
State pension. Pensions for state pension provision

Unfortunately, over time, a person does not get younger, and sooner or later, everyone faces the question of how to live after graduation. In our state, all categories of citizens are provided with pension payments. It can be a labor or state pension. We’ll talk more about the latest guide.

Types of pension payments in the Russian Federation

State pension

According to the legislation of Russia, in our country there are two categories of pension payments. This is a retirement pension, which is a monthly payment designed to compensate for wages lost due to old age or disability. In addition, this includes payments to minors in the event of loss of the breadwinner. Funds for them consist of insurance premiums, which a person transferred to the Pension Fund every month during his entire career.

The second type is state pension pension provision. Unlike labor pensions, their financing is made from the federal budget. It should be noted that in Russia, pension payments are not subject to taxation and, according to the reform carried out in 2002, are divided into two parts - funded and insurance.

When State Security Pensions Are Appointed

If you use the terminology of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the right to state. pension arises in the following cases:

  • if a person has been in the public service for a long time, which, in turn, is divided into the federal civil service and the civil service of the subjects of the federation;
  • these payments are due to military personnel serving in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, law enforcement officers and fire safety agencies;
  • people who have suffered in radiation and man-made disasters;
  • disabled family members of the above categories of citizens, in the event of their death.

Pensions for state pension provision

Like labor pensions, the state is assigned in several cases:

  1. Pension paid for length of service.
  2. State pension paid in old age.
  3. Pension accrued upon loss of a breadwinner.
  4. The pension is social.

State retirement pension

Civil servants who have been in the public service for at least 15 years or who have been in the federal service for at least 1 year have the right to this benefit. The pension of a civil servant may be granted in the following cases:

Civil Servant Pension

  1. With a reduction in the number of federal civil servants in federal (local) government bodies or with the liquidation of government bodies formed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  2. Upon dismissal from posts approved by law.
  3. Upon reaching the age limit, allowing to fill the position of state. service.
  4. In case of inconsistency of the position, due to health reasons that impede further continuation of service.
  5. Upon dismissal of his own free will, associated with the state retirement.

Pensions paid after years of service are set at 45% of the average monthly salary of a civil servant, excluding the insurance and basic parts of the labor pension. It is established and paid along with the retirement pension. If the seniority in the civil service exceeds 15 years, then for each worked year, an addition of 3% is accrued over this, but the total amount cannot be higher than 75% of the average monthly income.A citizen does not receive this type of pension during the period when he occupies a position in the public service.

Accrual of pensions for military personnel

Government Pensions

The state long service pension is granted to persons who have served in the army of the Russian Federation or the CIS, as well as those who have served in the internal affairs, fire safety, drug control authorities and the criminal correction system. To accrue a pension, you must have at least 20 years of service at the time of dismissal from the duty station. In this case, the pension will be 50% of the monetary allowance corresponding to the monetary allowance of the rank from which the military left the service. For each year over twenty years, an increase of 3% is put, but the total amount should not exceed 85% of the monetary allowance.

Also the right to state. in case of dismissal from service upon reaching the age limit, deterioration of health or in connection with other organizational measures, persons who have reached the age of forty-five years, whose total working experience is more than 25 years, and at the same time not less than 12.5 the above organizations. In this case, the pension will be 50% of the monetary allowance corresponding to their rank. For each year of service over 25 years 1% of the specified allowance is charged.

Disability pension

State long service pension

Disability pension is accrued to citizens who served in the conscription service as privates, sergeants and foremen if they were received while serving or not later than three months after the citizen quit military service, but the disability was recognized as a result of a concussion, injuries or illnesses resulting from service.

Retirement benefits

According to the legislation, servicemen who have received disabilities as a result of injuries sustained during hostilities, the length of service pension can be increased within the following limits:

  • disabled people of the first group - 300% of the pension;
  • disabled people of the second group - by 250%;
  • disabled people of the third group - by 175%.

If a disability occurs due to work, a general illness, or other reasons, as well as to participants in the Great Patriotic War included in the categories listed in the Federal Law “On Veterans”, the pension is increased:

  • disabled people of the first group - 250% of the estimated pension;
  • disabled people of the second group - 200%;
  • disabled people of the third group - by 150%.

In addition, a bonus of 100% of the pension disabled people of group I, have reached the age of eighty, and non-working pensioners who are dependent on disabled persons. In this case, the premium will be 32, 64 and 100%, respectively, for one, two and three or more family members.

State Pensions Act

Old age pension

The law on state pensions applies to citizens entitled to an old-age pension as those who took part in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster within the exclusion zone, as well as people who relocated from it or who left it for a new place of residence voluntarily. The allowance is assigned after women have reached 55 years of age and 60 with men, provided that they have at least 5 years of work experience and taking into account the reduction in the retirement age provided for by Russian law, depending on the duration of work or residence in the above zones.

In the event of disability, radiation injury, or other diseases resulting from radiation factors while eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear explosion, their family members are paid pensions for the loss of the bread-winner, regardless of the length of service.

Survivor's pension

As mentioned above, the right to receive a state pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is available to disabled families of military personnel, citizens affected by the elimination of the consequences of radiation disasters, as well as disasters of anthropogenic genesis, and citizens who are among the astronauts.

Disabled family members in this case include:

  • Children, sisters, brothers, grandchildren who are under the age of 18, provided that they are studying in full-time educational institutions, including foreign ones located outside the Russian Federation, excluding institutions that provide additional education. The pension is paid until they reach 23 years of age, in the absence of able-bodied parents.
  • A spouse or one of the parents, brother, sister, grandfather or grandmother who does not have a job, provided that he takes care of the children of the deceased who are not yet 14 years old.
  • One of the parents or spouse of the deceased retirement age or if they are on a disability. An exception is the parents of members of the armed forces who died while serving or due to military trauma.
  • The grandfather or grandmother of the deceased, if their age is 60 or 55 years, or they are disabled, provided that they do not have relatives who are required to support them.
  • Parents of military personnel who died during military service, whose age reached 55 and 60 for women and men, respectively.

State co-financing

state co-financing of pensions

Since 2008, a state program has been launched in Russia co-financing of pensions. According to her, all who filed an application before the end of 2014 and made a contribution of two thousand rubles (minimum contribution) before 01/31/2015 will double the amount of the contribution. The maximum amount to replenish a pension account is twelve thousand rubles per year. Contributions made will double at the expense of the state within ten years. It is also necessary to remember that the state provides a thirteen percent tax deduction for the entire amount deposited.

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