
Where can I get a certificate from the child’s place of residence? Where can I get a certificate from the place of residence of the deceased?

Often citizens are interested in where to get a certificate from a person’s place of residence. This question is ambiguous and it can be answered in different ways. You will be given the choice of one way or another. In general, certificates of residence are often necessary to obtain an inheritance. It is not always easy to get this paper. Sometimes citizens face refusals to issue a document. This is a normal phenomenon if it arose for some specific reason (about it a little later). First you should pay attention to where to get a certificate of residence and how to do it.

where to get a certificate of residence

Ministry of Internal Affairs

The first place to get this document is the organization where the registration was originally issued. And it doesn’t matter which one is temporary or permanent. You have every right to apply to the relevant authorities to resolve the issue of where you can get a certificate of residence.

Literally in 2015, I had to go to the FSS to get this document. But in connection with the abolition of this organization, all such appeals should be sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the district of residence. Where exactly? To the department that now serves as the FSS. You need to bring your passport with you, and if it is a minor, then you will also need a birth certificate.

Management Company

There is another option for the development of events - it is much simpler and more familiar. It is usually used when you urgently need a certificate from your previous place of residence. Where to get such a document, in addition to the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

where to get a certificate from the child’s place of residence

At your management company. There, all the data on the registered in the apartment is mandatory stored and this can be used. Just come to the specified company serving the house in which you are registered and ask for help. Only a passport is required. You may be asked for what needs you are taking this document. But this is only for general information, since you are not entitled to refuse extradition.

Where can I get a certificate from the child’s place of residence? In the same management company. You must contact the organization that provides services in the house in which the child is registered. Take your birth certificate and your passport with you. If the minor is already 14 years old, then his identification document is needed. A few minutes of waiting - and you will have help. Often the main problem is finding the location of the organization of a house.

Passport Office

Where can I get a certificate of residence? In addition to the management company and the relevant authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you can contact the passport office. This is an effective way to obtain this document, especially for adult citizens with a permanent residence permit.

where can I get a certificate of residence

As in all other cases, only an identification card is required. This document refers to a passport. Without it, you may be denied a certificate. If one is available, then there should not be any complaints, and you can hope that you will be quietly issued the corresponding document.

Again, if we talk about children, they will have to present not only the identity card of the legal representative, but also a birth certificate. A certificate will not be issued without these papers - this is a logical refusal legally.

Government services

Where can I get a certificate of residence? You can answer this question somewhat non-standardly - on the Internet. Or rather, on a specific portal. It is called "Public Services".Here, if you have an account, you have the right to receive a variety of statements and certificates.

It is enough to find the corresponding item in the menu, and then order the document. Please note that the possibility of obtaining a document through the State Services portal is not always provided. For example, a certificate from the place of residence of the deceased is not subject to virtual receipt - for it you will have to contact certain authorities.

certificate from your previous place of residence where to get


Another modern alternative is to contact the IFC. These organizations were created for the convenience of the population. Here you can now not only get help, but also make out any documents. It is very convenient and fast. We can say that most public services are provided in this organization.

Accordingly, if you are thinking about where to get a certificate of residence, you will have to go to the nearest MFC in your area. There, write an application for a document, attach your passport, and then wait for an answer. Need help for a child? Then present, as in past situations, a birth certificate and a copy of the children's passport (for people over 14 years old). Next, you can wait for the result. Absolutely free, you will receive the corresponding document without any extra problems.

MFCs have disadvantages. Firstly, now there are huge queues, because in these organizations most documents are processed. Even some transactions can be concluded within the walls of such associations. Secondly, the time costs are large. If in cases with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, passport office and the Criminal Code you instantly receive a document, then you have to wait. Therefore, consider this factor.


Where can I get a certificate from the place of residence of the deceased? This question is usually of interest to the heirs. They will not give her to you in the passport office, nor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. So where should I go and with what documents?

where to get a certificate of residence of the deceased

As an option - make a request to the registry office at the place of death of the citizen. Bring with you an application for information about the last territory of residence of the deceased, documents confirming your kinship, an identity card and a death certificate. A few minutes of waiting - and you're done. You can also apply for a certificate from the place of residence of the deceased with the above list at the MFC. Here, too, draw up such documents.

Any organization can refuse to issue a certificate to you. But only under a certain condition - if you have debt. Certificate of residence have the right not to issue to debtors until repayment of the debt. This is a common phenomenon that not everyone knows about.

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