
How many children does the mother heroine have in Russia?

Tenderness and affection, love and care are associated with a sweetheart person. Mom for many is the closest and dearest person who will understand under any circumstances, accept in any conditions and forgive any mistakes.

how many children mother heroine

This is a man with a huge heart, ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of his children. In addition to grateful smiles and mutual love of children, which are considered the most expensive award for a woman, she is also entitled to the honorary title from the state. In what case can a woman in modern society count on a special status? How many children does a mother heroine have to raise, and not just give birth for this?

Rank History

For the first time, the need to note the merits of a mother who is able to give birth, raise and meekly give her children to the state was felt at the end of the Second World War, back in 1944. The Soviet leaders, without suspecting it, instituted the high rank and relying on the Order of the "Mother Heroine" on July 8. According to the Orthodox calendar, it is considered Valentine's Day, celebrated as Family Day. The latter is revered in memory of the saints of Murom, Peter and Fevronia, known for their fidelity and love for each other, who survived despite the prohibitions both during life and after their death.

Initially, the question was discussed how many children the heroine mother should bring into the world and raise to her feet in order to receive a distinctive title. The plans were to award women communists who gave birth and raised more than 10 children, one from each friendly republic of the USSR. But they weren’t found, for those who cared for so many children were not before joining the party and not before party worries.

Which woman was the first to receive the status?

It was not without reason that mothers were remembered at the end of the war. Given the huge losses, it was necessary to improve the demographic situation in the country.

status mother heroine

Worthy pretenders were searched all over the country. The award ceremony was timed to the anniversary of the revolution. The orders were awarded to those mothers who, having given birth and raising more than 10 children, lost sons and daughters at the front. The first woman to receive the order was Anna Savelyevna Aleksakhina, who had 12 children, of which 8 fought for their homeland at the front, and four of them laid their heads in battle. This order was given to the State Historical Museum by the children of Anna Savelyevna. In the collections of the museum, if you wish, you can look at the first award in the state. Awarding took place in the Kremlin with all honors. The greatest joy for the family was the increase in living space in the hut, where a large family lived. After the war, a year later, they were allocated as many as two rooms, allowing them to sit in spacious apartments, but their life can not be called easy: the time was hungry and difficult.

What benefits did women have in the past?

A woman was awarded an honorary title if the youngest child reached the age of one, and all older children at the time of conferring special status should have been alive. In Soviet times, women with many children relied on tangible help, and this was not only true for those who had the title of "mother heroine." How many children did you need to raise for this?

privileges for mothers heroines

With the birth of the third child, the state has already supported the family. These are good benefits for children, and an increase in maternity leave. And also this registration out of turn in a day nursery and the reduced payment for kindergarten, free food at school.

And women awarded the order earlier retired for five years, had free travel in public transport on retirement and significant benefits when paying utility bills.Separate living space is the main privilege of heroine mothers, to whom they had the right to claim even when their older children reach adulthood. No one dared to remove such a woman from the housing queue, so she was guaranteed to receive state-provided apartments.

As the work of the mother heroine is noted today

The last award was held on November 14, 1991. With the collapse of the USSR, they forgot about the merits of their mothers and preferred to forget about the benefits for them for a long time. In some regions, they tried to single out women who decided on such a feat of motherhood, marking them with a medal "For Merit to the Fatherland" or Order of Friendship. But they did not give benefits and did not reflect the main essence of the high rank.

how many children mother heroine russia

How many children does the mother heroine have today? What are its costs for the education of worthy citizens? Understanding the relevance of issues within modern Russia, lawmakers drew attention to the demographic situation and the invaluable role of a woman who devotedly devoted herself to motherhood. The Order of Mother Heroine was not returned, however, a new award for heroic parents exists in modern Russia - this is the Order of Parental Glory. A certificate of honor is also attached to it. But is that enough?

How many children should a heroine mother have in Russia in order to receive status?

Established in 2008, a new honorary state award is given to parents who raised 4-7 children. Not necessarily it can be born children, taken into account and adopted. The Orthodox community also contributed and established the Order of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom; since 2007, they have been honored in six nominations. This award was awarded to mothers whose children became heroes of Russia, as well as entire families, collectives and outstanding personalities who made a huge contribution to strengthening the institution of the family in Russia.

What are the benefits and rights of modern heroine mothers?

Mothers who have entrusted themselves with the difficult work of education and around-the-clock care in large families enjoy benefits that do not exist in all regions. Local governments in a number of areas have provided:

mother heroine how many children ukraine

• a discount on utilities from 30%;
• free travel in public transport;
• Registration of a child out of turn in a kindergarten;
• for those who wish to organize their own business (farming, small commercial enterprise), a tax exemption is granted for a certain period of time, and in the future you can rely on loyal taxation, interest free loan on the development of the enterprise;
• subsidies, benefits for housing construction.

But the main help is maternity capital, which allows a woman to intelligently manage the funds that can become the foundation of a woman’s financial independence. From how wisely she disposes of such an opportunity, her future prosperity depends.

Heroine Mother Status: Privileges in Ukraine

How are things in Ukraine? Women who have given birth or adopted in accordance with the laws of the country, 5 or more children and raised them up to 6 years of age, are entitled to rely on pension for special services to the state, and when children reach the age of 8, on the honorary title “Mother Heroine” , which is confirmed by the head of state. Can a heroine mother make happy how many children? Ukraine is a country in which they deeply respect the role of a large mother in society. Such women are entitled to:
• one-time remuneration in the form of a tenfold subsistence minimum in the state;
• providing housing in the first place;
• can count on a 25% bonus to the basic pension;
• on early retirement but with a reservation, if the experience of at least 15 years;
• at the age of 58, social assistance is 100% of the cost of living, which a woman has the right to rely on if she does not have the necessary length of service and is unable to work.

Ranks and awards today: Order of Parental Glory

Finding out and answering the question thoroughly, how many children does the mother heroine have (Russia is a country that cares about its future, where the issues of family education in large families are important and it is important to solve them at the state level), it is important to note the following.
mother heroine in Russia

The modern distinction is the Order of Parental Glory, intended for two parents, obliging them to make equal efforts to raise children. The cash reward, which is attached to the title, is a good help for the family budget. But it’s not enough in Russia today to have 7 or more children to obtain status, because the procedure for processing documents for such a title is not easy. It is necessary to collect a whole package of documents confirming the right to proudly wear such an order. It is legitimate on the part of the state to cut off unreliable parents who are not engaged in upbringing, but only produce children. But conscientiously fulfilling their fatherly duty, parents do not have enough free time to spend it on collecting documents confirming their decency. Therefore, not many parents who deserve the award received it today.

Ranks are good, but what is the real state support?

The heroine mother in Russia, even with a new order, needs the support of the state. It is not for nothing that the legislators started talking about the return of privileges for this category of citizens. After all, round-the-clock work and endless care is a feat that must be taken into account and, in addition to an extraordinary place for a child in kindergarten, it is necessary to think about the rest of the mother herself, who should be rewarded personally, at least with a health trip to the resort.

title mother heroine how many childrenA woman who gives so much warmth and tenderness must herself be fully gifted, because her contribution to the cause of the state is great, therefore, benefits to mother heroines should be agreed upon today. And the state will get a return, because safe children, with the care of a responsible mother, will soon pay taxes and bring benefits, contributing to the prosperity of the country.

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