
How to open a business in the USA? Business ideas from the USA. Buying and selling a business in the USA

Today, one of the most economically developed countries is the United States. Due to the fact that there are no problems with moving from one state to another a long time ago, a huge number of our compatriots move to America for permanent residence.

One reason for this global decision is the desire to build a business in the United States. But is everything as simple as many people think? Are there any pitfalls in this business? Let's figure it out.

business in usa

Is it easy?

Some argue that in order to start doing business in the States, it will take a lot of money and effort. In some cases it is. Therefore, before you plunge into the business life in America, you need to solve several important issues. Firstly, it is worth choosing the area in which you want to conduct your business. After all, in the USA federated device and each state on its personal territory has sovereignty. Accordingly, the level of taxation is different everywhere.

For example, in the state of New York, visitors are generally forbidden to open their own corporation, and in Nevada there is a double taxation regulation. According to the laws of Delaware, an institution may generally consist of one member who is entitled to pay taxes in two persons - both legal and physical.

In some states, local business tax is not levied at all. There, just once a year, a re-registration fee is taken. It makes about 200 dollars. That is why the choice of staff for starting a business must be approached with great care.

What are the advantages of doing business in the USA?

The benefits of starting a business in America are many. For example:

  • When paying taxes in the United States, you do not have to fork out for them in the CIS countries. The fact is that between the latter and America there is an agreement that provides for this.
  • If a company that is registered in the United States makes a profit outside of it, no tax is levied on that income.
  • In America there are so-called nominee directors who, by your power of attorney, can sign all documents on their own behalf, but at the same time they have no rights to manage the company and your property.
  • When you create branches of the company in the CIS countries or Russia, you are granted privileges for the import of office equipment, furniture, computers and accessories, even machines.
  • If you have opened a business in the USA, you have every right to do absolutely any business that does not require additional licenses. You are also allowed to use loans, buy real estate, open bank accounts.

types of small business in usa

Choosing the form of doing business

This issue should be determined immediately after choosing the state in which you will implement your plans. You can do business in the USA in several ways, the most popular of which are the following:

  • partnership;
  • individual entrepreneurship;
  • corporation;
  • limited liability company.

To register a business, you must contact the Department, where you will be issued a license. Before you do this, you need to decide on the name of your organization. In this case, the choice should fall on the name, which is not yet. You can check this in a special database accessible to everyone.

So what is better?

For a better understanding of each form of entrepreneurship, they can be compared with the types of Russian business.For example, partnership is the same as our partnership, a corporation is something like a joint-stock company, and individual entrepreneurship and a limited liability organization are identical to the Russian options.

Any type of small business in the USA has its pitfalls. The most convenient form is individual entrepreneurship. Firstly, the owners of such a business are not required to submit any reports on its conduct. Secondly, you will make all management decisions yourself.

In the event that your choice fell on a corporation, limited liability company or non-profit activity, you will face another obstacle. The company will need to be registered at the state level.

Although in some cases, the best option would be a limited liability company. Small business in the United States in this form is attracted by the simplicity of the institution, the lack of personal responsibility of all shareholders for the actions of a legal entity, as well as the large volumes of powers of participants.

To carry out real activities, it is worth choosing a corporation. This is one of the most secure and stable forms of doing business. If certain conditions are met, then income from a company outside the United States is not taxed. But in America itself you have to pay twice. First, from the profits of the corporation, then from the shareholders' own income.

The first steps

To start an entrepreneur in the United States, you need to create a business plan. It is mandatory to take into account possible monetary risks and calculate all the costs. After that, you will already have a general idea of ​​whether you will pull a business in the USA or not. If the finances are tight, then you can try to find sponsors who will invest their money in your project.

If you figured out this step and have not yet changed your mind about becoming an entrepreneur, you can attend special seminars that will introduce you to the course of things in more detail. As a rule, they are held free of charge. Also conduct your mini-research on the Internet to familiarize yourself with all the requirements of the authorities of the state in which you will be implementing your new business ideas in the USA, and find all the necessary sample forms and forms.

Next, get your tax number. In this case, it is worth considering one nuance. You need to know exactly what number you need to complete your work in America.

The next step is to register with the tax service both in the United States and in Russia. And the last thing you need to do to start your business in the USA is to obtain permits and a license to work.

But what about the visa?

This question is also very important. If you are going to open a business in the USA, then you need to apply for a work visa (valid for three years) at the embassy of the country. But for this one condition must be met - it is forbidden to work only in the States. In other words, you must have some kind of business outside.

At the end of this visa, you will already have the right to receive the so-called Green Card. It is worth considering that in order to implement your new business ideas in the USA, the purchase of a tourist visa will not help you. At the same time, you will be issued a B-1 visa to enter the country, and after you start your business, you can change it to L-1.

Possible difficulties

The most common difficulty faced by Russian entrepreneurs in America is the problem with the law. There is a very complicated tax code, so in order to avoid paying heavy fines for violation of any tax, you need to seek help from knowledgeable economists or lawyers.

business ideas in usa

Buying and selling a business in the USA

If you do not want to spend time studying all the details that you need to start your business from scratch, there is one way out. You can just buy a ready-made business topics of interest to you.But it’s worth considering that then you will have to conduct a full check of the project for debts and all that. When making a sale transaction, all points of US law must be considered.

If you are fed up with your business, then you can always get rid of it. In other words, to sell. But this will take a lot of time. Approximate stages of selling a business in America:

  • conclusion and signing of an agreement between the broker and the owner, which clearly spells out all the conditions;
  • Formation by the broker of a package of documents necessary for selling his business idea from the USA;
  • preparation of a sales plan by a broker;
  • acquaintance of the owner with the sales plan and its approval;
  • transfer of business to a new owner.


We list what Americans are doing who want to make a profit:

  • Selling chocolate in its various forms. For example, the creator of the Nutella idea on this business idea was simply enriched.
  • Selling clothes and various accessories over the Internet.
  • Mass production of energy drinks that were originally intended for athletes. The Americans also thought of this.
  • Automatic machines that sell coffee and food on their own.
  • Breathable shoes (with holes).
  • Stickers on t-shirts that increase the cost of a simple thing 2 times.
  • Everyone's favorite jeans are also an invention of the Americans.

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