
How to get people to yourself? Tips

Sometimes dealing with strangers can be uncomfortable. Knowing how to get people to yourself, you can avoid many mistakes in communication and even make friends. Regardless of how the dialogue takes place (face-to-face, by phone, on a social network or via email), the ability to interest an interlocutor will always be welcome.

Remember the name

There are a variety of ways to win people over. From the first minutes of your acquaintance, it’s worth remembering the name of the person, the place of your meeting.

six ways to win peopleIt’s better to ask the interlocutor’s name several times, so that you can use him later in the conversation. This method makes it clear how interesting the person with whom communication takes place. This will appeal to you.


How to get people to yourself? An important and indispensable way is the ability to smile. In this case, the interlocutor makes contact easier and feels more comfortable. Avoid artificial and insincere smiles, however.

how to get people to yourselfThe best way to polish social communication skills is to support existing relationships. After all, if you are able to be boring for someone for a long time, then meeting a new person will be easier.

Demonstration of Interest

Trying to understand how to win over people, it is important to learn to listen and hear the person you are talking to. Interrupting the conversation every minute in order to express your opinion on the question, trying to always control the course of the conversation, you will not make real friends. But the demonstration of their interest in the opinion of the opposite side will only facilitate communication.

Nice offer

A good way to attract positive attention to yourself, as well as defuse the atmosphere among unexpected guests at home, is to offer them something to drink or eat. This will immediately make a formal conversation more friendly. And if you learn how to cook some simple but tasty snacks from the most common products, then the meeting will only be a joy.

"Rules of the elevator"

How to get people to yourself? Now consider another noteworthy method. To support the door for a person walking behind, to open it to someone nearby is considered a sign of good taste. If you have already begun to behave this way, do not change your habits. Continue to show small tokens, and others will appreciate it.

ways to win people overActing according to the “elevator rule”, it is better to let your companion in front of you and release first. This is best done not only in the elevator, but also in an airplane, bus or train.

Some more rules

So how to win over people? We will now explain some simple rules.

  1. Brief, understandable and politely written e-mails are always a pleasure to read. Indeed, long and slurred letters only annoy and are not a good way to transmit information.
  2. When talking on a cell phone, remember the place where you do it and the time. The entire bus should not know what you ate today or what diseases your doctor discovered.
  3. Having shown interest in the hobby of another person, you, firstly, earn his respect, and secondly, you yourself can acquire an additional hobby.
  4. Self-confidence undoubtedly attracts people. This is a matter of respect.
  5. If someone else has approached your company, it will be polite to immediately introduce him to the essence of the conversation.
  6. Each person reacts differently to a discussion of what is happening to them. You should remember this before asking about events in your personal life. In addition, you should keep your distance during the conversation and avoid invading the interlocutor’s personal space.
  7. By learning to introduce yourself correctly, you can easily make contact with other people. Today, many cannot do this.
  8. How to get people to yourself? The following method can be entitled under the slogan "Always be optimistic." Whining and complaints about life are unlikely to attract anyone, but only spoil the impression of you. No one likes boring bores.
  9. In addition, talkers are also hard to earn respect. Everyone knows the "tongued magpies" who constantly talk, and it's hard to shut up. For the most part, people want to communicate on equal terms, rather than listen to long monologues.
  10. Be patient and tolerant. Sometimes these qualities allow you to find out what secrets are hidden in the soul of a person.
  11. Trying not to argue in vain with other people, you will respect them. In addition, in an attempt to understand their point of view, you may find that it is not without common sense.

This list is not final and may be supplemented by other provisions.

Carnegie Rules

D. Carnegie, a famous psychologist and author of many books on psychology, identified six ways to win people over:how to win people

  1. A sincere interest in people.
  2. Smile.
  3. Mandatory mention of the name of the interlocutor in the conversation.
  4. Make people want to tell you about themselves, listen to them with genuine attention.
  5. Consider the interests of another person when talking with him.
  6. Let people feel meaningful and irreplaceable.

These simple rules will help you make new friends.

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