
How to open a franchise pharmacy? Franchise pharmacies: options and business opportunities

The pharmacy franchise is today considered as a rather promising option for the development of any network companies, and even in Russia there are a number of companies offering other businessmen the development of such technology. However, many aspiring entrepreneurs are not aware of what the main features of running such a business are and what needs to be considered in the process of opening it.

What are the benefits of such a job?

pharmacy franchise

A pharmacy franchise provides benefits for each party. First of all, a large company assists a beginner in the form of earning initial capital, as a result of which she acquires a name, a trademark, and also begins to provide products with noticeable discounts, while saving on the creation of her own regional network.

Franchise pharmacies today is a very, very common option business in the countries of Europe. The main advantage of this option is precisely the combination of large and small businesses, in which a well-developed business system and proven technologies are transferred from a large company to a novice entrepreneur.

How beneficial is it?

In the predominant majority of cases, such a business pays off in about a year and a half or two years, in particular, such indicators are demonstrated by the “Pharmacy from the warehouse”, whose franchise is often issued recently.

Payback is also possible in a faster time, as well as ensuring larger profits if the innovations provided by the franchisor are implemented effectively and actively. At the same time, for the company that distributes the franchise, the payback of such a business model is ensured by the profit that it receives from the realization of the rights to its intangible assets. It will also fully cover the various costs of creating, maintaining and monitoring the activities of franchisees.

It is worth noting that when this sphere only began to be introduced on the territory of Russia, many professional specialists did not meet it with any enthusiasm. The difficulties were mainly connected with the fact that opening a pharmacy on a franchise is, in principle, not a very clear thing for many Russians, because even businessmen from other areas do not understand all the features of this type of activity.

How to open it?

pharmacy from stock franchise

If a person is going to open his own pharmacy from scratch and at the same time does not know where to start, then in this case it is best to get acquainted with the history of the largest brands. Suppliers of large networks mainly offer franchisees the most diverse terms of cooperation. Moreover, if necessary, if you do not fully know how to open a franchise pharmacy, specialized departments of such companies can assist partners in opening their own branch and in further developing the business on mutually beneficial conditions.

The modern branch affiliation of most pharmacies dictates rather serious requirements for new branches, regardless of whether a full-fledged pharmacy or just a certain point / kiosk is opened. Thus, first of all, it will be necessary to prepare a sufficiently extensive package of necessary documentation, which causes the most difficulties for beginning businessmen, as a result of which some even think about whether it is possible to open such an institution without a license.

Success Conditions

franchise pharmacy opening

Before opening a franchise pharmacy, many experts recommend the following.

  1. Decide on the type of franchise.

Before you purchase a franchise, you must understand that there are a fairly large number of different options for franchising, and each can be used under certain conditions. For example, there is an option with marketing franchising for pharmacies, but when you create it, you will need to take into account all the difficulties that are associated with the centralization of the managerial function. Commodity franchising is possible when there is a manufacturer supplying a complete pharmacy assortment.

  • Choose your partner wisely.

In the vast majority of cases, the use of franchising by modern businessmen occurs in three cases:

  1. The company works from scratch, that is, the entrepreneur currently does not have experience in running a pharmacy business, so he wants to learn proven technologies.
  2. There was a desire to expand your own pharmacy business or qualitatively change the pharmacy in order to get competitive advantages.
  3. Diversification of the business is required, that is, the expansion of their own non-pharmacy activities through the use of investments in non-core businesses, which ultimately allows for greater sustainability of their own business.

To date, you can already see a fairly large number of companies that offer a similar system of doing business. For example, the Social Pharmacy, whose franchise is quite widespread, offers businessmen in almost every city the conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation. In the same way, many other companies provide businessmen with the opportunity to conclude a partnership agreement on a long-term basis.


pharmacy chain franchise

Over the past 20 years, this network has been awarded the Idea of ​​Health award several times as the best company producing biologically active food additives. It is also worth noting the fact that this brand has been repeatedly recognized as the leader in the current pharmaceutical market of Russia. The franchise of the Evalar pharmacy chain is also attractive for the reason that every resident of Russia knows this name thanks to the products manufactured by this company, used by many. At the moment, the network is widespread in Moscow and Altai.

