
The title "Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation" how to get?

Unfortunately, in our country, situations are not uncommon when a person who has worked conscientiously for most of his life and faces retirement faces difficulties in applying for his benefits. What to do if you are applying for title Veteran of Labor Of the Russian Federation ”, how to get it, what documents are needed for this — we will consider below.

General Provisions

Veteran of labor of the Russian Federation - how to get

Today in Russia, the requirements for those who apply for the status of "Veteran of Labor" are described in the law "On Veterans" No. 5-FZ. According to him, for this, a citizen must confirm his seniority, which should be sufficient to assign pension payments by age, or length of service. In addition, he needs to provide documents confirming his award with a medal, or order, or some honorary title. These may be awards received both in the USSR and in the Russian Federation.

In the event that a citizen began to officially work as a child before 1945, he must also confirm this with documentary evidence. Work experience also needs documentary evidence - more than forty years for men and thirty-five for women.

It should be noted that today the law "On Veterans of Labor of the Russian Federation" secured all decisions on the assignment of this title to authorities in the regions, and therefore, in order to find out more detailed information on this issue, you should contact the social protection authorities of your region.

Who is a Veteran of Labor?

The law on labor veterans of the Russian Federation

People with certificates confirming the status of “Veteran of Labor” belong to one of five categories of veterans whose rights and privileges are described in federal law. By his definition, labor veterans include:

  • citizens with a certificate confirming this title;
  • awarded honorary titles, distinctions, medals or orders for achievements in labor activity and having the necessary experience for calculating pension benefits;
  • persons whose labor activity was started during the years of the Second World War and whose work experience exceeds forty (men) or thirty-five (women).

It should be noted that anniversary medals and certificates issued in honor of a memorable date or other anniversary events are usually not grounds for a citizen to be given the status of “Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation”.

Required documents

Assignment of a labor veteran of the Russian Federation

Despite the fact that the law on labor veterans of the Russian Federation delegated the authority to decide how to be guided in conferring this title to regional authorities, the list of documents necessary for making a decision, as a rule, remains the same. As already mentioned, for this, a citizen must provide the following documents to his department of social protection institutions:

  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • documents confirming years of work experience;
  • awards giving the right to claim the assignment of the “Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation” and, most importantly, documents that confirm that they belong to him;
  • photo according to the established model.

It should be noted that in different regions they impose different requirements for people applying for this title. In some regions of the country, certain distinctions received over the years of work in the USSR are not considered grounds for conferring this title, and in other regions, on the contrary, it is enough for people to have the necessary length of service and to live in this area for a certain time.In any case, if you think that you are worthy to be called the Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation, how to get it, they will tell you in social protection institutions where you can familiarize yourself with the requirements in your region in detail.

How is the assignment

Benefits to veterans of labor of the Russian Federation

The title “Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation” is assigned by a special commission established under the authorized bodies of the region where the applicant resides. After submitting documents confirming his right to this title, the commission should consider this issue and make a decision within two weeks. The protocol of the commission’s decision is drawn up within three days after the meeting and serves as the basis for the citizen to be awarded the title giving the right to be considered a labor veteran. The applicant must notify in writing of the decision of the commission to grant or refuse to grant the status of the applicant in writing within five days. If he was denied, the answer should contain the reasons why this was done, and the procedure for appealing the denial.

Appeal against refusal

In case of contentious issues, the situation is considered by the commission for conflict situations, but if the parties can’t agree, the applicant can go to court. Please note: often the refusal is motivated by the fact that diplomas or other insignia are issued by the management of the enterprise, and not by the departmental ministry. This is unlawful and may be challenged in court. By issuing such awards, management always acts on behalf of the ministry.

On raising pensions for labor veterans

Issuance of certificate

If a citizen has achieved his goal, and the status of “Veteran of Labor” has been assigned to him, he receives a certificate. Its registration and registration are carried out by employees of social protection bodies. The certificate gives its owner the right to use the benefits that veteran status gives.

Pension benefits for labor veterans of the Russian Federation

Of course, the level of modern pensions leaves much to be desired. Often, when retiring, the level of income is sensitively reduced. That is why, solving the question: “Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation” - how to get this title? ”, A person seeks to improve his financial situation. To a certain extent this is true. Today, the state provides a number of benefits for this category of citizens. Of course, first of all, it is necessary to mention the increase in pensions for labor veterans.

In the event that payments on an already accrued pension do not reach the subsistence level provided for in the region where the veteran lives, then he will be assigned a social supplement. It is also calculated on the basis of the norms provided for in this region. Another way to increase the pensioner's income may be to abandon the social benefits that he has as a labor veteran of the Russian Federation. How to get these surcharges? For this, a citizen must write and submit a corresponding application to the social protection authorities. This must be done before the month of October, so that social security officers manage to do the recalculation. Unfortunately, in addition to indexing, today only these options are possible, allowing talking about increasing pensions for labor veterans.

Social benefits for labor veterans of the Russian Federation

Assigning the title of Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation

In addition to material, labor veterans can take advantage of social benefits. First of all, this concerns health care. They have the right to receive free medical care in all health care facilities that belong to municipal organizations. In addition, labor veterans can perform dental prosthetics free of charge, excluding the cost of expensive materials. Working pensioners can take advantage of additional days of rest (30 days) without saving salaries. In addition, a veteran can take advantage of the following benefits:

  • free transportation in the city (excluding taxis), as well as road transport of suburban and intercity routes;
  • 50% discount on tickets for rail and water commuter transport;
  • 50% payment of hiring or maintenance, based on the total area of ​​the premises occupied by him, owned by the veteran (this applies to members of his family living with him);
  • utility bills are also reduced by 50%.

Tax benefits

Veteran of Labor of the Russian Federation

Receiving the title of “Veteran of Labor”, a person also receives certain tax benefits.

  1. First of all, this is manifested in the fact that he is exempt from tax on real estate, which is in his property.
  2. Part of the pensioner's income is exempt from personal income tax payments. These include social benefits and pensions, as well as material assistance (but not more than 4,000 annually). Also, the amount spent personally by a veteran on spa treatment is not subject to tax.
  3. A veteran can exercise his right to transfer the remainder of property deductions for personal income tax to another tax period. This can be done in the three periods preceding when the carry-forward amount was generated. Recall: according to the law, a veteran can receive a tax deduction when buying real estate or a land plot for its construction for an amount not exceeding 2 million rubles, as well as paying interest on a loan taken for the same purpose, provided that the amount does not exceed three millions.
  4. In some regions, labor veterans may introduce their own tax breaks that relate to transport and land taxation.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in getting the title of Veteran of Labor. If you possess the necessary work experience, awards and documents confirming their authenticity and belonging, then obtaining a certificate will not be difficult for you.

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