
Who is entitled to the pension supplement in Russia?

All able-bodied citizens must work. But they also have the right to leave for a well-deserved rest at some point. Just before that, they are concerned about such a question as a pension supplement. After all, these payments are the main incentive for employment. All citizens pay taxes and make contributions to the Pension Fund "for old age." Therefore, I would like to receive the appropriate amount. What is the situation in Russia with this case? Let's get it right.

pension supplement

The eternal question

Will there be a pension supplement in a given year? This question worries citizens constantly. Both young and retired. There is no clear answer here. After all, as already mentioned, pension system in Russia is unstable. And in a crisis, even more so. No one can say for sure what will happen tomorrow.

This fact is very distressing. Nevertheless, an addition to the pension for some citizens will still be accrued under any circumstances. At the moment, there are no significant changes in payments to pensioners. And no one can say for sure whether to wait for any increases. This is upsetting.

Disabled people

Nevertheless, we can immediately emphasize that the addition to the pension is present in the so-called beneficiaries. These are disabled people, as well as war and labor veterans, heroes of the Soviet Union. What is supposed in Russia people with disabilities? We will consider a little later.

From year to year, payments to citizens from the state who have gone on a well-deserved rest are changing. First up, then down. Therefore, the question of additives and enhancements needs to be clarified for a specific period of time. In 2016, people with disabilities still decided to increase their "income." Not too much, but it's better than nothing at all. Especially when you consider the price increase in the country.

pension indexation

So, based on the disability group received, you will receive one or another pension supplement. The settlement system is extremely simple - some amount of funds from the state is added to the annual payments. For example, those who belong to the first group of disabilities will receive an additional order of 900 rubles, the 2nd group - 500, and the 3rd - about 400 rubles. Not much, but better. In general, the cancellation of such surcharges was initially discussed. But she, fortunately, did not touch the disabled.


In addition, in 2016 there was a slight increase in social payments. Pension supplementation in January (and not only) was discussed very often. And it was decided to index by 4% since February 2016. So no one forgets about social benefits. And about the others too.

Yes, pensions of this type are still small. And in the current crisis, few people think how to increase them. After all, the state simply does not have enough for all means. Therefore, if a retirement benefit supplement is still prescribed, it will be low. You just need to come to terms with this, accept it as a long-known fact or pattern. Nevertheless, the surprises from the state for pensioners do not end there. What else do you need to be prepared for?

For working

For example, to special conditions that apply to citizens who work officially. In Russia in 2016, a real scandal erupted. Yes, the measures are forced, but they greatly agitated the population. The fact is that additives to pensions for working pensioners no longer paid.

January pension supplement

Moreover, the issue of suspension of pension payments to those who are officially employed is now being discussed. In order to save state budget funds. Such proposals put older citizens in an awkward position. After all, contributions to the Pension Fund are received. Moreover, pensions are not so high that you can leave your job and live with minimal comfort.And then there is the abolition of allowances with talk about the deprivation of pension payments to those who are still working! So far, such a law has not entered into force, but it is still under discussion. If it is accepted, most likely, citizens will begin to work more informally, just to not pay to the Pension Fund.


There is such a thing as indexation of pensions. This is their annual increase for each category of citizens in a particular case. This is not the first time that Russia has discussed the cessation of this measure. Nevertheless, no one cancels and does not reduce contributions to Pension Funds.

Fortunately, in 2016, the indexation of pensions did take place. Real payments increased for non-working pensioners by 4%. This is not so much if you think about it. But it’s better. Prices in the country also do not stand still. And in order to somehow support the elderly, we have only to slightly increase payments to citizens. And somewhere to "cut" them.

will there be a supplement to retirement

Talk about the abolition of indexation is also constantly ongoing. There is no certainty here. Most likely, sooner or later, if the crisis does not stop, then this will be another necessary measure. What will happen in this case is unknown. But citizens will certainly not be delighted with the decision. So far, there is no talk about indexations for 2017.


With the military, everything is much simpler. They have a standard pension supplement. It is called "for years of service." So, if a citizen has served 20 years in the armed forces of the country, he will not receive any additional payments. If the military experience exceeds the specified figure, the pensioner can count on indexation.

Which one? One year of long service adds to pension payments at 3% of the salary received by the citizen. At the same time, the total percentage indicator cannot exceed 85. In most cases, no one serves for so long.

pension supplements for working retirees

As you can see, the issue of pensions and their supplements is not an easy matter. It requires special attention. The exact information for a particular year should be found closer to its onset. And even better - at the very beginning of the period. One can only hope that the crisis that has occurred will not greatly affect the pension system.

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What date will the promised 5,000 rubles be paid?


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