city. You will need to provide the relevant certificate.

Please note: it is better to immediately make a copy of all pages of your passport. Sometimes in the traffic police, the replacement of rights without photocopies will not be carried out. They will simply refuse you. This is illegal, but this practice does occur. In general, a little advice: always make copies of your documents and bring with you.

Old ID

You must also show your old driver license. An exception may be situations in which you have lost this document. Otherwise, without a previous driver’s license, you can’t expect a successful replacement.traffic police replacement of rights when changing the name medical certificate

Practice shows that no significant problems arise here. Indeed, the replacement of rights upon expiration is a common thing for many. And in this case, it is easy to show the old rights in addition. You do not need to make a copy - you will still have the old document taken away and then replaced with a new one.


But how does the traffic police replace rights when changing a surname? A medical certificate about the passage of the appropriate commission from you will also be required. And already with the new passport data. By the way, even if you just decided to change your rights, you will have to go through a medical commission.

Perhaps this is one of the few points that may cause some difficulties for citizens. Especially in women. After all, they will first have to change their passport, policy, and only then contact the appropriate institution to undergo a commission. What is needed for this? Just say that you want to change your rights, and now you need to undergo a medical examination for this. You will be given a list of doctors who can provide another document that is important when contacting the traffic police. Get rid of the medical board? Then move on.


Another point - when replacing rights, you must give your photos in the amount of 3 pieces, preferably 4. Their size is 3 by 4. Tell in the photo salon that you need a photo on the right. The employee will quickly process the received image and will give you photos that comply with the rules.traffic police replacement rights duty

In principle, you can wait a bit with them. And convey after submitting the application. However, as practice shows, you may, on completely legitimate grounds, not accept the request. After all, photographs are included in the list of required documents required to replace a driver’s license.

A citizen has the right to bring not entirely fresh images. But remember, the maximum time from the day of shooting should not exceed six months. It’s better, of course, to bring recently taken photographs with you.


If you look at the list of important documents that are needed to replace a driver’s license, you will notice that a very interesting point has appeared. We are talking about relevant certificates that confirm your driving training (the exception is people who are individually trained until 2013 inclusive).

In principle, often no training certificates are needed. If you may still require it from you for the initial driver’s license, then it is unlikely when replacing it. You can bring the appropriate certificate with you for personal peace of mind. You never know, suddenly you will be asked. But according to practice, no such documents are required in the traffic police. They all data will be stored in a special system. From it you can get information about your driving instruction.traffic police replacement of rights state duty amount


That is almost completed in the traffic police replacement rights. The fee for issuing the relevant document is another important point. If you do not pay this service, you surely no one will accept the application. After all, you have to pay for everything. And for the replacement of documents, including. It is better to worry in advance that the fee has been paid. And come to the appropriate authorities with a receipt and a check.

After that, the replacement of rights will not be so problematic in the STSI. The state duty for this action at the moment is 2,000 rubles. You can often pay a receipt at the traffic police department itself. There is nothing complicated about it.

More problems arise when it comes to getting a driver’s license for the first time. Why? Here, the amount of state duty varies slightly. For example, temporary rights will cost a citizen 800 rubles, an international standard - 1,600, and ordinary, as in the previous case, 2 thousand.

Change of surname

If you changed your name and therefore change your driver’s license, you need to copy and bring the relevant documents with you (along with the originals). As already mentioned, this certificate is either a divorce or a marriage. Their absence makes it impossible to accept your statement.

traffic police replacement of the rights of the address Moscow

In addition, it is not superfluous to bring along a copy and the original of your birth certificate. In general, this document does not need to be presented. But, as practice shows, sometimes the traffic police demand to prove that you once had the same surname.Remember, no one has the right to request a birth certificate. But if you want to play it safe again, you can take it with you just in case.


Are all documents with you? Then go to the traffic police at your place of residence. Submit an application and documents to replace your driver’s license and wait a while. Once the certificate is ready, go back to the appropriate government agency with a passport to receive the document.

This process is not so complicated. But where can I go, for example, in Moscow? In what department is the traffic police changing rights? Addresses (Moscow) can be viewed on the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation. But in general, every citizen has the right to appeal, say, to:

  • State traffic inspectorate of Moscow - metro "Tsvetnoy Boulevard";
  • MOTOTER (YuAO) - Nagatinskaya metro station;
  • MOTOTRER (Central District) - Metro "Tretyakovskaya".

traffic police replacement of rights after the expiration of Moscow vao

This list can be continued for a very long time. Each district has its own traffic police department. And this applies not only to Moscow. Find out what address you need to contact, and then apply for a replacement driver’s license.

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