
Is it possible to replace a driver’s license before the expiration date: features, requirements and recommendations

In the article we will try to find out whether it is possible to replace a driver’s license ahead of time. And if there is such an opportunity, how exactly to implement it. In general, many drivers ask this question. It’s not always expiration validity of a driver’s license there is time for paperwork and replacing the document. Therefore, sometimes you want to worry about this process in advance. But do citizens have this right? How exactly is a driver's license replaced?Is it possible to replace a driver’s license ahead of time

New rules

In Russia, legislation constantly introduces a variety of innovations to the population, and they are not always convenient. For example, if you are now thinking about whether it is possible to replace a driver’s license ahead of time, then the answer is clear. And he is unlikely to please you.

The thing is that, according to the new rules, in the Russian Federation a driving license can be replaced only after the expiration of the term. And not earlier! No substitutions "at will" and "just like that" are not provided.

That is, you should not think about this process. This is just an extra mess. Officially, no one will replace a valid driver’s license without reason. True, there are some exceptions. Which ones?

For the same period

For example, if you are considering whether it is possible to replace the rights ahead of their validity period, and then saw that such a right takes place, you should not rush. Yes, and enjoy too. After all, a direct replacement will not happen. As a rule, a driver's license is issued for 10 years. And only after the expiration date you can update it.

And if you try to implement the process in advance, then a collision with several options for the development of events is possible. The first is the refusal of the operation. It is quite a normal phenomenon, which is now taking place. Refused to replace rights ahead of schedule? You can try to re-implement the process or forget about it. This alignment is the most logical.refused to replace rights ahead of schedule

The second option that awaits citizens is the adoption of an appropriate statement from them. But after the issuance of new rights a surprise awaits them - they will be valid until the deadline in the previous similar document. In fact, there is simply no sense in such a process.

So, is it possible to change a driver’s license before the due date? In principle, yes, but only this process is groundless.

Change of surname

Nevertheless, it is not always so complicated and confusing. There are some legal reasons that help replace a driver’s license ahead of time.

For example, one of the reasons you can get involved in the process is to change your last name. Since 2014, when changing the name, each citizen is obliged to replace a driver’s license. Otherwise they will be invalid. So, you have no reason to drive a car.

This condition is more relevant for women. If at marriage a girl changed my last name then now she will have to change her rights too. And it doesn’t matter how much is left before the document expires. Here it is quite simple to decide whether it is possible to replace a driver’s license ahead of time, since replacement is required.


Of course, expired driver's licenses are also subject to mandatory replacement. They will be exchanged for you without problems for new ones. Simply submit a small list of documents to the traffic police in your area to obtain rights.

In principle, it doesn’t matter which delay you have. The main thing is not to drive with a similar driver’s license. Otherwise, it will have to be explained in the traffic police, and also pay the corresponding fine.

If you still think whether it is possible to replace a driver’s license ahead of time without any special reason, the answer, as already mentioned, will be negative. Or, you just take up unnecessary useless paperwork, which will lead to new rights, but with the same expiration date.Is it possible to change the rights ahead of time

Loss of identity

And here is another trick that will help solve the described problem. To the question: "Can I replace my driver’s license ahead of time?" - A positive answer can be obtained subject to loss of rights. That is, if you have lost them, then replacing them is, of course, necessary. True, at the same time you will have to write an explanatory note and pay a fine of the established amount. And after that, deal with the registration of a new driver’s license. Fortunately, this is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Document is corrupted

Replacing a driver’s license (the timing of this process should be minimal) - the process is not so complicated. And you can implement it in advance not only with the loss of a document or a change of surname. Another reason that will cause the early replacement of rights is their deterioration.

In this case, they, as in all others, will be issued for a similar period of validity. But this will be considered an early change of the document. As a rule, the named process does not cause any problems. Unless you have to, as in the previous case, write an explanatory letter to the traffic police. And of course, pay a fee (fine) for the replacement. Nothing difficult, right?

Now let's find out all about replacing rights. What documents are needed for this process?all about replacing rights

Where to change

To get started, it’s worth finding out where you can replace your driver’s license ahead of time. Now you can find many offers for assistance in conducting this operation from a variety of companies. Just trust them is not worth it - all this is just a scam.

