
Urban plan of the land where to get? How to get a town-planning plan for a land plot?

Each developer is required to have an urban development plan, which is a development plan and takes into account all fire safety standards and the indentation from the boundaries of the site. This plan has a lot of requirements that are aimed at ensuring that neighboring buildings do not interfere with each other. But without a town-planning plan it is impossible to obtain building permits. How to get urban development plan of the land? This process is simple, but very painstaking. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance.

Terms and conditions of development

Urban planning conditions and restrictions on the development of a land plot are received upon submitting a request to the bodies of the State Architectural and Construction Inspection and a package of documents that includes:

  • A document on the right to own land or lease it.
  • The plan of its location.
  • Cadastral information and topographic plan.
  • Photographs of the land and everything that surrounds it.
  • Town-planning calculation.

the procedure for obtaining urban planning conditions and land development restrictions

This is the procedure for obtaining urban planning conditions and land development restrictions. After 10 days they will be issued to the applicant. Based on them, a project of the plot and development is compiled.

How to get a land development plan

The main package of documents that will be needed in the process of obtaining the plan is evidence of land ownership of the owner. These documents will be needed at every stage. Sometimes they will have to remain in the inspections, so in advance you need to make several packages of certified copies of these documents. It is advisable to attach a photocopy of your passport to each of them. Without a copy of the passport, documents are not accepted for consideration.

urban development plan of the land where to get

To apply, we appeal to the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, which will subsequently approve the urban development plan of the land plot, where you can also get a list of documents required for its execution. Further, your actions will be fulfilling the conditions for each of these items.

Package of required documents

Development and receipt of the urban development plan of the land takes 30 days. List of requested documents:

  • An application drawn up in any form or on the model issued by the committee for the preparation of the urban development plan.
  • Cadastral plan of the land for construction.
  • The registration certificate for the construction object.
  • An agreement with an engineering and energy complex enterprise.
  • Materials of a topographic survey of the property owned by the owner.
  • Certificate of state registration of rights to a building or structure.
  • Certificate of ownership of the land or lease.
  • Depending on the owner of the land, either a copy of the passport of an individual or a certificate of state registration of legal entities is submitted.
  • In case the land is leased, a document or statement of the owner will be required, confirming his consent to the construction.
  • Acts on the right to ownership of real estate.

Additionally, such documents may be required:

  • Articles of association.
  • Documents establishing the permitted type of construction.
  • The order of the chairman of the committee "On approval of the project planning", "On approval of the project land surveying."
  • General plan.
  • Building plans: floor, building facades.

All documents are submitted in the form of copies certified by a notary, as the documents are handed over finally and are not subject to return to the owner.

Urban Plan

Cadastral statement

The extract contains information:

  • General information about the site.
  • Assigned cadastral number of the plot.
  • Land category.
  • The location.
  • Types of permitted use of the area.
  • Cadastral value.
  • A schematic plan and a detailed description of the land and its borders.

You can get a cadastral statement at the territorial office of Rosreestr.

Topographic survey

To conduct a survey of your land, you need to contact a commercial organization that has experience and permission. To apply for topographic survey of the land you will need:

  • Passport.
  • Cadastral statement of the land.
  • Land certificate with cadastral passport.

how to get a land development plan

Such services are also provided by the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning. Necessarily need several copies of the printed version of the survey, electronic version. The production time in the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning is usually determined in 2-4 weeks.

General plan

Development and receipt of a master plan of a land plot takes an average of 10-14 days. The decision on the placement of existing or only planned objects, the improvement of the territory, the organization of the relief of the vertical layout, the placement of utilities - such data includes the general plan of the land plot. How to get it, and most importantly, where? The development of the master plan is carried out by design firms with special approvals and permits from the SRO.

urban conditions and building restrictions

The master plan will be depicted as a top view of the site, the placement of buildings, paths, capital greenhouses, a garden, artificial ponds, shrubs, flower beds, farm buildings, taking into account the different terrain.

Urban plan of the land. Where to get it?

When the entire package of documents has been collected and ready to be submitted to the competent authorities, the time comes to attach copies of your own passport, a well-written application, to it. Now we’ll go to the Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, where, on the basis of the application and the package of collected documents, your application is assigned a number by which its deadline is tracked. The statutory period is 30 days. During this time, a site plan will be drawn on a scale, with the boundaries entered, a description will be drawn up and approved by the Head of Administration.

general land plot where to get

The urban plan contains the following information:

  • The boundaries of the land.
  • The minimum allowable indentation from the boundaries of the site in order to create the possible location of buildings, structures, to ensure fire safety and a comfortable location with the neighboring site and its buildings.
  • An indication of which types of buildings, their purpose, are allowed on this land.
  • Indication of requirements for the placement parameters of construction objects on the site.
  • Information about the conditions for connecting all the necessary communications.
  • The boundaries of the zone of the planned construction.
  • Information about the possibility or absence of separation of one land plot into several smaller ones.

After the statutory deadline for execution, we return to the Committee, where an application was submitted for the urban development plan of the land plot, where you can get it ready-made.

Reasons for refusal

The Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning may refuse to receive and draw up an urban development plan on the basis that the submitted documentation:

  • It has actual discrepancies in the description of the land, the data provides false information.
  • Incorrectly executed or lacking the necessary documents.
  • Not valid, expired.
  • Does not meet the requirements put forward by the current legislation.

It is necessary to return to the committee where the application was submitted for the town-planning plan of the land plot, where to receive a properly executed refusal to issue it, indicating the reasons. Such a waiver may be mailed. A refusal is not a prohibition on re-filing an application and can be appealed both in pre-trial procedure and in court.

Building permit

The question that arises for the developer after receiving a ready-made urban development plan is “Where and how to get a building permit?”. Everything is very simple. Permission is obtained in the same Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, in which you have drawn up a city-planning plan. To obtain it, you will need the owner’s documents for the site, a ready-made urban development plan and a master plan for the development of the territory.

where and how to get a building permit

The whole process of obtaining permits is not as complicated as it seems, but it can take quite a lot of time and moral strength. The better to prepare for it, the faster and easier it will go. Now, having all the necessary permissions and plans in hand, we proceed to marking up the land plot, the beginning of construction and the improvement of the territory.

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