
State Civil Service of the Russian Federation

State civil service originates from the most ancient times. Initially, the need for its formation was due to the need to resolve conflicts between tribes, protect against external invasions, and ensure economic integration. state civil service

History reference

In ancient times in Russia, the military unit was at the disposal of the specific prince. It ensured the protection of inhabitants of the subject territory from external enemies and tribal conflicts. The power was in the most initiative princely tribe. As a result, the ruling clan acted as the basis of the emerging public service of that time. In the period of Kievan Rus, the authorities institutionally normalized social actions, adding Western law, written in writing at the time of Yaroslav the Wise. By the 15th century, the category "service people" was officially fixed. State Civil Service of the Russian Federation [The largest reforms were carried out in the era of Peter I. During his reign, legal consolidation of bureaucracy was carried out. It was defined as a population group with a special situation. The most significant achievements during the reform were the “General Regulations”, “The Table of Ranks”, and the Decree “On Fiscals and Positions”. During the 18-19 centuries, a large number of regulations were adopted that regulated the work of civil servants. Subsequent development continued during the era of Nicholas I.

During his reign, the Regulation governing the production process and the ranks of the civil service was approved. The most important normative act was the Charter on the state civil service of the Russian Empire. It was adopted in 1832. This document regulated the main issues that make up the content of the institute. In Soviet times, the control apparatus was formed in accordance with the principles of fraternity, clanism, closeness, as well as the strictest selection by party devotion. As a result, the Soviet state civil service by the end of the 80s of the 20th century had developed as a mothballed sedentary system that rejected everything new.

New stage

It began in the 90s of the last century. Enough extensive socio-economic reforms in Russia coincided in time with international processes of searching for the most effective options for the formation of a management system. It should have been aimed at a specific result, using modern administrative tools and technologies. At the same time, in many countries the task was set to create a mobile public service open to citizens.

Modern realities

The State Civil Service of the Russian Federation operates in accordance with the Constitution. Fundamental is art. 32 (part 4). In it, the state civil service of the Russian Federation is defined as the most important form of public participation in management affairs in the country and society. Along with this, there are two more basic regulatory acts regulating this area. The first is the Federal Law No. 58. Its provisions determine the content and organization of the system. The second is normative act No. 79 "On the state civil service." Let's consider them in more detail.

Regulation No. 58

This Law on State Civil Service is quite capacious and substantial. It is based on the provisions of the Constitution on the principles of creation and subsequent functioning of the institution in question. It also establishes the fundamental freedoms and rights of Russian citizens.The normative act enshrines the principle of the unity of the system, regardless of in which particular bodies it operates. The State law the civil service also determines the organizational and legal foundations of the institution. This, in turn, acts as the foundation for the formation of a certain set of norms. They are common to different levels and types of public service. In accordance with these provisions, the process of establishing the legal basis of the institute continues today. Federal Law on State Civil Service


Law No. 58 has 20 articles. They contain significant changes in the organization of the institute under consideration in comparison with the previous regulatory act No. 199 of July 31, 1995. The new articles provide a consistent explanation of general issues regarding the organization and functioning of the structure. The provisions govern the conditions and system of public service management.


Article 1 of the specified regulatory act clarifies what constitutes a public civil service. It is defined as a type of professional activity of individuals to ensure the implementation of the powers of the authorities, competent authorities, and entities of the country. Authorized persons also include those who fill the positions established by the Constitution, normative acts and the Fundamentals of the regions.

Basic principles

According to the content of the Federal Law "On State Civil Service", the latter is formed in accordance with the principles of unity of organizational and legal bases. An essential condition for the existence and functioning of the institution is openness, the interconnection of municipal and government departments. The main also acts the principle of federalism. Employees have the right to protect their professional activities from any undue interference in it. civil service law

Legal regulation

It is under the general jurisdiction of the entire Russian Federation and its subjects, and the organization is in its own regional subordination. This means that the territorial units must adopt provisions on the basis of regulatory acts of a higher level. The state civil service is considered as a single and integral system.

Staff composition

Civil service posts are divided into three categories. In particular, the structure employs employees:

  • Military units.
  • Federal Service.
  • Law enforcement.

about the state civil service of the RussianThis classification was introduced for the first time in the framework of the institute. This necessitates the determination of the legal status of a public post directly. This will allow the classification of areas of activity of employees as a whole. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to determine the criteria on the basis of which it will be possible to correlate the posts of the state civil service with other specializations of the administrative apparatus of the country. One of the main differences in the organization of the institute today is the exclusion of the principle of non-partisan structure.

Second Federal Law "On the State Civil Service": general information

It is also called the "labor code" of officials and GOST Institute. The Law gives a holistic view of the activities of employees who make up the administrative core of management, realizing the tasks of regulating the social interaction of individuals, organizations, and entities of the country. This regulatory act, in addition, defines the economic, organizational and legal aspects.

Subject of regulation

It is relations related to entering the service and its passage, as well as the termination of activity in the structure. The normative act determines the status (position) of employees.The main idea of ​​this law is the provision of a unified approach to the process of legal regulation of civil civil service, organization of the system as a whole, specification and detailing of the norms of the above-mentioned act.  79 on public serviceIn this case, the focus is on ensuring conditions in which municipal and other branches of the institute and the state civil service can interact. 79-ФЗ is considered one of the backbone regulatory acts in this area. This is due to the fact that it contains the basic concepts of the institute, its foundations are systematically determined.

Principle of publicity

In the new law, it is significantly narrowed. The previously existing normative act No. 199 also enshrined the principle of publicity. However, in reality, it did not become a fundamental aspect in the work of the administrative apparatus. After careful study, the principle of publicity, enshrined in the new Law, became one of the foundations for the construction and operation of the structure of the state civil service. In the regulatory act today it is presented in an integrated form. The principle of publicity is the openness of the functioning of the public service and accessibility to public control.

New provisions

Experts pay special attention to some of them. In particular, Federal Law No. 79 established a new unified procedure for the formation of the personnel structure, the principles of professional training and advanced training, retraining and internships. Also defined are social guarantees provided to employees of the structure. The Law also establishes new categories of employees. Previously, there were groups "A", "B", "C". The new provisions introduced four categories:

  • Providing specialists.
  • Advisers and assistants.
  • Specialists.
  • Leaders.

Another feature is the introduction of class structures for employees. They replaced the qualification ranks and correlate with the military and special ranks of the law enforcement system.

Employee Behavior Requirements

Officials who analyze the compliance of civil servants with their duties, in fact, are vested with the right to subjectively evaluate the activities of employees. The language regarding these powers in the Law is very vague. They lack clear criteria for assessing the content of certain judgments. Any mention of state authorities (in an excellent sense, including), in this way, can be regarded as a violation of the law.

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