
The composition of the family. Family composition certificate: sample

It is not surprising that the solution of many issues depends on the precise definition of the concept of “family”. Therefore, one should approach this concept seriously.

The concept of family housing

In the modern world, a family is considered to be those people who have a common household, certain relationships, have married and raise children, if any. These are spouses, children, grandparents, blood relatives (uncles, aunts, sisters and brothers).

family composition

All family members have common rights and obligations. How is it possible to confirm this relationship? For this purpose, joint photographs of family members, written or oral testimonies of neighbors can be used. Family relations should be based on mutual respect, understanding, trust, but there are both property and other rights of relatives.

The concept of family reference

Certificate of family composition - a legally executed document, upon receipt, the actual number of family members is confirmed. Why can it come in handy? There are many reasons for indicating the composition of the family: collecting alimony, changing the registration of residence, obtaining housing subsidies, recovering losses for paying for a kindergarten for a child, providing preferential conditions for children of poor and large families, applying for subsidies for paying for housing and utilities.

family certificate

These are not all the operations for which this certificate is required. Without its availability, it is absolutely impossible to solve such issues, but having issued such a document, it is possible to substantially solve the problems that have arisen. Of course, it will take some time to get this document, but it will not be wasted.

Where to get help

There are situations when you need a certificate of family composition. Where to get such a document? Such a question is faced by every citizen of the country who previously did not need it. It is important to know that this document has a special form No. 9. Those who need it, believe that such a certificate can be obtained in the housing department, which serves the house of their residence. And this is true. But this is not the only place where a certificate of family composition is issued. Where to get her, except for the jack? There are a number of other places in which it is issued: passport office, units of the Federal Migration Service (FMS), local authorities, a multifunctional center. It is also possible to apply for a certificate confirming the composition of the family through the website of public services by performing a number of easy steps.

certificate of family composition where to get

In order to receive such a document, it is not required to write any additional statements. Help is issued free of charge for everyone. An exception may be a small amount per form.

Required documents

Passing the procedure for obtaining a certificate confirming the composition of the family, you should prepare a list of documents. Firstly, a special application is filled out. Correctly and carefully you need to fill out the points, indicating the surname, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth of the applicant, as well as citizenship. Secondly, enter passport data (series, number, when and by whom the identity document was issued). Thirdly, documents on registration on a housing area are necessary. If someone else submits papers for this certificate, a notarized power of attorney is required. Otherwise, the issuance of a certificate will be refused. All documents should look neat, easy to read, without any corrections or errors. The specialist must independently verify them, and then return them to the owner.

What does the form look like

The form on the composition of the family looks quite simple. It contains all the required information. It indicates the last name, first name and patronymic of the person who applies for the document. In addition, the registration address of this person is also indicated, people living with him are listed (relation degree, their full date of birth), the total number of area and rooms suitable for living of the listed persons is indicated. The details of the document that was presented on the living area are also indicated.

family composition sample

There are times when you need to confirm the composition of the family. A sample document also includes the name of the authority that issued the certificate; Its name; the name of the authority to which this paper was requested; time and date of issue; Name, signature with decryption of the employee who issued the document; print. Without the above items, the certificate is invalid.

Production time

After filling out an application for a certificate of family composition, a decision is issued. When all the documents are in order, and nothing prevents the receipt of this paper, the application goes to the work of the relevant authority. Depending on how the application was submitted, it is decided how the certificate will be issued. A citizen has the right to receive it personally in the place where he submitted the corresponding request (if a passport is available), or by registered letter. This is done for the convenience of the citizen. How long does the production take, and what is the actual time needed to receive it? Inquiries about the composition of the family are issued rather quickly. Since it has already been said that this paper can be obtained in several instances, the timing of its production can vary from three to seven calendar days. How long is such a document? It is impossible to answer such a question accurately. However, the standard validity period of a certificate is ten days from the moment it is received. If this time is up, then you have to order again.

Illegal refusal

Often there are situations when the applicant’s documents are in perfect order, and there are no problems for issuing a certificate of family composition, but still there is an additional difficulty that needs to be solved as soon as possible. This may be a debt for utility bills or rent. Only such a refusal is absolutely illegal.

family composition form

And everyone should know this! If a citizen is required to receive a receipt for payment of utility bills, then he has every right to go to court to resolve this situation. This is a rather long and tedious process, not everyone has enough time and effort to go through it, but sometimes a citizen really needs help, but he has no money. Often in such situations, the process of paying debt occurs. Everyone chooses how to resolve the existing conflict with the issuing authorities of the document.

Fake information

Recently, more and more often people ask the question: "Is it true that a certificate of family composition can be obtained only with the consent of all members in writing?" No organization issuing this document has ever made such requirements. There is another nuance related to the situation when the spouses are registered separately, at different addresses. In this case, they apply each at their place of registration. Thus, two references are issued. It is also necessary to act if the children are registered separately from their parents.

family certificate

Documents are also taken separately. It also happens that citizens live in one city, and their registration is in another. For many, this becomes a real problem, as it requires time and money to travel to your city. In order to avoid such a process, it is possible to negotiate with one of the acquaintances who live at the place of registration of the citizen. They will make a request and send a certificate by registered mail. Only a power of attorney is required. Without it, all efforts are in vain.

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