
How to draw up a cadastral plan of the land. Land Cadastral Plan Form

In the process of registration of the land in the property have to deal with various concepts. Not everyone knows the meaning of certain definitions, the purpose of various documents. Let us further consider what constitutes a cadastral plan of the land area. cadastral plan of the land

What is accounting for?

There are certain authorized bodies that carry out activities in the field of land management. Special authorities enter information about the immovable object into a single database. Based on these data, a cadastral map (plan) of the land plot is compiled. Simply put, information is evidence that an object does exist.

What is a cadastral plan of a land plot?

Rosreestr keeps a register of real estate. The main requirement for the allotment is the presence of a scheme on which its boundaries will be indicated. The form of the cadastral plan of the land approved by law.

Document Content

The cadastral plan of the land includes:

  1. General data on the object.
  2. The name of the authority that is responsible for registration.
  3. Registration number.
  4. Information about land rights.
  5. Location put on.
  6. Identification number of the site.
  7. Information about allotments with which the common border passes.
  8. The purpose of the inventory. cadastral plan of the land plot

The document has a graphic and text block. The cadastral plan of the land should contain an allotment scheme. It describes the boundaries, data on neighboring plots. The text block provides information about the parts of the site, their territorial contours are indicated. Providing this information is not a prerequisite. The cadastral plan of the land should be implemented in duplicate. This requirement is presented by the state registration authority.

What papers are needed to get a cadastral plan of a land plot?

Rosreestr will require the following documents:

  • Statement. It is written and certified by the signature of the owner of the allotment. The application can be sent electronically.
  • Receipt that the state duty was paid for registration.
  • Boundary plan. cadastral plan of the land

Passport to the object

This document will contain allotment information. A cadastral passport must be submitted to the authority that carries out state registration of law. Without this, it is impossible to carry out any transactions with the object. The cadastral passport will be issued to the owner upon registration of the land and assignment of an individual number. This document is an extract from the database. To obtain it, there is no need to re-survey. To obtain a cadastral passport, you should apply with a corresponding request - a statement.


Domestic legislation does not establish a specific period during which the cadastral passport is valid. It is believed that it is relevant as long as all the information that is present in it is true. If there are any changes directly on the allotment, then it is necessary to re-survey. This, in turn, will affect the data contained in the cadastral plan of the land. A registered passport can be obtained at any time. cadastral map land plan

Document Issue Procedure

After the survey and receipt of the relevant papers about this should be entered into the USR.To do this, you must contact the cadastral chamber, providing updated data on the site in accordance with the land survey. An application is submitted to the authorized body. It indicates the request to enter information into the register and issue a cadastral plan. The application is drawn up on a letterhead of the established form - it will be issued by an employee of the body. A boundary plan should be attached to the application.

Important point

The documents should not have any cleanings or corrections. All copies of papers that will be requested additionally must be certified by the issuing authority. The cadastral chamber specialist certifies the documents received from the applicant with a signature. In return, he issues a receipt. It records the fact that the documents have been accepted, and also indicates the phone number for communication with the issuing department.

land cadastral plan form

Request term

Within a month, the cadastral chamber is obliged to enter the information provided by the applicant into the register. After this, the owner of the allotment receives the relevant statement. The number of copies must match the number indicated in the application. To register the right, you need to provide 2 copies of the plan.

What should I look for?

After receiving the documentation, you should see if everything is correctly filled out. First of all, it is necessary to compare whether the same information is present in both copies. Each extract sheet should have a serial number, as well as the signature of a specialist of the chamber. The papers shall include data in the following lines:

  • Cadastral number. This combination of numbers is a unique designation that is assigned to the allotment.
  • Location This column indicates the place where the plot is located within the cadastral quarter.
  • Category. In some cases, “not installed” may be indicated.
  • Purpose of the provision. This column should say “state registration”.
  • Square. It is indicated according to the survey.
  • Special Marks. This column may provide information on the refinement of the area in accordance with the survey, as well as information on the rights of the applicant.


In general, the procedure for obtaining a plan is simple. As a rule, problems arise at the stage of clarifying boundaries - surveying. In these cases, often the neighbors cannot come to an agreement, often the case comes to court. This is what delays the entire process of obtaining documents. If the neighbors manage to solve everything without disputes, the survey is relatively quick. It is necessary to remind that registration of the site, receipt of the plan and passport are a prerequisite for the subsequent registration of the site. This, in turn, gives more opportunities to the owner of the allotment to dispose of it at his discretion.

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