
Responsibilities of the chief engineer. Job description of the chief engineer of the enterprise

The chief engineer of the plant is included in the category of managers at the enterprise. He is the first deputy, that is, second in rank after the director of the organization. He has a great responsibility, so he oversees the activities of all departments to achieve the most positive result.

duties of chief engineer

General Provisions

In order to have the opportunity to be appointed to the post and perform the duties of the chief engineer, a higher education is needed that matches the profile of the organization. It is necessary to have at least 5 years of work experience in a position similar to the company in a related profile, while a person must carry out labor activity in one of the leading positions during these years. Appoints and assigns duties of the chief engineer and also issues an order to remove the director of the enterprise from it.

job description of the chief engineer of the enterprise

What should the chief engineer know?

  1. A complete list and essence of normative legal acts, in which the provisions governing the standards of economic and financial activity of an enterprise operating in a particular area are prescribed. He must single out from the entire spectrum of information information relating to the development and choice of the direction of economic and industrial activity in accordance with these regulatory acts. These aspects are assumed by the job description of the chief engineer of the enterprise.
  2. Rules for compilation and design organizational and administrative documents, as well as any regulatory materials directly related to the activities of a particular enterprise.
  3. Information on the profile activities of the enterprise, as well as its detailed structure, including all industries.
  4. Business plan and prospects for the development of the enterprise in all areas, including both the material side and the production aspect.
  5. The exact capabilities of the enterprise, in which production operates at the maximum level.
  6. Rules and procedure for coordination and preparation of business plans relating to the production of all types of products of the enterprise.
  7. Market aspects of managing, as well as information on recommendations for managing the company.
  8. The procedure for the formation, coordination and conclusion of financial contracts relating to the sale of products.
  9. Existing achievements in the scientific and technical field of production, as well as valuable experience gained from other enterprises.
  10. Features of the economy and organizational issues related to working with people engaged in basic labor resources. The ability to regulate production processes, as well as carry out managerial functions.
  11. The main provisions relating to environmental laws and regulations to maintain the environment in a satisfactory condition.
  12. Provisions related to labor law management.
  13. The main requirements for labor protection standards, compliance with and ensuring safety, sanitation in all industrial premises, as well as fire protection.

plant chief engineer

Work orders and responsibilities of the chief engineer

The chief engineer is subordinate to the director of the enterprise. His responsibilities include managing the full range of technical services of the enterprise. If the chief engineer of the plant is absent for any reason, for example, went on vacation or on sick leave, all his duties are carried out by a personal deputy.Sometimes there is no such person at the enterprise. Then the director is obliged to determine the temporary responsible. In this case, this person is transferred all the duties that the chief engineer, production and the full range of responsibilities bear.

chief production engineer

Job responsibilities

  1. Define and coordinate the policy, directions of the company’s development in technical terms, as well as draw up an assessment and adjust the position of the organization in relation to the modern market for similar products. Reconstruction paths are also identified.
  2. The duties of the chief engineer include overseeing the preparation of the plan and carrying out all activities related to the technical re-equipment of the enterprise.
  3. There is an assessment and changes in production from the perspective of future development. This determines the job description of the chief engineer of the enterprise.
  4. Ensure the necessary degree of technical development of production and oversee its power, and if necessary, improve it, for the most part through the replacement, repair or improvement of equipment.
  5. Increasing production efficiency and compiling algorithms for the most efficient use of manual and mental work of employees.
  6. The implementation of actions aimed at reducing all aspects leading to costs of any kind, including labor, and not just financial.

housing and communal services chief engineer

Chief Engineer Actions

  1. Local application of production and labor resources. Ensuring the highest quality and competitive level of products.
  2. Monitoring the rationality of the use of production resources.
  3. Creating the right conditions to ensure the high quality of work and services.
  4. Compliance of products with all the standards imposed by the state, technical specifications, the requirements of the aesthetic aspect, as well as control over the reliability and long service life of products.
  5. Development of events and festive events, the purpose of which is the reconstruction and improvement of all aspects of the development of the enterprise. This is done in accordance with a business plan developed in advance, from which the chief engineer for the operation of the building does not have the right to deviate.
  6. Development of measures to prevent the negative impact of the enterprise on the environment.
  7. Careful and economical use of resources provided by nature.

functions of the chief engineer

Features of the activity

  1. Organization and implementation of plans relating to the production of new technical equipment, as well as exclusive technologies for the company.
  2. Carrying out organizational activities, the purpose of which is the development and improvement of technical equipment.
  3. Carrying out technical events and collecting scientific papers, research conferences among company employees or with the participation of independent consultants.

Additional Responsibilities

  1. Development and implementation of plans for the design and sales of new technical equipment and manufactured goods.
  2. Providing a significant positive effect from various research work.
  3. Timely and with the highest quality to prepare the production for the full work of all employees.
  4. Repair equipment and take all possible steps to modernize it or eliminate even small imperfections.
  5. Take measures to achieve the highest quality of manufactured goods in the process of their development and implementation.

responsibility of the chief engineer

Profile activity

Based on the modern achievements of science and technology, including the achievements of the housing and communal services, the chief engineer checks and analyzes the results of patent research, and also takes all the information on the best practices of modern researchers or similar companies. Information is used to improve the work of the enterprise.His area of ​​activity also includes:

  1. Updating and continuous improvement of products, as well as works or services that the company provides.
  2. Development and creation of the latest varieties of products.
  3. Implementation with preliminary design of complex mechanization, as well as the maximum possible automation of technological processes.
  4. Monitoring the health of equipment.
  5. Development of standards that describe and analyze the complexity of the implementation of various products, production and following the economy.
  6. Committing actions to eliminate or partially reduce costs.

Exercise control

The functions of the chief engineer include monitoring compliance with discipline in the design, engineering and technological spheres of the enterprise, as well as assigning and ensuring proper conditions for the implementation of production standards for engineering and labor protection, industrial and fire safety.

The chief engineer ensures that proper measures are taken to ensure that the state of production is in compliance with the standards that are checked by various environmental and sanitary authorities, as well as persons carrying out technical supervision.

What should this employee be able to do and do?

  1. Ensuring timely preparation of technical documentation.
  2. Conclusion of contracts for the design and development of new equipment for the organization.
  3. It is necessary to be able to negotiate and make adjustments to documents, not only when interacting with design organizations, but also with research institutes.
  4. In addition to creating new equipment, one should order updating, repair, modernization of the old, as well as its comprehensive mechanization.

The chief engineer (including the railway) should oversee the development and implementation of all production innovations, as well as oversee automated process control systems. Before introducing new projects, it is necessary to review and decide on whether to approve or reject specific files or ideas.

Manager Responsibilities

  1. Coordination of work on the implementation of patent and inventive activities, standardization, as well as passing the certification procedure for products.
  2. Supervision and verification of certification, as well as the preparation of products and reports for this procedure.
  3. Maintenance of production in the areas of reporting and its preparation for visits by regulatory organizations.

The responsibility of the chief engineer imposes an obligation on him to act on behalf of the technical services of the enterprise. He requests and receives all the information necessary for the implementation of his activities from the heads of structural divisions. In order to fulfill his duties in full, this employee monitors the activities of the heads of structural divisions, and he carefully monitors the technical preparation of the enterprise.

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