Features of work

If we talk about the benefits and available opportunities that the company gives its partners, it is worth noting the following:

  • the right to use a brand known throughout Russia;
  • full support in the process of registration of premises, that is, an individual project in the corporate style is drawn up, as well as the external design and outdoor sign are thought out;
  • equipment necessary for the proper placement of marketable products is provided;
  • support is provided in the process of conducting advertising campaigns;
  • a lot of specialized bonuses are provided for by the sale of Evalar products;
  • assistance is provided in the process of forming the initial product range, as well as subsequent equipping them with prices and advertising attributes;
  • absolutely free training for personnel at a particular point (conducting specialized trainings and seminars);
  • constant support in the course of the partnership agreement;
  • advice from qualified lawyers on issues related to business management, development of an individual trading strategy, staff recruitment, etc.


pharmacy franchise implosion

The implosion pharmacy franchise is also a rather interesting option, as the company has been operating on the market for almost 25 years. The franchise-based pharmacy chain has been actively developing since 2001, and currently more than 550 enterprises are already operating under the brand of this company, and all are united into a single computer network.Employees of the organization constantly monitor that all enterprises actively introduce new business management technologies to ensure maximum productivity.

At the moment, the company has a reference department in which you can always find out exactly which pharmacies are part of the network. Buyers can get a discount card that gives them discounts ranging from 5% to 10%.

What are the benefits?

The network stands out with the following advantages:

  • full support is provided in the process of developing the design of a retail space;
  • already achieved a sufficiently high level of automation of each outlet;
  • high-quality transport logistics is provided;
  • assistance is provided in the development of the trading concept of an individual enterprise;
  • discounts are provided for the purchase of an initial assortment of trading products;
  • Optimization of received goods in a retail pharmacy is provided;
  • given the opportunity to independently engage in the analysis of their own business indicators;
  • there are lots of programs for promoting various commodity products, including also special tools for organizing your own advertising;
  • there is constant staff training and advanced training, which is done in order to increase turnover;
  • regular development support is provided.

It should be noted that, unlike the conditions offered by the same Sovetskaya Pharmacy, the Implosia franchise can only be used in case of rented premises on the ground floor with an area of ​​40 to 200 m2, as well as in the presence of starting capital of at least $ 150,000. This amount is required in order to arrange the premises, purchase the necessary equipment and various inventories.


pharmacy franchise

The franchise of the Gorzdrav pharmacy also often attracts the attention of novice businessmen, since the pharmacy chain has been operating since 1989. Initially, this company specialized in the production of various medicines and dietary supplements, and the first pharmacy for wholesale was founded only in 1993. At the moment, the company holds the largest pharmacy network, which is engaged in retail and wholesale trade - selling the widest range of imported and domestic medicines, as well as all kinds of hygiene products, medical cosmetics and equipment.

Main advantages

If we talk about the advantages of Gorzdrav pharmacies, then it is worth noting the following:

  • sufficiently high quality of any product;
  • affordable prices;
  • the presence of a wide range of goods.

Today the company is part of the pharmacy chain A.V.E. and has approximately 200 outlets located in Moscow and the capital region.

"Soviet pharmacy"

open franchise pharmacy

If you are interested in the “at home” pharmacy format with the sale of medicines in the low price segment, then the “Soviet pharmacy” franchise is suitable for you. Reviews about working with this company are quite positive, as it sets very clear requirements for the franchisee, while providing full support.


Organization requirements are as follows:

  • room with an area of ​​more than 34 m2;
  • the presence of starting capital of at least 1,500,000 rubles;
  • compliance with standards;
  • choosing a place with good traffic (ensuring the necessary traffic);
  • stained glass windows are desirable;
  • location of the premises on the ground floor.

What gives the company itself?

If all the requirements established by this organization are fully complied with by the entrepreneur, the organization proposes the following:

  • performance of all procedures related to obtaining a license;
  • conducting a full analysis of your premises in order to adapt it to the conduct of pharmacy activities;
  • supply of necessary retail furniture in accordance with the developed design;
  • provision of all necessary medical equipment;
  • development and supply of banners, as well as an advertising sign;
  • full automation of the pharmacy by the company's specialists using specialized software;
  • training employees in various work processes;
  • supply of all marketable products to fill the assortment.

Thus, you can choose which pharmacy chain you like the most. To date, there is a fairly large number of the most diverse companies, and this is not a complete list of all functioning organizations that provide the opportunity to open their own pharmacy franchise. For this reason, this line of business today is so widespread.

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