Replacement of rights is carried out only in the traffic police at the place of your residence or actual residence. So it is here that you will need to submit a complete list of documents for the implementation of the process. There are no other alternatives.

Unless you can now turn to the special MFC - services that help the population in the preparation of certain documents. And already they must present a complete list of documents for the early replacement of a driver’s license. They will transfer them to the right traffic police body.

But it is better, if possible, to independently contact the appropriate service. Indeed, when working with the MFC, the process is delayed.


But now you can find out what documents are useful for replacing a driver’s license. And it doesn’t matter which case takes place - after the expiration date or before it. The basic list is the same for all situations.

The first thing you should bring with you is an identity document. In our case, this is a passport. And do not forget a copy of it, you can not be certified by a notary. In principle, any document proving your identity is suitable, but you can’t do without a passport in Russia - they may well refuse to accept documents.driver license replacement deadlines


Do you need to change your driver’s license? Its replacement (the deadlines for submitting documents are unlimited, but the sooner you make a request, the better) means writing a corresponding application for the issuance of new rights. In principle, it is written in free form, but without a doubt your personal data must be there, as well as the name of the traffic police that you are contacting.

Without an application, you will not be accepted documents. These are the rules. It is written in a single copy and served with all other papers. There are usually no problems with this. Sometimes even an application is written directly to the traffic police when submitting documents.

Driver card

Another important and mandatory document is a driver’s card. It confirms your knowledge of traffic rules and driving skills. In other words, this document is proof of driving training. This is a mandatory process, without which even the first thing you do not get the right.

In general, as some drivers say, this card is not included in the list of essential documents. But having it will make your life easier. In addition, quite often without a driver’s card, the applicant was simply denied acceptance of documents.


Is it possible to replace a driver’s license ahead of time? As we have already found out, such an opportunity, in principle, takes place. But you just need to prepare a certain list of documents.Is it possible to replace rights ahead of their validity

Among the mandatory at the moment is the confirmation of payment of the state fee for the replacement of a driver’s license. So far, this payment is 2,000 rubles. That is, exactly so many rights actually stand in Russia.

Without payment of the state fee, you will not accept a replacement application. You don’t even have to try. Only after payment is it possible, in principle, to collect all the other documents.


The list does not end there. The thing is that in addition to the documents already listed, you will have to submit a certificate of passage of the medical commission. This question, as a rule, brings more problems than collecting the remaining papers.

Usually do this in medical centers. There you will need to come to several doctors to confirm your health. In addition to a certificate of medical examination, elderly people (over 60 years old) will need to undergo an ECG. As soon as all of the above documents are collected, we can assume that all the required points are passed.

But for special cases, additionally require certain papers. Which specifically?


So, we decided to change the driver’s license before their expiration date. What you should pay attention to? That additional documents are added to the mandatory list. And it all depends on which particular case you have.

What can most often be found among similar requirements? For example, when changing a surname, you need to submit a document confirming this action. This is usually a marriage certificate. Both the original and a copy (not certified) will be required. When you divorce and return the surname, you will also need to show the appropriate confirmation.

If we are talking about the loss of a certificate, you will have to write, as already mentioned, an explanatory note for the traffic police. The same goes for damaging rights. In other cases, no special explanatory is required.Is it possible to change a driver’s license earlier

In general, in addition to replacing a driver’s license (if it’s not about loss), you need old rights. And without fail - keep this in mind.

Often, citizens are also required, for some unknown reason, a certificate of the birth of children, as well as registration on the territory of the Russian Federation. Usually the last item is confirmed by a passport, but may request a separate document. You should not be surprised, although you have the right to refuse to submit it. True, then the process will slow down.

Also need 4 photos. Their format is 3x4. Inform in the photo salon that you need a photo for a driver’s license, and they will quickly make them in compliance with all the rules and regulations.

Is it possible to change the rights ahead of time? As you can see, such a prospect takes place under certain circumstances. But you just don’t need to change this document. This is a waste of time and effort.

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