
How to learn to enjoy life - psychologist's advice

Almost every person, at least once in his life, due to various circumstances, experiences a state of melancholy or depression. The whole world becomes black and white, and nothing brings pleasure. Someone copes with this on their own, someone falls into despondency and sadness for many years, and individuals even come to think of suicide. So how to learn to enjoy life, no matter what? How to overcome difficult emotional experiences and spend each given day over with benefit and pleasure? There is a science that can give answers to questions and help you learn to enjoy life - psychology. Below are the main tips of specialists, from which everyone will be able to choose something suitable personally for themselves.

how to learn to enjoy life

Light from within

First of all, you need to learn the main rule: to change the world, you need to start with yourself. Of course, miracles do happen, but most likely, in real life a magician will not fly in a blue helicopter and will not give five hundred popsicle! You should not expect that by someone's grace one day the world will be painted with all the colors of the rainbow, and a state of long-awaited happiness will come. On the contrary, it is necessary to independently figure out how to learn how to enjoy life and find within yourself the very light that will illuminate all the way, and maybe even become a beacon for others. It is not so easy to do this, but if you really want to, it is very possible!

If a person reads this article, it means that there is a desire to change something, and this is already half the question! Otherwise, expert advice will help.

Tip 1. From a smile it will become brighter

How to learn to smile and enjoy life? This is not at all difficult. You should start with a simple exercise: in the morning, waking up from sleep, look at yourself in the mirror and smile. At first, this smile will be strained and unnatural, but after a while a person himself will not notice how sincerely he smiles at himself and how happy every new day is. To make the process faster, it is worth every time, looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning, to celebrate something good or funny. For example: what neat cute ears, what wonderful shaggy curls, how ridiculously shiny bald head in the sun, what a wondrous cut of eyes. To understand how to learn to enjoy life, you first need to love yourself.

The second exercise: smiling at your relatives and friends, colleagues and neighbors, sellers in a store and a bus driver, etc. Of course, this will be unusual at once, but not at all difficult. What is impossible in that the phrase “one ticket, please” or “good morning, Ivan Ivanovich” brighten up a smile? Almost immediately, people instinctively smile in response, and so simple, simple communication gives positive emotions and fills life with joy. And if someone didn’t smile back, it’s okay, and you should not pay attention to it.

how to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life

Tip 2. Movement is life!

Sports and exercise are the best way to learn how to enjoy life. The advice of all specialists must contain this item. Why? Everything is very simple. When playing sports in the body, endorphin is secreted. This hormone is also called the "hormone of happiness." Thanks to this wonderful substance, a person feels more energetic and active, but how not to rejoice, having experienced a surge of strength and energy? If there is no way to go to the gym, it does not matter. You can go for a run at the nearest school stadium or fill a few empty plastic bottles with water and use them at home as dumbbells, children's sledges will perfectly cope with the role of a sports step.Training programs and classes are freely available in large numbers, so picking them up individually, taking into account physical capabilities and needs, will not be difficult.

how to learn to enjoy life advice of a psychologist

Tip 3. Beauty will save the world

A very good way to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life is to add something new and beautiful to life. It can be a new haircut or hair color, accessories or clothing style, a fashionable pleasant aroma or the color of nail polish. Changes in appearance make you feel more confident, and according to the laws of human nature, this immediately attracts the attention of the opposite sex, which, in turn, will bring a good mood and a lot of pleasure. This advice is especially good for those who have a loss of interest in life caused by unhappy love or a breakup. Moreover, this method is relevant not only for women. Of course, men somehow don’t face painting red nails with varnish, but changing any worn sweater to a shirt and jacket is possible for any representative of the stronger sex. The effect of such changes will also be amazing!

If the appearance is perfect and there is nothing to change, but there is still no joy in life, then you can add beauty around you. For example, make repairs in the apartment. Or at least just change the wallpaper to beautiful and bright. There is no way for such drastic changes? Then you can buy a small flowering plant and put it in a prominent place. A beautiful flower is sure to make you smile and rejoice.

And do not forget about the beauty of mother nature. If possible, you should go out of town and enjoy the silence of the winter forest or the smells of a summer meadow. Just do not forget about the most important rule - the light is inside a person, therefore, negative thoughts need to be driven away, and positive ones need to be developed, thereby developing joy in oneself.

how to learn to enjoy life again

Tip 4. Dreaming is not harmful

You can and should dream at any age and about anything. After all, this is just the case when you can not limit yourself to anything. You can dream about family, about children, about your home, about traveling, about big purchases, about good work, about a big inheritance. Yes, about anything, the main thing is that the dreams are extremely positive. No idea what will happen if war or flood happens! Such thoughts should be immediately discarded, because dreams, as you know, come true! You only need to dream with all your imagination and dedication, which only a person is capable of. Close your eyes and imagine the subject of your dreams, enjoy the moment and get joy from it. And then think carefully about what needs to be done to make this happiness a reality. And get down to action! Perhaps this is how the path to happiness and joy for many years will be paved.

Tip 5. More active, comrades!

