
Fast-paced, highly profitable business: new ideas

Starting a business in any field, every entrepreneur hopes to get a high income and a very fast return on investment. If you look at doing business from a financial point of view, any business should be highly profitable and quickly payback (even if it is a legal business that pays off very slowly). This is the main goal of every entrepreneur.

However, in practice, of course, everything is not so smooth. Any business is a risk that its owner bears. First of all, this risk is displayed on the wallet. If a niche for a private business is chosen incorrectly, or if the business owner does not take responsibility for his work, he will suffer serious losses. And this will be the result of his decisions regarding what production ideas he used.

highly profitable business

In this article, we will not talk about this, criticizing or justifying certain approaches used in private enterprise. Instead, we’ll give you a list of ideas that can grow into a highly profitable business. In fact, there are many more. Just fit all in one article, as you know, is not possible.

Maybe you are interested in one or another of them, and you want to start working in a certain niche. Check out this article, and hopefully, it will help you determine your choice of which highly profitable business with minimal investment you will build.

Banal idea: a power point

First of all, we present to you such an inconspicuous and at first glance unusual idea, as launching your own business selling some street drinks or food. It would seem that there is enough such "good" in every city. Why build more?

new business ideas

And in some ways you really will be right. Yes, today at every bus stop you can see dozens of stalls with shawarma or coffee in any city. But this does not mean that all these outlets are a “wall” that their competitors cannot get around. As a rule, such business enterprises operate according to more conservative models familiar to customers. This means that they cannot offer anything new. But you can do it by applying your new production ideas. What does this mean in practice? How to ensure that customers appreciate your efforts and get used to your products?

Original approach

From a regular supply point, you can make a quick-pay business if you competently approach the question of what exactly you would like to run. And now, it should be noted that unusual formats are in great demand. People are not interested in buying something that has been on the market for a long time and may have had time to “bother”, but want to try something new - something that they have not yet encountered.

Sell ​​a new kind of ice cream. Or study some rare foreign recipes for making coffee, which will allow you to create a novelty that you can offer your customer. Try to make it as original as possible and you will see that at low cost you can get high income on an ongoing basis due to the originality of your idea.

For an example, we can turn to history and, say, recall the “revolution” that came to the market after the start of the sale of Wok noodles. The same applies to some new drinks: cocktails, coffee and so on.

Opening a clothing store

In our understanding, clothing is a familiar business in which there is huge competition and there are no promotion opportunities for beginners.However, using the original approach, you can win.

production ideas

Remember the shops with European goods. Before they became so popular, people did not know about the existence of such a business model. Today, by opening a beautifully designed store with affordable European brands in some residential area, you can create your own highly profitable business. After all, people will always need clothes, and the ability to offer goods at a more affordable price in a crisis is an ideal solution to increase sales.

Check out the stores that sell second-hand goods. With the help of special promotional days when the products have a reduced cost, the owners of such a business attract a large number of customers who are simply ready to fight for the opportunity to master this or that thing. And buying goods in bulk and selling by the piece, you can make good money by paying back your investments in premises and staff.

Seasonal business

Do you like to walk in the park? If so, then you probably know that in any popular place, such as a park, square or embankment, especially on hot summer days, the so-called seasonal goods like beer, ice cream and cotton candy are in great demand. Having opened a point with the sale of such products, you can recoup investments in a few days of trading.

quick-pay business

The advantage of such a business is, firstly, in low costs (apparatus for producing cotton candy is inexpensive); secondly, it is always a sought-after business (at least in good weather). People will not stop walking in parks and squares with their children, which means that the demand for such services will be constant.

Such a niche also has disadvantages. First of all, this is legality. Making such a point under the law is very difficult. You will need to collect not only a bunch of documents regarding your products and the sanitary and hygienic conditions for their sale, but also, probably, obtain permission from the city authorities. As we all perfectly understand, such a business cannot be conducted without the corruption component, which means that you need to be able to negotiate.

Specifically, this business includes not only cotton wool and ice cream, but also fresh juices, hot dogs, hot corn in glasses and much more.

Internet business

The topic of online employment has been raised a million times on various websites, forums and blogs about business. This is an inexhaustible source of opportunities, and if you do not know how to agree on installing your shawarma stall somewhere on the beach, you can always go to the Internet industry. Fortunately, there is enough work for everyone. Yes, and you can do anything: from creating sites to order and ending with the development of mobile games.

legal business

In this industry, however, you will always need some kind of professional knowledge and skills: programming, design, working with various editors and so on. If you already know how to work with all this, you can always earn income using an online connection. If you have not encountered such areas of work before, you can build your highly profitable business by selling some goods and services. The main thing is to correctly determine where you are going to look for customers, why they will contact you, and where you will start your business in the first place.


Not sure what your first steps as an entrepreneur should be? No problem! A highly profitable business can be built without experience. And now we do not mean anything illegal at all. Everyone can become a businessman in as soon as possible and get a complete arsenal of tools needed in the work. All this is possible thanks to such a form of cooperation as a franchise.

You have probably heard this term and, most likely, are even familiar with this market.The essence of the franchise is that a company that already owns some kind of business connects business partners who, adopting experience and using the existing (well-known and reputable) brand, start working.

Company selection

In order to get such a fast-paced business, you must correctly choose the company whose franchise you would like to acquire. After all, your success depends on how well known this or that brand (to the buyer) is. Try to choose the most successful and reputable company in your niche that operates on a franchise. And find out what she offers.

demanded business

Having bought the right to use the brand and having set up a point of sale, you can get your legal business in a couple of weeks. At the same time, the franchise seller company will provide the necessary information on how to conduct their business, what is necessary for this, and so on.


If you do not want to contact the franchise - engage in banal mediation. It can also be called a “highly profitable business from scratch,” if you choose the right niche. The advantage of this area is the lack of any framework: you can provide this kind of service with real estate, as well as with cars and even house cleaning services. Just create the appearance of a reputable company, match it - and customers will turn to you for help. It all depends on how you organize your company, how you will work, and with what specialists you will begin to cooperate.


As practice shows, the most profitable are always new ideas for business. It is through them that companies are created that manage to break out into market leaders and occupy their niche. Sometimes, being more successful, such enterprises bypass even those who previously seemed "number one" in their niche.

highly profitable business with minimal investment

Therefore, we advise you to fantasize and reflect on your future business as much as possible. Look for the problems that people face. Find their solutions. Create structures and mechanisms with which they will have a systemic, integrated character. And, of course, never be discouraged. All new business ideas should be implemented at the right time. You can’t just start a project and expect it to be very successful. It takes some time until users appreciate it, get used to it, and until it starts making money for you.

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