
Why give the Hero of Russia? State awards of the Russian Federation

Why give the Hero of Russia? For merits (related to the heroic deed) to the people and the state. Hero of the Russian Federation - a separate state award. Among the rest is in first place. The award of the Hero of the Russian Federation is always accompanied by the "Golden Star" - a sign of special distinction. After conferring the title of Hero of Russia, a bronze bust is installed in the homeland of the awarded.

State awards of the Russian Federation

The creation of the award system took place on March 2, 1994. In the transition period, while the law on state awards of the Russian Federation had not yet been adopted, orders were preserved. The Order of St. George and the St. George Cross were restored. Orders and medals remained possible for awards:

  • "Friendship of Peoples";
  • "For personal courage";
  • “For courage”;
  • Nevsky;
  • Kutuzov;
  • Suvorov;
  • Nakhimov;
  • Ushakova;
  • “For the protection of the state border”;
  • “For the difference in military service”;
  • "For excellent law enforcement service";
  • "For the salvation of drowning";
  • "For courage in a fire."

The approval of old and new awards only took place after the emblem of the Russian Federation was finally approved. Work on it and state awards was carried out simultaneously. Many have been slightly modified.

The main changes occurred in the material from which state awards were made. The silver-plated copper-nickel composition was replaced by silver. A decree was signed to allow awards for courage, courage and courage. Medals and orders of the series "For Merit to the Fatherland" got a higher degree of distinction. The Order of the 1st degree with a chain has become a symbol of presidential power.

The medal and order of Zhukov returned to the list of state awards. The order of “St. Apostle A. the First-Called. " The following orders were established: “For Merit of the Sea”, “Parental Glory”, military commanders, “For Good Deeds” and “St. Great Martyr Catherine. "

History of the establishment of the title of Hero of the Russian Federation

The title "Hero of Russia" was established on March 20, 1992. At the same time, the Golden Star medal appeared, which is a sign of special distinction. Hero of the Russian Federation - the highest honorary title in Russia. It is awarded only once for services to his country and people, the achievement of heroic deeds, courage, courage and courage. Along with the title of Hero of Russia, an honorary diploma and a Golden Star medal are awarded. Award recipients receive special pension payments and receive the right to use certain benefits.

Gold Star Medal

The Star of the Hero of Russia is one of the new awards of the Russian Federation. She goes as an addition to the title and appeared simultaneously with him. The medal replaced the former, Soviet "Golden Star", which was awarded to the Heroes of the USSR.

The Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation is worn on the chest, on the left side, above all other insignia, medals and orders. The medal is a copy of the Gold Star of the USSR. Only the color of the tape, which is located on the block, has changed. The medal is cast from pure gold, measuring 30 mm and weighing 21.5 g. The rays on the obverse are dihedral. The reverse is smooth, with a small thin rim. In the middle is the inscription "Hero of Russia".for what give the hero of Russia

The letters are 4 mm high and 2 mm wide. The medal number is affixed to the upper beam. The height of the numbers does not exceed 1 mm. At the tip of the beam there is a small eyelet for the ring connecting the star and a rectangular gilded block. Above and below the pads there are small slots for a silk moire tri-color (with Russian colors) ribbon. On the back of the block there is a threaded pin with which the medal is attached to the clothes.

The first awarded title of a hero of the Russian Federation

The first Hero of Russia (posthumously) is the head of the combat training center in Lipetsk, Major General S. S. Oskanov. In 1992, at the cost of his own life, he did not allow the MiG-29 to crash in the housing estate.

First Gold Star Medal Awarded

The first medal “Star of the Hero of Russia” was awarded to S. K. Krikalev, an astronaut. He made a long flight at the orbital station. On the same day, Krikalev was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.heroes of Russia list

Military ranks at the time of the assignment of the Hero of the Russian Federation

What is the “Hero of Russia” given for? For heroism and courage, saving the lives of other people, heroic deeds. Many people who were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, existed or have military ranks. But are they indicated in the documents at the award ceremony?

The military rank is indicated by the President during the award ceremony for citizens who took part in military operations, if the awarded person is currently in stock or retired. For other citizens, the title is not indicated, even if it is available at the time of signing the decree.

