
Hero of Russia: benefits and payments

In our country there is a very small number of people wearing the title Hero of Russia. Benefits and payments from the state for this category of the population are only a small part of the gratitude of society for the accomplished feats. Because at least material aid and is substantial, but the price paid by the heroes is usually much higher ...

Who is the Hero of Russia?

Before telling about what privileges were laid by the Hero of Russia, it is necessary to formulate who, in fact, is being discussed. Who and for what give this honorary title? What is its essence?

The title of Hero of Russia is at the first stage of state level awards. This award is the most honorable in the country, it is the most difficult to receive.Hero of Russia perks

The state does not limit applicants for the Hero of Russia by age and gender. Anyone who has shown the highest degree of heroism, risked (or sacrificed) the most valuable - his life for the benefit of other people and his native country, accomplished a feat of great importance to society, proved himself to be a patriot with a capital letter, can become the owner of the award .

Among the current Heroes of Russia there are liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, participants in various wars, space explorers, people who have reached serious heights in sports, science, culture and other fields.

It is a misconception that the Hero of Russia receives privileges and a high rank solely for feats in battle. Heroism can be manifested both in war and in civilian life.

Past and present

The awards, which can be equated with the current title of Hero, existed in pre-revolutionary Russia, simply called differently.

In 1934, by a decision of the Party’s Central Executive Committee, it was decided to give this honorary title to citizens of the Soviet Union for their outstanding exploits. The award was called: Hero of the Soviet Union. Five years later, the Heroes began to be awarded with the Golden Star special medal.Hero of Russia benefits and payments

After the collapse of the Union, Russia retained much of its heritage. Including the titles of Heroes. Since April 20th, 1992, this title has been formulated a little differently - “Hero of the Russian Federation”. The Golden Star was also left, only a few modified its design. Instead of the coat of arms of the Soviet Union, the coat of arms of Russia is now on the medal, instead of the scarlet-colored pads - tricolor.

Every year, approximately ten residents of our country receive the title Hero of Russia. The total number of Heroes today is about three thousand inhabitants of the country. Heroes of the Soviet Union, as well as full gentlemen of the Order of Glory, are equated with the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

It is noteworthy that in the Soviet Union Heroes could be assigned several times. Many have heard that during the Great Patriotic War, outstanding military personnel became twice Heroes of the Soviet Union. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for such an opportunity - now in our country you can only get a Hero only once. The president of the state personally awards the award.what benefits does the hero of Russia have

Promotion from the state

The state not only verbally expresses its gratitude to people who have accomplished outstanding feats. In addition to honor and respect, they also enjoy additional wealth and various benefits. And since in a multimillion-dollar country there are not so many who bear the title Hero of Russia, the benefits have the opportunity to be not symbolic, but quite impressive. Even veterans of the Great Patriotic War, not to mention other categories of “awards,” receive much less help from the state.

Heroes have privileges in medical, housing and communal services, tax and labor, transport and other areas of society. Instead of natural benefits, their holder can choose the monetized option - that is, monetary compensation. Most of the benefits extend to family members of owners of the Golden Star.

So, Hero of Russia: benefits and payments, as well as the way they are made and some important nuances when choosing - read about all this below.

Benefits in the field of medicine

Among the benefits that rely on the Heroes of Russia in the medical field are the following:

  • free medical insurance;
  • free medical care at all stages - from diagnosis to rehabilitation;
  • free-of-charge medicines with home delivery;
  • free installation of dentures, including ceramic ones;
  • preferential treatment in sanatoriums out of turn once a year (railway travel is fully compensated, and only a quarter of its real cost will have to be paid for a ticket with the all-inclusive pension).

Benefits in the field of transport

What benefits does the Hero of Russia have in the field of transport? The law provides for:

  • the ability to travel for free in public and regional public transport (an exception is only shuttle taxis);
  • the ability to buy train, plane and watercraft tickets at half price once a year.what benefits are put to the hero of Russia

Housing and communal benefits

In a very important area for everyone - housing and communal services - the Hero of Russia has the following privileges:

  • thirty percent discount on payment of "communal";
  • free use of city telephone service;
  • housing without a queue, if living conditions need to be improved, or there is no home at all;
  • free overhaul of housing;
  • supply of building materials for the construction or repair of housing without a queue;
  • provision of land plots with an area of ​​0.2 hectares in urban settlements or 0.4 hectares in rural areas.

Labor benefits

What benefits does the Hero of Russia have in the world of work? Their list is quite extensive:

  • the owner of the "Golden Star" can completely improve their skills;
  • in case of reductions of the Hero of Russia, they are fired last of all and must provide him with another vacancy;
  • if the reduction was associated with the bankruptcy or liquidation of the enterprise, and the holder of the title Hero is registered with the employment center, the exchange employees must offer him the first job;
  • the employed Hero of Russia has the right to choose the required vacation at any time of the year;
  • The heroes are given the opportunity to take an additional 21-day vacation at their own expense once a year.