How to learn to enjoy life, sitting languidly on the couch in front of the TV? No way! First you need to tear your fifth point from the soft shelter and look around. There are so many interesting things in the world! There is no opportunity, money, time - these are all excuses. An active lifestyle does not mean spending a lot of money and time. It can be walks in the park or chatting with friends in nature, participating in like-minded groups or attending performances by local drama groups, fishing or dancing in the group “For those for whom ...” and much, much more. The main thing is to turn off the bewitching TV with its gloomy news and depressing programs and take positive thoughts about something pleasant every minute of your life. When a person takes an active part in the social and cultural life of even a small town, he simply does not have time to be sad.

And, of course, traveling is a great active pastime. If possible, it is worth going to distant lands and imbued with the culture and customs of different nations.And you can become an active tourist and explore all the sights of the native land, which can be reached on foot or by train with a backpack behind.

learn to enjoy life psychology

Tip 6. Shopping

Another good way to learn how to live and enjoy life is to go shopping. This does not mean that you urgently need to take all your savings or borrow money on the security of an apartment and go squander everything in the nearest boutique. Of course, this is also possible, but the consequences of such a campaign can further drive into a dead end. This matter must be approached wisely.

First, set aside for yourself, for example, one day a week or a month, tune in to positive and go shopping and shopping malls. In this case, be sure to apply advice number 1 (smile at the sellers) and advice number 5 (actively walk).

Secondly, if there is no money for grand purchases, then you can go shopping all sorts of little things, for example, for women it can be hair clips, and for men - screwdrivers.

Thirdly, the task of shopping in this case is not the acquisition of a large number of new things, but rather distraction from negative thoughts, active movements (it is better to move on foot, rather than by car), communicate with new strangers.

life learn to enjoy simple things

Tip 7. Everything is relative

How to learn to enjoy life again, if something very bad happened, and it seems that the light went out forever? First of all, look around and compare your position and yourself with those who are even worse. There are many people around whose problems and losses cannot be described without tears, but nevertheless many of them find the strength not only to live on, but also to enjoy life. It is worth thinking about those people who suffered great losses, who have no health, who live on the street and can not eat every day. The method may seem creepy to someone, but it is effective.

Tip 8. Welcome back a hundredfold

If you don’t like walking, traveling, playing sports, or shopping, then how do you learn to enjoy life? Psychologist's advice is for any person! So, another wonderful way to regain the feeling of fullness of life and joy is to help other people. You can become a volunteer in some charitable organization and help the sick. Or take care, for example, of the old women from their home, take patronage over them and help with the housework. Or give out food to the homeless once a week. Or find out what kind of help is needed in orphanages, and take part in what is possible. In general, there are many sick and deprived people around, therefore there are also many options for helping others.

How does this help? Very simple! Firstly, tip number 7 will automatically work, and in comparison many problems seem far-fetched and not serious. Secondly, sincere gratitude and appreciative smiles of those who have been helped will bring satisfaction and give joy.

Tip 9. Nice little things

It is absolutely necessary in life to learn to enjoy simple things. It is impossible to appreciate that the sun is shining brightly or the snow on the trees is white and white? We apply advice number 7. Someone is blind and can never see either the sun or snow, so to see is already a great joy! There is a simple exercise to make sure of this: blindfold your eyes with a thick cloth and try to live at least one hour of time without seeing anything. Having removed the blindfold, you will definitely feel a state of relief and joy from such a simple everyday thing - to see everything around.

Another option is to surround yourself with a sweet heart and significant trinkets. Put on the desktop a picture drawn by the little son in kindergarten. Or get a tea set “for a special occasion” from the sideboard and drink tea from it every day. Or buy this funny pendant in the form of a hippopotamus in a store around the corner and wear it, despite the suspicious looks of colleagues. The main thing is that a simple object bring joy and give positive emotions.

how to learn to live and enjoy life

Tip 10. Patience and labor will rub everything

How to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life? Another easy way is to work! Occupy your hands and thoughts useful business. This can be either a permanent job with a full schedule and by profession, or classes for the soul or active work for the benefit of society and the country. For example, devote yourself to accounting and build a good career. Or knit sweaters, hats and mittens for the whole family all winter ahead. Or become an active member of a political party and promote ideas in the people. In general, the main thing is to do something, and then there will be neither time nor energy for sadness and gloom, and the joy of the successes will come by itself.

Special cases

How to learn to enjoy life again for those who survived the loss of a loved one? If the case is not particularly difficult, then it is worth trying all or separately taken, the tips given above. You can also join groups and chat with those who have experienced similar troubles. However, there are times when you cannot do without a real psychologist, and self-medication can only do much harm. Do not be afraid to seek help from a specialist, because mental illness is the same ailment as physical. Not provided assistance in time can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, if you can’t cope with the trouble yourself, you must urgently make an appointment with a qualified specialist.


how to learn to smile and enjoy life

So how to learn to enjoy life? The advice of a psychologist listed above is not the whole list. These are just indications of directions in which to move in search of your individual effective method. The main thing is to want to be happy and enjoy life, not to wait for weather from the sea, but to act and look for problems and their solutions within yourself, and not in others. And then everything will surely work out.

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