Heroes of Russia: Award List

The title "Hero of the Russian Federation" is assigned not only to military personnel. During the time since its foundation, it was received by many who have accomplished feats, including ordinary citizens:

  • during the war in Chechnya 175 soldiers received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation;
  • 108 people - for participation in the Second World War;
  • 87 - for testing aircraft;
  • 44 - astronauts;
  • 52 - participating in the fight against terrorism;
  • many sailors, rescuers, designers;
  • heads in ministries and government departments;
  • intelligence officers;
  • several people who went through the war in Afghanistan;
  • Athletes, travelers, agricultural workers;
  • liquidators of disasters;
  • evacuation participants and peacekeepers.title hero of Russia

Who are the Heroes of Russia? The award list contains the names of four people who are simultaneously Heroes of the USSR. They also received the Gold Star medal. It:

  • S.K. Krikalev, astronaut;
  • N. S. Maydanov, Colonel;
  • V.V. Polyakov, pilot-cosmonaut;
  • A. N. Chilingarov, an oceanologist.

How many Heroes of Russia in general? If we take statistics in general, then on December 15, 2012 the title of Hero of Russia was awarded to 1002 citizens, of whom 459 received it posthumously. The lists of the awarded are not officially published anywhere, so the exact data cannot be called. Russian hero star

Grounds for conferring a rank

What is the “Hero of Russia” given for? The grounds for conferring the title are heroism and courage. Many were awarded the highest Russian award precisely for these qualities. For example, in the Penza region, a girl, a graduate of a secondary rural school, saved 3 drowning girls, dying herself.

Why give “Hero of Russia” yet? Sergey Sokolov is the first to make a parachute jump among the disabled at the North Pole. Vladimir Sharpatov and Gazinur Khayrullinov (commander and co-pilot of Il-76) were held captive by the Taliban for more than a year, but were able to escape. And there are a lot of such examples.hero of Russia posthumously

Benefits for Heroes of Russia

The title "Hero of Russia" provides for certain benefits. In addition to the monthly pension, the awarded are entitled to:

  • free medical care throughout the Russian Federation and registration of a medical policy;
  • exemption from taxes and mandatory duties;
  • 50% discount on tickets (round trip), regardless of the type of vehicle (but only once a year);
  • a thirty percent discount on all utilities, without exception;
  • free travel in transport;
  • free education for their children;
  • exchange of pension benefits for one ticket per year to a sanatorium (moreover, with a full boarding house);
  • benefits for job cuts or transfer to another position instead of abolished;
  • free housing repairs by management companies;
  • reimbursement of money spent on telephone calls (from the established home landline telephone);
  • service in any medical institutions of the Russian Federation without a queue;
  • obtaining building materials necessary for suburban construction, on the most favorable conditions for themselves and without any queue;
  • free acquisition of a new profession or taking courses for continuing education on an existing one;
  • obtaining housing without a queue or improving housing conditions;
  • increase in the amount of discounts (in accordance with the law) upon retirement or disability;
  • free funeral with all the honors that the Hero of Russia is entitled to.retirement of the hero of Russia

Pension payments to the Heroes of the Russian Federation

By law, there is a special pension for the Hero of Russia. This resolution was issued in 2008. The amount of payment to each awarded is equal to 10 minimum wages. Pension is paid monthly. For those awarded who have already entered retirement age, this is an additional supplement to the pension.

The pension of the Hero of Russia is assigned not only to the awarded. If the title is received posthumously, then payment is made in the name of the surviving spouse. But only until the widow or widower did not remarry. If the family has lost the breadwinner, who was awarded the title Hero of Russia, the remaining family receives the pension due to the deceased in full, without cuts or reductions. Payments are made only in Russian rubles.

There are small nuances. The amount of the pension is not fixed and is not calculated automatically. Each year in April, the amount of payments is revised, taking into account inflation. For this, economic forecasts are used. When indexing, coefficients are also taken into account, since they are different in the regions of the Russian Federation.how many heroes of Russia

If a person has, besides the title of Hero of Russia, other statuses, then the pension is paid only for one of them. But such a title is chosen in which the awarded receives as many benefits as possible and the size of the pension payment.

To receive the full pension of the Hero of the Russian Federation, you need to contact the Pension Fund, where a special application is filled out. It is necessary to attach identity documents, a certificate of residence and award documents certified by a year to it, since the payment of a pension begins only the next year after the submission and consideration of the application.

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The title Hero of Russia in the Russian Federation is the highest rank! Rank from ranks


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