Tax benefits

The Hero of Russia has tax incentives. Among them are:

  • the right not to pay state duties;
  • the right not to pay tolls (the benefit operates in most regions of the Russian Federation);
  • if the Hero is the owner of real estate (residential or non-residential) that is not used by him for the purpose of commerce, he is exempt from paying tax on it;
  • in some regions of the Russian Federation, citizens with the title of Hero are exempt from land tax, while in others the general base of this payment is reduced by ten thousand rubles.privileges to families of heroes of Russia posthumously

Monetization of benefits

The hero of Russia has the right to receive benefits in their monetized version. That is, the state will monthly pay him a certain amount of money in return for providing benefits.

In 2016, the monthly payment in Russia is 56 538 rubles and 84 kopecks. Indexation of this amount occurs annually on the first of April.

But even if monetary compensation is chosen, not all benefits are selected. That is, the Hero of Russia has concessions and payments at the same time, only the list of the first has been significantly reduced. So, for example, compulsory benefits remain for medical care, provision of medicines and health trips.

How to get EDV?

The Hero of Russia receives benefits, so to speak, “automatically.”For their design, he does not need to do anything. If a citizen decides to make a choice in favor of EDV (monthly cash payments), he needs to inform the state about this before October 1 of the current year. Further, the application is considered, and only from January of the year following the current, payments can be accrued.

An application for the appointment of EDV Hero of Russia should be submitted to the pension fund at the place of residence, enclosing a passport and documents (photocopies certified by a notary), which confirm the high status.

If the Hero is an incapacitated person, papers for processing a payment may be submitted by his guardian or a representative of the administration of the institution where the incapacitated is located.

Clearance payments are valid for only one year. Next will have to apply again and again. If it is not filed, the entire range of benefits is automatically returned, and monetary compensation is canceled.

What are the benefits besides EDV?

If the Hero of Russia is not employed, then in addition to EDV, he is entitled to additional material support in the amount of 415% of the social pension (in 2016, the amount of DME is 20,583 rubles and 38 kopecks).

Heroes of Russia of retirement age are entitled to a small "Supplement" to the pension. If the Hero receives a disability, his pension is increased in accordance with the norms of pension legislation.

Benefits for family members

The state also provides benefits to the families of Heroes of Russia (posthumously and during the lifetime of the owner of the Golden Star). Family members in this case are:

  • minor children;
  • children under twenty-three years of age who are students;
  • parents;
  • spouses.

What kind of benefits are we talking about if the Hero is alive?

  • The hero of Russia has the right to queue up his kids in kindergartens, and mature offspring in higher military schools.
  • Children of Heroes are entitled to free school textbooks, school uniforms and school meals.
  • Children of Heroes are required to be taught free of charge in preparatory courses (before entering a higher educational institution). Their candidatures during the opening campaigns by university administrations are considered in the first place.
  • The members of the Hero’s family living with him have the same discount on housing and communal services as the Hero himself.
  • Members of the Hero’s family can be treated free of charge and without waiting in line, as well as on concessional health in sanatoriums and boarding houses with free access to the place of recovery.

What benefits are posthumously awarded to the Heroes of Russia

The state does not forget its heroes even after their death. And this is expressed not only in the careful preservation of memory, but, again, in certain wealth of a material nature. They are only provided already to the families of the Hero.

The deceased Hero is buried at the expense of the state. At the same expense, a monument is erected on his grave. In the event that the Hero of Russia dies, benefits and payments are posthumously received by his relatives in the same amount that was laid by the Hero himself.hero of Russia benefits and payments posthumously

If the family chooses the monetization of benefits, then the monthly amount is divided by the number of family members in equal shares, and each gets its part. If the benefits remain in force, then the entire “package” above is available (medical, housing and communal, labor, tax and transportation benefits).

The benefits of the widow of the Hero of Russia (as well as the widower) are considered until their new marriage. And children enjoy the benefits of Hero parents until they reach adulthood or until they reach the age of twenty-three if they are studying at a higher educational institution.

Many are interested in the question of whether the benefits listed above apply to people with the title Hero of Labor of Russia. Of course, this category of citizens is also encouraged by the state to a sufficient degree, but assistance to it is determined by other normative acts.

Interesting facts about the Heroes of Russia

The first person to receive this honorary title is astronaut Sergei Krikalev.He was awarded for the fact that the cosmonaut spent almost a year at the Mir orbital station - from May 19, 1991 to March 25, 1993. Sergey is also the holder of the title “Hero of the Soviet Union”. There are very few people with two such ranks in our country.

The first Hero of the Russian Federation to receive this title posthumously was Air Force General Sulambek Oskanov. The paradox is that Sulambek was awarded the title of Hero before Sergey Krikalev received it. But the country's leadership decided that the first Hero should be just a living person. Therefore, Sergey is listed in Rossrestre as the first Hero, and Sulambek - as the second.

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Heroes need help, since not everyone can be a hero. Thank you Heroes of Russia


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